Ekiya The Snake

The Princess was standing there for minutes after the king had left. It was unknown if she had even heard what he said!

Then finally she seemed to come out of her shock, first, her eye twitched. Then her mouth moved through so many different expressions it was nearly impossible to tell what was going on inside of her head. Finally, it all ended with her having a small smile. Then she slowly looked around, finally working out that she had been left alone.

Then from out of one of the many side doors which led into the throne room. A man walked in. It only would take anyone one glance to know that he was within the military. In fact, his uniform clearly signified that he was of a high rank, and as the Princess looked at him she went to give a military salute.

Then just before the Princess could, the man instead gave one got onto one knee and bowed down.

The Princess instead awkwardly pretend to swat away a bug, all it would take is just one glance to know that she was not used to this kind of thing happening to her although she was a Princess!

In a clear and righteous tone, much unline what she had been using previously in the palace she said, "You may rise."

The soldier then stood up slowly. He was much younger than one would first think and the rank on his uniform indicated that he was a major-general! This rank, was just below the grand-general which was currently just being held by the King. Although a lot of the time this rank would have been given out to someone else and not held by the Monarch.

While the Princess was still working out what to say, the soldier began to speak.

"Your Highness, as per the King's decree. Messengers have been sent out to the relevant regiments and they all will have gathered at the northern military encampment within five days. Aside from that a logistic squad as well as an intelligence unit will also be there at that time and will be sent with you."

The soldier, then seemingly finished giving his report, just stood there quietly at attention. No trace of emotion could be shown across his face. What he had said, though reminded the Princess of how organized and efficient the military really is. The decree had only been sent out around ten minutes ago and yet the command had already been given for the relevant troops to be assembled.

The Princess, after stood there looking at the soldier for a minute, before finally remembering what she must do.

"Thank you, you are dismissed."

The soldier then gave a small bow, before turning around and walking off.

The Princess could be heard to be mumbling to herself..almost chastising herself.

"Why am I so stupid sometimes. This is the palace. Not the military fort. I hold a higher rank than him here as a Princess. How could I forget that? Just calm down."

Then after a few minutes of some deep breathing, she seemed to have calmed herself down and some sharp focus came into her eyes. After all, she still was one of the most talented and cable soldiers in the kingdom.

Then with a confidence that she never shows around the palace, she stood out of the throne room, heading towards her own quarters. It was time that she prepared herself fully for what was to come. She had finally been given a chance! Though she still knew that a decision had to be made...Would she fight for the Throne? Or just settle in her new domain and escape the clutches of being a royal?

This choice she would have to make, but first, as her confidence increased. She knew that she had to get there first. Yes, she had been given her own personal army, but this was not all that was needed. For one, she had to choose where to establish her domain, then recruit talented craftspeople and artisans, and even labours to help build and develop it. Finally, she would have to find talented administaters and people who were capable of running the land for her.

Unlike her brothers, she would have a much harder time. As she walked her mind wandered back to the days that each of her brothers were granted their own duchy. Each one was guaranteed support from their mothers family, ensuring money and talents were always available for them, not only that though. Each one was given a developed domain. None had to build it up and instead just had to keep control.

Then as she walked around, the corner into the hallway in which her quarters lied. She saw Ekiya, standing outside of her door. Seemingly waiting for her.

The Princess stopped for a second and as she started to walk again, all of the confidence that she had previously shown was gone. Instead, it had been replaced by, what everyone normally sees's in the palace. She looked alone and sad but there was also a small fire that seemed to have begun to burn within her, after the decree. This though would be unnoticeable to most people.

Once the Princess was close enough, Ekiya went to hug her. The Princess just took and step back avoiding the hug. Ekiya looked slightly hurt but this was soon replaced with the slight smile in which she always carries.

"My dear Pavitra, why won't you let me hug you? You used to be fine with it when you were younger, in fact, you used to love it."

The Princess showed a little sadness at her words, her response was anything but this though. The fire in her finally starting to come out.

"You stopped that after I showed potential with magic...Once it was clear I had talent. You just left me. Then you took him as well. You were the only one who knew about him…"

Some tears began to roll, down the Princess's face as she recalled the only true friend that she had, ever had.

The smile on Ekiya's face though, never once faded.

"Oh, dear child. You still don't understand, do you? You are a royal...and a woman at that. Your talent goes against your purpose. You should have been married off by now, instead, here you are, walking around with ideas about the throne. You just have too much of your mother in you. That is all."

At the mention of her mother, the Princess lost it. Instead of backing down like Ekiya seemed to have thought she would. The Princess took a step back. There was a fury in her eyes that had never been seen before.

"Lady Ekiya! Do not ever dare mention my mother again!"

Ekiya just smiled at the outburst.

"Child, do not forget I still know where I sent your precious friend to. If you do anything to me...something may happen to him!"

The Princess calmed extremely quickly at her words, instead of worry now filled her. The last thing that she ever wanted was for any harm to come to her friend. Then it was at that moment she made a vow to herself.

She would find her friend and make sure he would safe. She just hoped that he remembered her or else it could make for a rather awkward meeting, that is for sure.

The smile on Ekiya's face grew wider as she worked out that she had beaten the Princess in this venerable exchange. Just as she was about to walk off, she whispered in the Princess's ear.

"Remember your purpose and don't forget your friend's life is in my hands."

Then she walked off, humming a summer tune to herself. Appearing happy and sweet to all those who saw her.

The Princess knew though, she was a venomous snake and in truth all of the concubines were. It was them that had made her so lonely in this palace. Always trying to isolate her and marry her off to some lower tier of noble.

The Princess then opened the door into her room, closing it behind herself. Once she sat down. She began to cry.

All of her talent and skill always seemed to give her nothing.

"If...if only I hadn't awakened as...a mage when I did…"

Her crying becomes worse and worse so that her words became inaudible. Luckily for the Princess, there was no one nearby her at the moment so that she could show this side of her. The side where she in truth was broken. She was alone.

Then just as the Princess began to get herself together again and was wiping away the tears that had covered her face.

Knock, knock, knock!

Someone was knocking on her door, this was weird though as she looked at the time she saw it was only three in the afternoon. She was never disturbed at this time.

Confused she walked up to the door and went to open it...