
The guards went to report General Su everything that happened.

General Su laughed heartily after hearing this. She really bullied them till the point they could only sallow it all. She fulfilled her words yet somewhere he was still worried for her.

"Okay leave it. Even if Le Clan Leader comes to make trouble, I can easily deal with him."

With that he dismissed both the guards from his study room.

Su Yuxin arrived at the Thousand Herb and went inside from the back door along with Lu Xiu. There she saw Alchemist Yue sipping on his tea.


Su Yuxin called out.

Alchemist Yue looked at her and sneered.

"Brat if you are going in seclusion at least tell your master before you do. You know I was worried."

Su Yuxin clicked her tongue.

"I know you weren't worried plus you had already guessed I would be going to seclusion when giving me the marrowbone cleansing pill and spiritual pill. The one who was worried was probably shopkeeper cause of constant flow of people trying to seek medical treatment. Am I right?"

Su Yuxin asked raising her one eyebrow while her arms were folded.

"Haiz" Alchemist Yue sighed.

"Having smart disciple means they can see through my thoughts easily and exposes it easily."

Su Yuxin giggled.

"It's just too obvious to go unnoticed, master."

Alchemist Yue just waved his hand at her.

"Go, go help the shopkeeper. Who knows he might end up crying out loud in front of general mansion seeking for you if you don't go right now."

Su Yuxin wore her mask and went to the Thousand Herb Hall. She looked around but didn't saw anyone. She darted her eyes around.

'This is unusual. Where is the shopkeeper?'

Outside the Thousand Herb

A little girl with her grandfather lying on the floor was crying and begging people to help her grandfather.

People were surrounding around them and looking at the commotion while whispering to each other. None of them were a physician so they didn't move forward to help but just watched them constantly.

The little girl was desperate to help her grandfather. She started wailing loudly.

Hearing the commotion, the shopkeeper came out to see what was going on.

He saw a huge crowd gathered around in front of the gate and a little girl with her grandfather knocked out on the ground.

Someone saw the shopkeeper coming out. He then called out,

"Little girl if you want to save your grandfather then beg the shopkeeper to let Divine Medical Goddess treat you. Only she will be able to save your grandfather."

Hearing this, the little girl had hope in her eyes. He went in front of the shopkeeper and kneel down to beg.

"Shopkeeper, please ask Divine Medical Goddess to treat my grandfather I am willing to pay as much money as you demand."

Hearing this everyone thought she was probably a young miss of a reputable clan. But yet she was begging to the shopkeeper in her knees while wailing.

Shen Yun didn't care about it. More than her reputation and dignity, she cared about her grandfather. She won't hesitate to throw it away if her grandfather would be saved and be alright.

The shopkeeper didn't want to disappoint the little girl but Su Yuxin hadn't come to Thousand Herb for five days straight.

He could she that he was only hope in her eyes but he was helpless at this situation unless Alchemist Yue himself comes forward to treat the old man.

Just as he was thinking how to make Alchemist Yue to treat the old man, Su Yuxin with her mask on came towards the gate. She saw the huge commotion around the gate and the shopkeeper just standing there in daze while a young little girl was weeping and wailing in the ground.

As she was towards them , people started whispering. Someone who was treated by her the other day called out,

"Divine Medical Goddess is here."

Hearing that the shopkeeper looked at Su Yuxin like she was savior pulling him out from darkness to light . He wanted to cry and hug her for coming today.

The little young lady sobbed and looked at Su Yuxin and clinged herself to her leg.

"Divine Medical Goddess, please save my grandfather. Please, I beg you. Save my grandfather, I can compensate any amount of money even spiritual energy stones to you. Just save him."

Su Yuxin smiled helpless as she helped the little girl get up and gently wiped her tears.

The little young girl stopped sobbing and looked at the Su Yuxin who was being really nice to her.

Su Yuxin pat her gently and said softly,

"Don't cry, I will save your grandfather okay. Just wait and watch alright. You don't want your grandfather to see you crying when he wakes up right?"

The little girl nodded and just stood there watching.

Su Yuxin bend down to check on the old man pulse.

"Not good, he needs treatment right away."

Su Yuxin writes a bunch of medicines in her prescription and gives it to shopkeeper.

"Go make a medicinal soup out of all the medicinal herb I have prescribed here before I finish treating him."

The shopkeeper runs inside to bring all the medicines.

Su Yuxin pulls out her black rose which were transformed into sharp pointy needles. She didn't wanted to use normal needles for his treatment as it was a tricky and complicated situation.

She then hold the needle in her right hand while lighting a small fire in her left hand. She put the needle in the fire to sterilize it.

After a while she started inserting it on the old man's head. She was inserting her wood elemental energy as it has healing properties which will help the old man heal the wound inside his head.

After a while the old man head was full of needles making him look like a porcupine.

The shopkeeper had already arrived with the medicinal soup.

Su Yuxin waved him to come forward and he came next to her with the medicinal soup.

"Feed him."

Su Yuxin said wiping her hands.

The shopkeeper slowly fed the old man who willing gulped all the medicine.

After a while Su Yuxin started removing needles one by one.

The old man hand and eyes started twitching indicating he was slowly getting his consciousness.

After Su Yuxin pulled out the last needle, the old man opened his eyes and looked around.

The little girl hugged him tightly.

"Grandfather, you are finally alright."

The old man also hugged her back as his eyes were tearing up. He patted the little girl in her head gently to reassure her that he was alright now. It was a harmonious reunion between the old man and his granddaughter.