
In the palace hall

Mu Fan was holding a meeting with his subjects. Then suddenly Mu Yi entered the palace hall.

Mu Fan dismissed the court subjects while My You patiently waited for them to dispersed.

After a while only Mu Fan and Mu Yi were in the palace hall.

"Mu Yi, why have you come to meet me? Do you need anything?"

Mu Yi walked up and sat at the seat beside the throne.

"Father, your son has come to discuss about the upcoming Sakura Blossom Festival. Mother send me to here to inform you that there is no empress so she would take responsibility to send invitation to people as the imperial concubine. She wishes you to check the people whom she will be sending invitation after she is done choosing."

Mu Fan closed his eyes and a vivid image of a beautiful woman who smiled at him affectionately appeared. He sighed deeply.

"Tell her she can do whatever she want."

"Mother said that this year sakura event will be for the young misses of different household to showcase their talents and entertain everyone."

"Do whatever. But tell her to invite all young misses of every household. Don't play any dirty tricks."

Mu Fan said sternly looking at his

so-called son.

Mu Yi looked straight into his eyes and said in a helpless voice,

"But father, mother said you should come visit the inner place. She said she feels lonely having to manage the harem everyday by herself."

Mu Fan became angry after hearing it.

'How can I go back to that woman knowing she killed my beloved? It's already miracle I haven't killed her to avenge my beloved. Yet she expect me to visit her.'

"I don't have free time to spend with her. If she doesn't want to manage the imperial harem I will go marry another woman as noble consort who will do it gladly."

Mu Yi shivered. He didn't know why whenever he talked about mother, his father would get agitated and be all angry.

Doesn't he love mother? Why would he say that?

"I will tell her. Excuse your son."

Mu Yi quickly ran away from the palace hall.

Mu Fan quickly closed his eyes and calmed himself down.

Till this day he couldn't avenge nor forgive that woman. Her maternal family is the only reason he couldn't move against her.

Mu Fan just sat in his throne dazed.

Inside the Thousand Herb Hall

Alchemist Yue was currently treating a patient. Su Yuxin was beside watching silently.

After 10 minutes Alchemist Yue was done treating the patient. He then looked at Su Yuxin.

"Yuxin, you will be treating next patient."

"Okay, Master."

The next patient was a young man in his 20s.

Su Yuxin checked his pulse and looked up at him

"Are you feeling dizzy nowadays?"

"Yes, doctor."

"Do you have rashes around your body and when water touches your body you get more rashes?"

Hearing her diagnosis, the young man was excited. It was exactly what he was going through.

"Yes it is, doctor."

Su Yuxin smiled.

"Have you are bettle berry?"

The young man shook his head.

"How about blueberry?"

"Yes a few days ago."

Su Yuxin looked at the young man while shaking her head.

"Bettle berry is similar to blueberry. And many people mistake bettle berry for blueberry. Bettle berry is poisonous fruit. It causes rashes, dizziness and painful bodyaches. It slowly kills people if they didn't get treatment."

The young man was shocked hearing this.

He thought that was really possible as he ate them from wild.

"Can you treat me doctor?"

"Rest assured."

Su Yuxin put her needles on his acupuncture points with spiritual energy.

After few minutes she pulled them out.

Black poison oozed out of them.

She collected it in her vial.

"Poison is purged out. I will write you a prescription which you have eat for a week and you will be all healthy again."

The young man bowed and thanked her.

He excitedly went to buy all the herbs.

Alchemist Yue was satisfied with Su Yuxin performance.

"Young Lass, from now on you can be a doctor here in Thousand Herb and treat patients. It will greatly help you to gain experience and reputation."

Su Yuxin thought it wasn't a bad idea.

She would be able to earn money. She won't reject such a nice offer that is delivered right at her door.

"I will not disappoint you master."

Alchemist Yue laughed as his face brimmed with happiness and pleasure.

This disciple was his pride.

All day Su Yuxin was treating different patients. Her reputation soared in a day.

They called her Divine Medical Goddess. Su Yuxin always had a veil on her face to prevent her identity to be exposed. She was still not strong enough to expose it. If she exposes it, who knows how many trouble might befall in the general mansion.