
Su Yuxin then entered her alchemy book.

She reached the pavilion and saw the divine seeds and dilapidated books on the table but no sign of Su Xiao.

Su Yuxin looked around but couldn't find him.


Su Yuxin called out loudly.

"Mommy, Mommy I am here. Come help me, mommy!"

Su Xiao wailer loudly.

Su Yuxin followed the voice and arrived in front of the door where instead of flower , there was a butt sticking out of the flower vase.

"Mommy, mommy"

Su Xiao yelled again from inside the vase.

Su Yuxin laughed loudly.

Hearing his mother laugh, Su Xiao started crying loudly.

"Mommy, it hurts. Please get me out of here."

Su Yuxin stopped after few seconds and looked down at the butt that was poking out of the vase.

"How in the world did you get stuck like this?"

Su Yuxin was amused seeing this. She couldn't believe someone would get stuck like this.

"Mommy first help me out then I will say that."

Su Xiao roared from inside the vase.

Su Yuxin sneered and spanked his butt slightly.

"Ahh, Mommy what are you doing?"

Su Xiao shouted from inside the vase.

"Always be polite while asking help, you naughty brat."

Su Yuxin laughed again but louder.

Su Xiao face was burning red even his ear tips were red.

"Please help me, Mommy. Its already been like 15 minutes being stuck like this. If you don't help me anytime soon, I am sure my bones will break into two."

Su Yuxin stopped laughing and then pulled him out of the vase.

Su Xiao who was finally out of the vase was let out a long sigh. His ear tips were still red.

"Phew, finally. My body hurts a lot now."

"So , tell me how were you stuck in the flower vase?"

Su Xiao stared down at his feet. He then murmured in a soft voice,

"When you entered the alchemy book, I thought to hide and wait for you to find me. But I got stuck in the flower vase. I was never stuck before!! I don't know how I was stuck this time."

Su Xiao looked like he was close to crying out loud.

Su Yuxin laughed and poked his tummy.

"Maybe it's because someone here has ate a lot and gained weight."

Su Xaio looked at his tummy then slapped Su Yuxin hand away.

"Hmph, I haven't any gained weight."

Su Xiao looked away clearly ashamed of it. He knew that she was right still didn't wanted to accept it.

Su Yuxin laughed and patted his head. She then stood up and grabbed the seeds.

"Xiaoer, lets get back to serious business. I will go plant these seeds while you will go and bring me a bucket of heavenly spring water."

"Okay, Mommy."

Su Xiao grabbed a bucket and ran to fill water.

Su Yuxin grabbed the seeds and shovel and went to dig a hole to plant the seeds.

After planting the seeds, Su Yuxin patted the soil.

Then Su Xiao came running to get with a bucket of water.

"Mommy Mommy , can I water them?"

"Sure Xiaoer"

Su Xiao then slowly watered the planted seeds.

"Xiaoer, it's your job to water them daily from now on. And observe their growth."

"Yes , mommy. Reassure I will do it properly."

Su Yuxin then heard the knocking in her courtyard door so she came outside of the alchemy book.

"Young Miss, are you awake?"

Lu Xiu knocked on the door softly then asked from outside.

"Yes. Come in, Lu Xiu."

Lu Xiu opened the door and came inside her courtyard.

"Young Miss, you didn't came out for a long period of time so I was worried. I thought to come and check up on you."

"I am fine. But I have made plans for us to go out to market today."

"Yes, young miss. Should I pick up an outfit for you?"

"I am fine with the dress I am wearing. Let's go meet grandfather first then head out."

Then both Su Yuxin and Lu Xiu walked towards General Su courtyard.