The Initial Plan

Miraya and Marcella glared at their father spontaneously because of the idea. Meanwhile, Mandala Katto has squinted his eyes towards them. They were like having a staring contest with each other for some minutes. It made Sherly Almora huffed and cleared her throat.

"What are you doing?" Sherly finally interrupted after the silly staring contest among her girls and husband. Mandala turned his head and lifted his chin arrogantly.

"She must understand how important this matchmaking for her!" Mandala pointed to Miraya with his annoying tone. Miraya scoffed to her father and glanced somewhere else. She would keep on protesting this unfair decision.

"Daddy, I don't want to get into any matchmaking, I have my boyfriend, and I'll marry him!" Miraya said boldly. Mandala lifted his eyebrows and widened his eyes. Both of them almost popped out of his skull. It triggered his anger to the next level.

Those also happened to Marcella dan Sherly who didn't believe in hearing them from Miraya. They were stunned to see Miraya stood still with her statement.

"Are you serious?" asked Marcella, dumbfounded. Miraya turned face to her twin and nodded confidently. Sherly sighed louder and rubbed her forehead afterward.

"I will never let you do that!" said Mandala by pointing at Miraya again. Miraya gasped and glared at her father.

"You are always like this, Daddy. You never gave what I want; You are so self-centered!" Miraya accused her father by stomping her feet on the floor furiously.

"What!! I gave you everything you want, but that thing is the only silly plan to get married with that rebel!" Miraya quickly whined and pouted. She seemed so cute and adorable with her beautiful face, but Mandala could not let himself broke for the cuteness. There were so many times he cracked on her acts.

Although he almost laughed at his daughter's act, he has to stand still so she would respect him.

"But Daddy ... " Miraya still whined with her pouting mouth.

"My decision is final, and there's no way you decline it!" Mandala walked out of the table and went upstairs into his bedroom. Sherly watched his husband back and sighed. She finally turned her head to see saddened Miraya.

"Miraya ... please think about the proposal. We are reassuring that it will be the best decision for you," said Sherly while stroking Miraya's long hair.

"Mommy ... I thought you wanna me to be happy!"

"I am. That's why I agree with your father. You should have a proper next future fiance, not someone who's going to hurt you at the end." Sherly spoke with her soft tone to melt Miraya's heart. Miraya bowed her head and did not make any response.

She chose to walk out of the table and went to her room upstairs.

"Miraya ..." Marcella softly called Miraya, but she ignored her. Miraya kept on walking and left both her twin and her Mom.

Sherly finally gazed at Marcella and gave her a slight smile.

"I hope you're going to help me with this. Please convince her to do this matchmaking, and this is for her happiness also. I knew she always listened to you," Sherly wheedled Marcella to persuade Miraya.

"Is this the right thing, Mommy?" asked Marcella with her soft tone? Sherly smiled reassuringly at her with her hand caressed Marcella's shoulder-length hair.

"Do you want her to be with her boyfriend?" Sherly asked an easy question but tough to answer.

"I don't like that man. He's a bad boy, I know he has many girls out there, but Miraya loves him so much. I don't know what she sees from him!" blurted Marcella made her Mom chuckled.

"See ... now you understand why we did this plan on her, right?" Marcella nodded.

"I'll talk to her then." Sherly nodded with her beautiful smile. Marcella then went up to Miraya's bedroom, planned to talk to her.

Sherly stayed at her place, and her cast changed suddenly. She agreed with the matchmaking, but she felt uncomfortable with Brajamohan's family.

She knew she had to cover all the past secrets, but if this matchmaking happened, would it reveal everything? But that was the past, and she should not let it affected the future.

Sherly shooked her head and cleared her throat. She did not want to think about it and chose to get into the bedroom to talk with her husband.

Meanwhile, in Miraya's bedroom, Marcella drew her onto the edge of the bed. She sat and put her hand on Miraya's shoulder. Miraya turned her body to her, and she was sobbing. Marcella gave her a slight smile and wiped her tears.

"You'll be okay. You always be the strongest girl I've ever known!" Marcella intended to praise her.

"Are you intending that I'm Xena?" Marcella chuckled and shook her head.

"No, I mean your personality. I always adore you." Miraya smiled at Marcella and got up from her bed.

"I don't want to get engaged to a stranger, sister," Miraya whined with her adorable face.

"You have to know him first. We shouldn't judge people that way. I mean, who knows? He's probably a nice guy!" Miraya glared at Marcella and pouted.

"Are you on Daddy's side right now?" Marcella smiled at her twin.

"I'm non-block!" exclaimed her suddenly.

"Of course not. You agree with this silly idea, do you?" Marcella snorted and smiled at her.

"Honestly, I don't like your boyfriend. I told you that I saw him with another girl, but you don't believe me!" Miraya squinted her eyes stared at Marcella, but she didn't care about the look.

"He's a famous senior at our college, Marcella. How could you don't get it? He has a lot of fans!" Miraya denied the reality. Marcella only could shake her head when she saw Mirays's stubborn mind.

"One day, you'll regret it. I don't want to see you cry!" Marcella still protested. Miraya scoffed and covered herself with a pillow. She threw herself laid back to bed and hummed annoyingly.

"I DON'T WANT TO GET INTO THIS MATCHMAKING!" she yelled under the pillow.


There's must be some curse on the past life of Ariel when he heard his best pal's idea blurted out from his mouth quickly. Ariel was not shocked by some absurd acts Artemis showed every day. That guy was so random, but this time, it was too much.

"How about ... you'll be switching as me?" Artemis smirked at Ariel with his widened eyes.

"Are you out of your mind!" blurted Ariel, almost exploded into rage.

"No ... I'm serious!" the dumb Artemis did not even realize that his friend was at the edge of his sanity. He'd kill him for sure.

"I can't believe you said that to me!"

"What's wrong? I thought you said you're gonna help me!"