Acupuncture Technique

Next Day Su Yuxin left for Thousand Herb shop alone because Lu Xiu as a vice-commander for females she had to train along with other females and look after them.

Elder Shen and Shen Yun both arrived Thousand Herb really early morning.

The shopkeeper lead both of them backyard. As they were walking, Shen Yun was looking around like a curious kitten. She looked at the shopkeeper in front of her and asked,

"Has big sister arrived already?"

The shopkeeper started sweating.

"No she hasn't, she will be here any moment. First someone wants to meet you."

The shopkeeper answered without turning back while walking his steps quicker.

Elder Shen who noticed his actions felt strange and weird.

'Is it some sort of trap?'

Then he shook his head. He had his trust on Su Yuxin.

'Even if there is trap, it will not be her but someone else.'

He tugged Shen Yun and hold her hand in case there was any danger.

Shen Yun wasn't dumb. She also found the shopkeeper behavior weird along with her grandfather action of tugging her. She knew something was wrong here.

They finally arrived at the backyard.

The shopkeeper knocked on the door softly. From inside an old voice rang out,

"Come in."

The shopkeeper opened the door and all three of them went in.

Inside there was a table and sitting across it was an old man who was looking at the back. And finally once they are in , the old man looked at front.

It was Alchemist Yue.

Alchemist Yue motioned them to sit forward and asked,

"Why has Old Patriarch and princess of Shen Family come to the small Wu Kingdom?"

Hearing his words, Shen Yun was shocked as she knew her and her grandfather identity.

Elder Shen on the other hand was rather calm he motioned the shopkeeper to put tea for him. And shopkeeper did.

Elder Shen just sipped on his tea without talking.

Alchemist Yue was irked by his actions just as he was to talk again , Elder Shen spoke,

"Hush, Old Yue you are going to scare Yuner."

Not wanting to leave a bad impression on Shen Yun , Alchemist Yue calm himself down.

Shen Yun was confused here with no clue what was going on.

After calming himself down, Alchemist Yue sipped his tea and looked at Elder Shen.

"You still haven't told me why have you come all the way here?"

Elder Shen sighed and gave out a sad smile. He said,

"I have been traveling around with Yuner. I already knew my days are numbered so even if I end up dying, I wanted to take Yuner to see outside world more with me. I might die on the way but it won't matter as long as I get to fulfill my last wish. I thought I would drop dead yesterday and finally breath my last breaths here but who knew that one miss would end up saving my life. And she even said I still have hope to live longer."

Both Alchemist Yue and Shen Yun silently heard his every words.

Shen Yun was sad if big sister hadn't come to rescue grandfather, he would have been dead already. She didn't even want to think about it. She didn't want to lose her grandfather.

Alchemist Yue had a grim face on his face.

"Why didn't you tell me about it?"

"I didn't knew you were here but I did send a letter to your sect."

Alchemist Yue nodded his head.

"At least you didn't forget to send a letter to me. Now let's go back to business, Old Shen you haven't introduced me to Yuner."

"Oh right, we kept talking to each other that I forget to introduce you."

Elder Shen then looked at Shen Yun.

"Yuner, this is Elder Yue who is also the Master of Heavenly Sect."

Alchemist Yue pouted and hold Shen Yun hand like she was his own granddaughter.

"Don't listen to him, Call me grandfather Yue. I used to come visit you when you were a baby and used to bring your favorite moon cakes."

Hearing this some memories clicked on Shen Yun head, she remembered one old man who always used to make him call grandfather in return she would get moon cakes.

"I remember you, Grandfather Yue. Where is my moon cake?"

Shen Yun asked grinning even her small white fangs were visible.

Alchemist Yue shakes his head and pinches her nose.

"What a glutton child."

Shen Yun just giggled.

Suddenly the door open and Su Yuxin walked in.

Su Yuxin had just arrived at Thousand Herb but no one was at the front. Thinking both shopkeeper and master might be at the courtyard at the back. She walked inside the room.

After entering she saw Master, shopkeeper , Elder Shen and Shen Yun there. She could see the atmosphere here was different. It looked like Elder Shen, Shen Yun and Master Yue knew each other.

Seeing Su Yuxin has arrived, Alchemist Yue focused himself at her.

"You brat, come here."

Su Yuxin lazily walked and sat beside him.

"Brat, you should know then already. Elder Shen is my old friend. Old Yue, this is Su Yuxin my disciple I recently accepted."

Elder Shen couldn't believe his ear, his eyes widened in shock.

"What? You finally accepted a disciple? That's a huge news. Before you never took anyone as your disciple, I can't believe there was someone in this small Kingdom who was acknowledged by you."

"I didn't took them cause they weren't worthy. You should know how high my standards are."

"That girl who saved my life was also a rare genius in medicine."

Alchemist Yue quickly boosted his chest proudly.

"Obviously the disciple I choose will be unordinary."

Elder Shen who was nodding his head in approval suddenly stopped and looked at Alchemist Yue,

"What did you say?"

Alchemist Yue laughed hard,

"Don't you know the miss who saved you yesterday is this brat who is my disciple?"

Elder Shen mouth widened , he looked at Su Yuxin waiting for her to admit it.

Su Yuxin slightly bowed her head and said gently,

"Sorry for not introducing myself earlier, Grandfather Shen. I am Su Yuxin, also known as the renowned Divine Medical Goddess who saved your life yesterday. Please don't take any offense."

Elder Shen recognized her voice and knew right away that Su Yuxin was the young miss who saved his life yesterday.

"No no, Yuxin. Its alright. You called me grandfather then ultimately you will be my granddaughter. How can I be mad at my granddaughter."

Elder Shen replied gleefully whereas Su Yuxin smiled.

"Yay , Big Sister Su became my big sister."

Shen Yun replied happily as she ran and hugged Su Yuxin.

Su Yuxin also hugged her back.

"Now let's get back to business. I will start treating Grandfather Shen now. Shopkeeper bring me the medicine."

After Shopkeeper brought the medicine, Su Yuxin started treating Elder Shen.

Like last time, Su Yuxin started to use acupuncture method. But this time she inserted the needles all over his body along with the wood elemental energy.

Alchemist Yue was looking at all the process without blinking. After a while all the needles started vibrating from the spiritual energy and one by one came out and fell on the ground.

Su Yuxin then picked all the needles then fed the medicine to Elder Shen.

Elder Shen felt more vigorous and full of energy after the treatment.

"Grandpa Shen , you just have to do it two more time and you will be completely healed."

"Thank you, Yuxin. Thank you, I will pay you high compensation."

Su Yuxin shook her head in denial and smiled.

"You already accepted me as your granddaughter. How can I still take your money, grandfather Shen?"

"But" Elder Shen hesitated as he felt it was an unfair deal for her.

"If you take me as your granddaughter, then don't hesitate, grandfather Shen."

Elder Shen just sighed after that and smiled while patting her head.

"You are a good granddaughter."

Then Alchemist Yue pulled Su Yuxin.

"Old Shen, don't you dare try to steal my disciple."

Elder Shen laughed seeing Alchemist Yue childish behavior.

"I won't , I won't."

Alchemist Yue just ignored Elder Shen and looked at his disciple like she was a treasure.

"You brat, you never told me you know long lost acupuncture techniques."

"Wait, what?"

Elder Shen asked curiously as he also knew acupuncture method was long lost.

"Yes, the technique she used on you is acupuncture. I have read about it. Acupuncture techniques is all about using needles to insert at certain acupuncture points to heal the body."

Su Yuxin didn't hide her techniques.

"Yes master it is acupuncture methods. Do you remember when we first met I told you about a expert who rescued me. He was the one who also taught me this and even gave me a book about it to self learn. Since then I have been learning it daily, mastering this technique. He told me never to share it to anyone."

Alchemist Yue was kind of disappointed but was happy seeing his disciple harvest.

"Then don't show the book to anyone, keep it to yourself."

Su Yuxin pulled the copy of the book and gave it to Alchemist Yue.

"But Master I have prepared a copy for you. You are my master, so I think it's fine to share with you. And I didn't share the book but only gave you copy, so it's fine."

Alchemist Yue was touched by her words. He flipped through the copy and saw that she had handwritten every single small details for him.

He happily accepted the copy.

"Then I will go study this copy and master it."

After that Alchemist Yue went into seclusion for a week.

Elder Shen and Shen Yun also returned back to their place and will visit after a week time for second round.

While Su Yuxin treated patients all day at Thousand Herb and then returned back at General Mansion. Then cultivated at night.

This was her cycle for a week. Wake up, go to Thousand Herb, treat patients, return General Mansion and cultivate all night.

She had finally breakthrough next rank Red Commander. She was satisfied with her current progress and peaceful lifestyle.

But soon, this peaceful lifestyle won't be peaceful anymore.