Military Parade

Three voice's yelled out at the same time. "Regiment attention!"

Then every single soldier stamped their feet into the ground and went into attention a the same time. Not a single person and missed out on their time for even a second. The smashing of their feet into the ground, proceed to echo for a further few seconds. In this time Pavitra and her guards and rode into the centre of the courtyard and dismounted from their horses.

As Pavitra looked around, three people came out to here, one from each regiment. These were the three captains of each. Pavitra paid special attention to the only female captain though, she had come from the ninth regiment which Pavitra herself was the captain of before.

All three of the captains formed a line in front of her, and each slammed their feet into the ground, going into attention like the soldiers that they had just ordered.

"Captain Abhay, of the eleventh regiment. Reporting in general." Abhay was the tallest out of the three captains and by a large margin too. It would make him easily viable on a battlefield which was good for giving out orders and controlling his men, but it was also bad as he was an obvious target for enemy archers and marksmen.

Next up was the other male captain. "Captain Lochan of the tenth regiment, reporting Maam."

Last up was the only female captain who was present. "Captain Pallavi of the ninth regiment. Reporting for duty, general...It is good to see you again."

Pavitra nodded at the three captains. Then in perfect control and order. Pivoted around so that she was facing all three regiments.

"I do not know what they have told you! But you have all been gathered here and placed under my command for one thing. To claim new lands for our glorious kingdom. You do not have to like it, but you will obey and if I can do anything, I will prove to you all why you should obey me. We will move out in five days. For the next two days, you are all on leave. Have fun!" As Pavitra finished her speech to her new soldiers, they all gave her a full military salute.

Nodding at that, she then walked off and into the citadel. Behind her were the three captains as well as all of the royal guards. As she walked, she indicated for Pallavi, to come closer. Then once she was next to her. Pavitra laid her arm on, her shoulders and pulled her into a hug.

"How have you been? And how are the soldiers?" Pavitra asked for the highest amount of concern that was humanely possible.

Pallavi looked at her for a moment with a slight frown. Then as Pavitra's face began to drop at what she thought would be bad news, Pallavi broke out into a massive smile. "The regiment is fine. You worry too much. I can lead them all you know, I am not the green soldier I was when we first met. And me personally, well I am loving the promotion that I got. You though have jumped through the ranks I see." There was no ill will held here though, only joy.

While the two were talking and catching up, the other two captains that were also following Pavitra were beginning to start feeling awkward. Who could blame them though? It must be awkward when two of the group already know each other and the other two have never met anyone here before in their lives.

Finally, they reached an office in which Pavitra and the captains all walked inside. Inside was a large map, which depicted the entire country in a lot of detail. The only a person could even get a hold of a map like this was by being in the army, it was illegal for anyone else to have a map like this! If you were found in possession of one, you would be treated as a spy and executed as soon as possible.

Standing around the table, Pavitra looked up at them all.

"Before we start, address me casually when we are in a setting like this and never be afraid to offer your ideas, even when they are against my own. I am not a goddess and can not think of everything after all." Her little joke seemed to go over their heads, which caused Pavitra to sigh a little.

"Any way to business. Give me a full report of the status of our soldiers." The three looked among themselves as Pavitra gave her order.

It was Pallavi who answered. "All three regiments arrived at full strength for a total of three thousand soldiers. Alongside that a force of one hundred rangers arrived to act as our scouts and military specialists, they are under the command of some lieutenant, there is also a group of engineers as well as some supply specialists as well. Everything has been accounted for and the supplies are loaded. We may leave at any time." Once she had finished her report she stepped back.

Pavitra nodded at this, happy with how the most important part of her plan and departure was already sorted out, the military did have its benefits. "Okay, so the plan is fairly simple. Once everyone has gathered within five days we will head out to Blaik Taun. From there we will resupply and perform our final checks and recruit what civilians we can, then we will head out to this valley here, within it, we will make camp and establish a fort. As we are doing this scout parties will be sent out through the valley to see what is beyond it and if the region is suitable for us to establish a domain. Do you all understand?"

The captains all nodded. The plan itself was really simple and self-explanatory. Not much would need to happen until they reached the valley itself. The journey there should be just a simple long march, something which they were all familiar with anyway.

"Ok, I will return in four days. In the meantime take two days leave and once you return make sure everyone is organized and in full combat condition." Then as Pavitra left the captains all saluted her.

Pavitra walked through the fort for a while, looking at the excited soldiers who had all been suddenly given leave. Seeing the first batch start to go and head towards the capital, she turned around and looked to the east, where she soon would be going. There were dark clouds on the horizon and yet the sun could still be seen shining through.

Her time had come, at long last, it had come.


"Shourya! Have you heard the news? The Princess is calling out to the common people to join her expedition. Those with a craft are most welcome, though anyone will be accepted as long as you prove that you are healthy!"

Shourya who was happily enjoying the water break that the overseer had given them all, looked up in annoyance at his jubilant friend. The days spent working the fields were hard enough, and it was only made harder when he had to ignore this fool. Though for once, the information that he had given was extremely interesting,

As he thought to himself, Shourya looked over in interest, prompting his friend to go on talking.

His friend, seeing the Shourya accepted him to talk for once, looked even more happy than normal. "Yes as I was saying, all are welcome. All you have to do is arrive at the northern bastion...whatever that is? Within five days, if not. You have to be at Blaik Taun within a month before he leaves that city. If you do not arrive at any of the two you will be assumed to not be going…"

His friend was interrupted by the overseer, "Alright you lot. Your break is over!"

Everyone groaned as they got up, all of them grabbing their hoes and going back to their previous task of preparing the field for planting. Throughout the whole day, Shourya was seen to be thinking to himself, he was so hard in thought he nearly even broke the hoe he was using!

Soon enough the sun had gone down, causing the field to begin to be covered in darkness. Unlike most nights though Shourya had not gone to join the rest of the village people in the hall for an evening meal. Instead, he was in his house...well it was a one-room building. More like a hovel if anything. Anyway, he was slowly packing all of his things. Then once he had packed the two sets of clothes and a necklace from his past life. He walked out of the house into the night.

He soon descended to where the guard post was. As he drew near one of them yelled out. "Halt! State your business and step into the light."

Seeing who it was, the guard lowered his spear, a bit relaxed.

Shourya walked straight up to him though and hugged him.

"I am leaving. I am going to join the Princess." The guard just looked at Shourya for a second. Then he reached down to his belt and pulled out a dagger and passed it over.

"You will probably need this. Good luck Shourya. I hope you remember us all."

Looking at the dagger he had been given, his eyes began to water a little before he nodded. Then he walked off.

The guard slowly watched him as he faded away into the darkness.