Covenant Of Mages

The Grand Magnus then walked off back into the grand building. Pavitra and Aarna followed him inside.

Once they had climbed up the pristine stairs and passed through the line of pillars. They were greeted by a massive doorway. It's at least thirty meters high. The whole door was made from the same white stone as the rest of the building. Although the door was covered with engravings and magic runes, the whole thing almost seemed to glow a little as well. Giving the feeling to anyone who saw it, that it was not from this world.

The Grand Magnus, went through a small side door though, not even pausing to look at the massive doorway, its grandeur had long been lost on him.

He then ignored the library, which is itself covered around three-quarters of the whole building. The mass bookshelves easily reached well over the size of the grand doorway, in fact as Aarna looked up, she could only just make out where the top of these bookshelves was.

Soon enough after the trio had left behind the guards and the Magnus's much to their annoyance which was felt by all of the requests and moaning. The last the three saw of them, was as there ascended the first stairwell. They were all standing at two sides of the room, staring at each other. If no one knew better, you would think that a fight was about to erupt.

After going up three circular stairwells, they finally had reached the top floor. Looking down the hallway in which they were on. There were six doors, each one was decorated differently, we walked up to the door the furthest away on the left. It had depictions of phoenix and fire all over. The most common theme throughout all of this was rebirth through fire.

The trio went through the door, into the room of the Grand Magnus. It was messy inside. There were books, pieces of paper, and even random spell tomes scattered throughout the room. The Grand Magnus looked around briefly, before ignoring the mess and moving onto the next room. This one was the complete contrast to the previous room.

There was a small table, as well as four chairs. They were positioned onto a balcony, though if you were to look out, one person would very quickly notice that you couldn't actually see anything but clouds. There was no fancy view, but at the same time, it was also relaxing and peaceful.

Everyone sat around the table. No one said a word though, everyone just sat around looking at each other. It was clearly awkward. Then a few goblets and some wine appeared out of nowhere.

Pavitra looked over to the Grand Magnus.

"You still like your drink huh?"

The Grand Magnus poured himself a drink, then took a small slip. He smiled a little.

"Pavitra, I never stopped drinking my drink. This bottle is rare you know? It's from the southern plains. My connection with one of the...families down there, got me this. You should try some? Also, my name is Aalim. You are a Princess, you don't have to say, Grand Magnus or Master."

Pavitra nodded at him. Then poured herself a drink and took a sip. Aarna quickly followed what they were doing. After taking a sip, she spat it out over the table, making a funny face.

The other two cracked up laughing at her. It took them a little stop, then they saw Aarna's face. It was wound up tight and she looked like she had eaten or in this case. Drank something she didn't like. Then they cracked up laughing again.

Eventually, they were able to stop laughing. After watching the two take a sip of the wine, Aarna exclaimed, "How can you drink that? It is so sharp."

They both looked at each other, then shook their heads. "Pavitra who even is this? She is not a noble that is for sure."

Aarna then stood up, flipping over the table as she did. Pavitra had a smile on her face seeing this, though her eyes showed some concern. Aalim though looked shocked, and also angry. She had caused the wine to be chucked over the floor!

"And how are the nobles better than us? Why is it, all of you in power look down on the common people? Uncivilized! Just because you had talent and a backer, you look down on us! Just how dare you!"

Aalim was just looking at her. He was now more shocked at her outburst than at the expensive wine, which decorated the white stone floor, well now the red stone floor.

" I didn't mean that...I meant it like, nobles all drink this stuff all the time. Even the lowest-ranked noble wouldn't spit out wine like that, that's all…"

His words only infuriated her even more. It almost looked like there was fire billowing out of her eyes. She opened her mouth to yell when Pavitra finally spoke.

"Aarna stop, please. She didn't mean offence and Master...No Aalim. We are here for business not pleasure. You know how even as your student, the Grand Magnus's are not meant to interact or integer directly with the politics of the royal court. So we should keep this quick, or well. We don't want to think of what will happen…"

Then Aalim waved his hands, and the entire table and all of the spilt wine and the rest of the mess cleared itself up.

The man looked tired and sad.

"I guess you are right," he mumbled. Then he fell back into his chair.

"So what can I do for you Pavitra? What reason have you finally remembered I exist?"

Pavitra looked sad and what he said.

"You know just as well as me I couldn't come here. If I came here, they would force me to stay in the palace permanently, or marry me off to some random, old and ugly man."

Aalim, let a sigh.

"I know my precious disciple. I just wish...ahhh. Never mind. What can I do for you?"

Pavitra looked at him sadly. "I need mages. Ones that can help me build, sense metal and ore in the ground. Tell me if the ground is fertile. I need mages that can help me build a city and my duchy. I need help. In return, I will agree to the covenant of the mages."

Aalim nodded his head slowly. "That can be done. How long do I have?"

At this point, Aarna had been quiet until now after her outburst interrupted.

"Excuse me, but what is the covenant of mages?"

It was Aalim who replied. "It is an old agreement, between rulers and the mage academy. The academy has the right to take talented people from the domain for education. In return, the academy won't interfere with the running of the state. It is an old agreement, not used much in this kingdom as the true powers all have the means so that they could beat us and force us into submission. New powers though, especially ones that need mages to help for a time. Are the ones who will benefit the most from this. Understand?"

Aarna just nodded.

"So my disciple. I agree to the terms. So how long did you say?"

Pavitra smiled greatly at his words. It was the most Aarna had seen her smile as well. She couldn't help but think that it was a beautiful sight for sure.

"Well, I have four days until the soldiers arrive. I plan to leave not long after then. So as soon as possible, pleaseeee. Can you do it?"

Aalim looked troubled. Then he began to think for a few minutes, before finally nodding his head.

"It will be difficult, but it can be done. Now I assume that you have other tasks that you must attend to?"

Pavitra stood up and gave a small courtesy which was quickly stopped by Aalim.

"No, you do not have to do that. Good luck and may the gods bless you."

He then showed them back to the door.

As the two women walked away, he stepped into the hallway, watching Pavitra go.

Mumbling to himself, "I wish I could help you more, but alas. You are not the only one who has to fear what the concubines can do."

As they walked through the bottom room, they picked up the royal guards. Who were unlike when they went up, when they were at the throats of the Magnus's. They were now sitting around a table and they all were sharing drinks and laughing out loud. It seemed like in the brief moment that the Princess and Alita had gone upstairs, they all had suddenly become the best of friends.

Pavitra smiled at this, before getting back into the carriage. Her guards formed up around it before they all headed off towards the merchant district. It was time for Pavitra to get a sponsor.