Reunited At Last

As Pavitra ran down the various hallways, towards where the commoners were awaiting. She passed by guards and soldiers. Those who didn't get out of the way were smashed to the floor as she shoved them to the side. Those that were shoved all went to get up and yell, but upon seeing that it was the Princess, they all wisely closed their mouths. Not that they could have complained as she was long gone, by the time most had realised what had happened to them.

Those that saw or more accurately heard her coming, all got off the way. Though they watched her race by and their eyes trailed her as long as they could. Their faces were confused though. How could a Princess as well as a respected well hero by some, act like she was? Their questions wouldn't be answered though as Pavitra was darting down hallway after hallway, not once stopping.

The only thing on her mind was that name. Shourya. Her only friend.

Finally, as she arrived outside of the door that allowed her into that room, she stopped and froze. Her face was conflicted as well as being worried.

What would he think of her? Would he be the same? Would he even remember her?

As she looked around, the two soldiers who were standing next to the door were looking at her weirdly. It was at that moment she realized how she looked. Her hair had gone all over the place, and the clothes that she had on, were all messed up.

Ignoring their looks, she tidied up her appearance. Making sure that she looked the best that she could, then after steeling her expression. Her hands pressed against the door.

Taking in a deep breath and realising it, to try and remove her nervousness, which it did not. She then pushed open the door.

Her eyes looked around the room rapidly, trying to find him.

She slowly walked into the room, completely ignoring the bowing people, who had all gotten up as she entered the room.

Then she saw him. Well, she thought it was him. He was bowing like the rest of them, but something about that man in the far corner gave her a familiar feeling. Slowly she walked over. Her eyes never leaving his bowing head.

Standing in front of him, her face was slightly uncertain at who he was.

She quietly whispered, "Shourya...Is it you?"

The one she called Shourya slowly looked up, his tanned face and brown eyes looked into hers.

The moment their eyes met, Pavitra knew that it was him. The friend she lost so long ago.

In her surprise and joy and finding him, she almost fell over as she sat down. Her eyes not leaving him once, as if she thought that he would disappear if she looked away.

Her mouth was opening and closing and yet not a single word came out of it. She just didn't know what to say, as she was trying to formulate words. Tears had started to roll down her face, she was just so happy that she had found him. No words could describe the full extent of her joy.

Shourya on the other hand had been mesmerized by the beauty that she had become. The last time that they had been together, they were both still growing up. Now they were both fully grown and his eyes were glued to her. Not only that, he was shocked. How did she know that he was here?

It was a bit awkward for everyone else in the room, as they watched the silent exchange between the two people. Pallavi then came running into the room after hearing what had happened. It only took her a glance to confirm her thoughts. Then she began to get all of the other people out of the room, to give the two some space. Once she had done, she left, closing the door behind her. Leaving the two old friends alone.

Finally, Pavitra formed some words and was able to speak.

"So how have you been?" Even this she said barely as a whisper. Her eyes were darting all around the room and not settling in any spot at all.

Shourya sighed a little then looked at her. He responded more normally, but even then his voice was cracking. "I have....well I was a farmer. So how do you think I was?"

Pavitra looked down at her feet hearing his reply, clearly embarrassed by what he had said. When she looked up again, she seemed to be more composed. Though she still spoke in a whisper, "I thought that you were being held by Eshika did you get away from her?"

His eyes seemed to at the moment she mentioned that name almost disappear and see something in the distance, not that there was a distance in this room though. "I...after she and some adventures took me away from the palace towards my father. We were attacked by some bandits of all things. I don't know what happened to them, but I ended up in a village. They took me in and I have been there ever since."

Pavitra slowly took in the words he said, then she looked up confused. "If you were not under her control why did you no come back for? Why did you stay there and leave me alone? Why?!" The tears that were rolling down her face suddenly increased in density, this time she was just crying.

Shourya looked pained at what she had said. "Pavitra. If I had gone back, what would have happened to me? I would have just been sent away again or worse. I didn't try yes but…"

He was interrupted by her suddenly. "I don't want to hear it! You didn't even try to come back to the capital. To me...Why come now? You...I missed you so much. I thought of you every day and you say that...I can't, I just can't!" Then in her hysterical moment, she stormed out of the room leaving Shourya alone and confused and what exactly just happened. She just blew up in his face!

Hearing some footsteps, he then looked up and saw a female captain standing in front of him.

"She has missed you...she spoke of you with every chance she got and even had people look for you. She will come around, though next time. Be gentle with her. She looks strong but inside, she is just that weak little girl you knew before. She has been alone and afraid for so long." The captain then let out a little sigh. "I am inducting you into the ninth regiment and giving you back your old rank. You will be the second lieutenant. Make sure you report in soon before we leave so you can be kitted out. Oh, I am Pallavi."

Then Shourya watched silently as the captain left to carry on doing whatever duty that she had to do.

Meanwhile, Pavitra had stormed back through the same hallways she had just run through not moments before. Tears were streaming down her face as she ran. This time, everybody got out of the way and no one was knocked over. But they all watched her with a high amount of concern.

Pavitra herself felt these looks but did not care, she quickly reached her room in the barracks and slammed the door behind herself. She sat on her bed crying.


With her tear-stained face, she looked up at the door as it opened, seeing Pallavi walk in. She ran up to her and hugged her.

"What do I do? Pallavi, help me!"

Pallavi herself was a bit shocked at this reaction, but she reacted quickly and was able to close the door behind herself and navigated the Pavitra back to the bed. Where she hugged her back, they remained like that for a few minutes.

Then Pallavi began to whisper into her ear. "Pavita, I...I am sorry he didn't try to come back but you know he would have been hurt if he tried. I know you are clever. Think about it. If he had come back, he would have been found quickly. Once he was found, he would have been killed or sent far away. If that happened, you wouldn't be seeing him today. So calm down, please. It is alright…" As she spoke, she gently stroked Pavitra's head, trying to calm her.

She had only done this once before. That was when Pavitira had a breakdown after her first battle. At the time Pallavi thought she was just a Princess playing solider, but after that, she was proven wrong. In a way that was why their friendship had developed to be so strong.

Eventually, Pavitra calmed down ad stopped crying. She then stood up and wiped away all of the tears. Then she smiled slightly at Pallavi and whispered, "Thank you."