The Starving Family Of A Boy

Then as the others who had been disqualified left, the trial carried on into the night itself. Now the people who were life had slowly started to shiver as the cold began to seep into their bones. It was hard for people to just stay still, even Pavitra herself couldn't do this and would constantly walk around the people, asking them if they wanted to go into the warm.

None would respond though, each and everyone just stood there looking straight forwards. They did not want to mess up this chance now. The end was in sight for them.

Then as the sun began to rise once more, the remaining fifty-three people suddenly seemed to gain some life as the sun touched their bodies, adding its warming effects to them. Pavitra herself was a little sad though, so many had been disqualified in the end. Most could not simply take the cold and had run off back to the homes or where it was warm.

The trial itself though still lasted for another few hours. The people patiently waited now though, in their eyes was confidence that Pavitra had wanted to see for herself. Each one knows now that they nearly had done it. They braved the night itself.

Then after glancing up into the sky itself she spoke, "You have passed the trail. You may all go inside now and enjoy the warm and hot food as well." 

The people did not move though, they all thought it was a trick. This she expected though, I mean with all of the tricks that had been used before. It was only right that they should think that this was a trap.

"If you do not move you will be disqualified as you are disobeying my orders!" Her yell was heard by them all, mainly by the flinch which waved across the group. Slowly one or two began to look at the others, the necks cracking as they did. This is due to them being stuff having to stay in the same position for so long.

Then the first one moved forwards, by just a step. He was one of the soldiers from the ninth regiment. Pavitra did not really know him though, as he looked to be one of the newer members. Not from the veterans that she had led when she was the Captain. 

Seeing as Pavitra herself did not say anything, he took one more step forwards. Seeing him do that and not get disqualified the others all began to do the same. One by one as more and more did it and did not get in trouble. The entire group all rushed to the main hall as one.

Pavitra smiled to herself, as little as she followed behind them all. Making sure that they were all able to get in and sit down. Once they were all seated food and hot drinks were brought out for them all to eat and drink. The group dug in without another word. Each one enjoying the food to the best of their ability.

Pavitra paid special attention to the boy as well as to Aarna. Aarna was nearer a lot of the soldiers who she had beaten in so many of the challenges. They were all asking her how she did it, Pavitra listened in as she went to reply.

Soon she walked on however as her listening in was only met with disappointment by the reply, which was, "I trained a lot."

Seeing as this would probably be going on for a long time, she instead walked over to where the boy was sitting. Unlike Aarna, he was alone. Just sitting there slowly eating the food that he could get. It was a nice sight to see and yet she could tell that there was something bothering him.

So with this in mind, she sat down so that she was opposite to him. The boy realizing who was now opposite to him almost jumped out of his chair in shock. He went to hastily bow as he jumped out of the chair only ending up falling o the floor as his feet caught themselves together.

Seeing this Pavitra couldn't help but laugh out. Then she stood up and went over to him, quickly pulling the small and light boy to his feet. She couldn't help but remark in her head at how scrawny he really was.

Then once he was on his feet again, the boy ended up looking everywhere but at her. He did however mumble out a few words. "Thank you…." Then he rushed the last bit, seeming as he had forgotten it before. "...Your highness."

This made Pavitra smile even more. Then she bent down so that their faces were at the same height. "So why did you do the trials? Is there a lady you want to impress? Oh, I know you want to be near someone like me, a beauty?" Her teasing caused the boy to blush a little. Though his face then hardened as he replied. 

"I want to make money so that I can give mama some food! I don't want to see her starving for me and my siblings anymore!" He ended up yelling the very last of sentences causing not just Pavitra to look at him in surprise but the whole hall of people to look at him in surprise as well.

Suddenly the whole group stood up as one.

"Hey boy. Take us to your family?" The question was asked by one of the older soldiers.

The boy looked at them all in shock at first, this then soon trend into fear. "Why do you want to see them? What will you do?" He went onto the immediate defense. His voice carried through the entire hall shocking the people even more.

They were more amazed that such a small boy could generate so much noise. Even Pavitra herself was surprised by this as well. She couldn't help but look at the boy in front of her with a little shock.

The old soldier who had spoken before though just smiled. "No, we want to help them. You are one of us now...even if some of us don't agree. We are one unit now." His words were right, Pavitra smiled a little more when she heard that.

The boy just replied with a, "Oh…"