Reassurance and Revenge

Su Yuxin slowly escorted her grandfather inside the house. In the table, all food were already prepared.

"Grandpa let's eat food first"

"Whatever my xiner says."

Both grandfather and granddaughter pair eat their food in harmony.

"Grandfather, where did you go and what happened?"

"Xiner, I was with Physician Wu when I heard you jumped off the cliff and died. I couldn't believe my ears. I came home got all the guards that were stationed inside manor to search you. I thought even if you died, I would find your body and give it proper burial. We searched all day only to be empty handed. I heard the crown prince was the one invited you there. So, I went to confront him. But he said he didn't invited you" Grandpa Su started laughing hysterically.

"I wanted to kill him right there and then. How dare he plot against you. But I could not. I was grieving over your death. But I'm glad your fine, Xiner. I'm really really glad."

Listening to her grandpa explanation, Su Yuxin eyes grew colder with anger.

"Xiner, now you see that so called crown prince true face right. Why do you even insist in marrying him. Let's break the engagement. If you really married him, I am scared he will kill you at your bridal night."

Grandpa Su looked slowly hold his granddaughter cold hand with his big warm hands giving her warmth.

"Grandpa, I was blind before. So I had wishful thinking of marrying him. But now I know his true face , I won't marry him. He dared plot against me. I will have my revenge on him"

Grandpa Su was shocked after hearing what she had said. He knew his granddaughter was lovestruck fool for that crown prince and usually defended him whenever he tried to criticize him. But today she not only she didn't defend him but also told she would have her revenge.

Nevertheless, he was happy to see these changes in his granddaughter. She is his only one family blood left. He didn't want to lose her.

"Grandpa, after what I went through today I have learnt a lot of things. I won't fall in those people traps and scheme gain. I don't want to make you worried and sad. Don't worry I am going to change and make all those who plotted against our Su Manor suffer."

Hearing these sensible words out his granddaughter mouth he felt reassured. But he also felt really angry because his granddaughter suffered a lot today and was greatly traumatized. He secretly planned to punish all those people who hurt her.

He gently patted her head.

"Only my Xiner knows her grandpa the best."

Su Yuxin smiled.

"Grandpa, let's go rest. It's really late now."

Both Granfather Su and Su Yuxin went to their respective room.