The Valley

The week went by extremely quickly. It had been filled with meetings and the arranging of all of the people who would move out and in what order. Aside from that she also kept a close eye on the training of her personal guard. A lot of them had been struggling with the intense regime that they now had to go through. She had heard whispers of it getting easier with them moving out.

Unfortunately for them, it was only going to get worse.

There had been a minor trip into the sewers, to see if they could fight the rats even more. The forces inside were beaten back badly. Quite a few had died from poisoned wounds among many other things. The close and confined size of the sewers made their natural abilities just too strong.

In the end, with them moving out today. She passed all of the final information on everything to the regent. He had not said much, her opinion of him was that he was just a stickler for the rules.

There was just one more that had happened, it was the arrival of even more people for the new land. A lot of them had just not been close enough for them to arrive in time before she had left. Though the arrivals only numbered in the high hundreds. Not much compared to what she had already.

Then as she rode on her horse down the street. She could not help think of how much it had changed. From dirty roads and buildings, it now looked like someone at least cared a bit. As people could be seen all over cleaning and fixing. The reagent had done a good job of at least getting the unemployed to work.

Now though, their journey did not have far left to go. First, they would go towards the military fort and pick up the extra troops. From there it was a small march to the valley itself. In truth, she was excited for what was to come. She would be settling new lands, something which had not happened for well years.

As she rode on, now towards the forest road. She had a small look behind herself. The first thing she could see was her now personal guard. They were all struggling to ride their horses, it was funny to watch as sometimes one would fall off. Though they always got straight back onto their horses and then carried on going forward. Behind them, was the army regiments, then the normal people, and at the back were all of the mercenaries and adventures.

It was going to be a long march for some of them, there would not really be much rest now. Even once they were in the valley, rest would not be given to them much as everyone would have to help in making up a more fortified position. 

Five days later, they had reached the meeting spot with the fort. What met them was the commander of the fort himself as well as the soldiers he had promised to lend to Pavitra for a time at least.

Seeing her, he rode straight over and gave her a little salute. 

"Where would you like me and my men to fall in your highness?" Pavitra just looked at him for a second, then after thinking. 

"Fall in at the rear. It is too far away for me to see anything and the mercenaries and adventures can not be fully trusted after all." He just nodded at her words and then he headed to the back of the long line as Pavitra carried on leading them all on.

Sitting down at the campfire, Pavitra could not help but let out a long sigh.

Then Shourya came over on sat down next to her. "The past days of travel have been hard on you as well huh?" 

She just looked up at him, a small smile on her lips at his kind words. Though as she looked up at him, she also got a glimpse of the vast mountain range that was right behind him.

The peaks pierced well into the sky and far out of her vision. The entire mountain range was like an impenetrable wall of rock.

It was amazing that nature could make something like this, though as she then looked at the wide valley that was now in front of her, it also had its weaknesses.

They had reached this point near the start of the day and instead of just heading straight into the valley she had decided for them all to set up, camp here right at the entrance. The valley itself was massive and she could not even see the end!

By the looks of it, it widened out considerably, with the tightest point being where they were now. Though although she said tight, it was still considerably wide. It must have been at least well maybe a few hundred paces. It was hard to tell, but she could probably fit a thousand people in it. If they were standing next to each other.

The valley itself had so much within it. She could see a small river as well which came down from the side of the mountains and ran through part of the valley before disappearing out of her sight. Aside from that most of the terrain was just a vast plain. On the left side of the valley, about halfway through there were some trees. It seemed to be so peaceful at the moment.

The whole region was just untouched by humanity and yet, this would all soon change. Looking at the valley, and where they were now. Pavitra could not help but imagine what would happen if she made a wall here. She could control all the trade and entrance into her land from the kingdom. It would give her a lot of power. Much more than her brothers and most of all she could keep some secrets from the rest of the world.