Sweet And Sour

Ariel felt so dumbfounded after looking at the picture he found in the purse. His heart was thumping more than before, the unease creeping inside his heart.

"Who are these babies?" Ariel muttered to himself while glancing at Marcella. He put the picture back in the purse. After tidying it up, he tried to wake her up by softly tapping her right arm.

"Hey, you need to give me your address!" Marcella then turned a bit of her body with her eyes closed.

"Hhmm ... I am so sleepy. What did you say?"

It seemed like she didn't recognize the question. Ariel repeated the same question, but she kept murmuring.

"I cannot take you to my home!" said Ariel while scoffing.

"But I can't go home like this. My Dad will kill me," Miraya whimpered with her cute look that he couldn't resist. Somehow, his desire a bit arouse and it kindly disturbing.

He was raising the curve of his lips on her when they opposed each other by leaning on arms side.

"Something will happen if ..." he stopped his imagination about this girl. Ariel even held himself by shutting his eyelids for a second.

"What will be happening?" babbled Marcella on whispering. As if her voice was the cool sweet lemonade, Ariel's throat felt so fresh right now. That future fiance of Artemis, his best friend, was the most beautiful girl he has ever seen in his life.

Marcella cutely giggled, but Ariel kept on staring at her eyes. She closed her eyes when Ariel was getting closer to her. Her tender fanned Ariel's face and made him couldn't resist anymore.

But when his lips almost touch hers, he stopped, 'I can't, I shouldn't!' his mind shrieked at the critical moment.

Ariel straightened his back and huffed for a moment. He glanced a while before restarting the engine and going home. Marcella was sleeping beside him without realizing anything, so he brought her to his house.

Moreover, the guy was just a substitute actor for the dumbest Artemis Brajamohan. Ariel thought something else when he decided to bring her home afterward. Maybe he could call the real Artemis to get his supposed fiance home.

So after the car got inside the garage, Ariel went out and walked to another side. He lifted Marcella in his arms calmly so she won't wake up when they get inside his private bedroom.

After putting her on the bed, he took his phone and called Artemis. Unfortunately, the number only connected to the cellular operator's automatic voice reported that the receiver was switching off.

Ariel frowned and scoffed. How could Artemis turn off his phone in this situation?

"Where the hell is he?" he mumbled and recalled. The answer was still in the same state, no connection at all.

Ariel thought for a moment before putting back his phone on the corner mini cabinet. He took off his upper button of the shirt to lessen the tension. He brought a girl home! It was something not supposed to happen.

He was wondering how he could get involved in this situation. He started to regret the reckless decision he made two days ago. He shouldn't say yes and let Artemis worked on his problems. Ariel was supposed to stop acting as his guardian all the time.

But when he turned around and saw Marcella was lying on his bed, he felt different. He walked towards the bed and sat on the edge. For the reason that he would never understand, Ariel reached out his hand and touched Marcella's hair strand.

The longer he stared at her, the longer he felt aroused. The girl was so attractive yet started to make him think about something else.

Indeed, Ariel was a straight guy with needs. He knew deep down he might do something wrong after this, but the girl would break the relationship with Artemis anyway. She should be single. There shouldn't be a problem, right?

While thinking and touching her face with his fingertips, those pretty doe eyes slowly opened. And now, both of them were gazing at each other deeply.

Marcella did not move; she stayed still and breathed so calmly. Neither Ariel did the same and then straighten his body on top of her. Both of his elbows were pressing the bed, and his fingertip reached from the cheekbone to the side of gorgeous lips.

"You ..." Ariel shut her words by gently smooching her lips. His palm was covering the left cheek, then went back to the nape to deepen the kisses.

Marcella has never kissed before. So when she was drunk, and a hot guy did that on her, she was blowing. The hot yet sweet kisses nibble her soft pink lips gave her shivers along with her thumping heart.

"Ah ... I ... what are you ... doing?" whispered Marcella in front of his lips. Ariel has lost his sanity towards this girl. So he did not care, although it probably would end up as one night stand only.


"AAAHHHKK ... WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME!" a man shouted inside his full helmet. But he was getting stuck by the buckle under the chin.

Miraya forcefully took the helmet without thinking that the man's face was getting stuck because of the buckle.

"AH STOP IT!" the man pushed Miraya, so she let go of the helmet.

"Are you trying to kill me!" blurted the man in a rage. But Miraya, who had pushed behind then tapped her both palm to clean from dust to defy him.

"Why did you not show me your face? Are you trying to hide your ugliness!" questioned Miraya with her bossy attitude. The man was getting pissed and took off his helmet safety buckle to face her directly.

He was breathing and gasping at the same time. Definitely, he was furious and handsome.

"You have no manner at all. I never met such a brutal chick like you!" Miraya's eyeballs almost burst out from her skull to hear the humiliation of her action.

"What did you say? Do you know who I am?" replied Miraya curtly. He scoffed in an annoying face.

"A rebel hick?" he mocked by guessing the answer.

"YOU!" Miraya pointed at his handsome face.

"Look, Lady, my problem is not you. And it would be best if you thanked me for the help, not torturing your savior!" he cut her words by glaring at her with a similar rage. Miraya clenched the jaw with her sharp gaze on him. Meanwhile, the man did not want to bow to her at all. After few minutes of intensive gazing at each other, Miraya frowned and realized something. This man was familiar.

"I knew you!" said Miraya with her finger still pointing at him. He scoffed and took his sight away from her.

"Of course, everybody knows me. That's why I was wearing the helmet all night!" Miraya kept the frown, but that's not what she meant.

"That's not what I mean!" Miraya argued with him for a reason. He's hissed in annoyance and shook his head.

"What else! You stalker always getting on my way all the time!" Miraya glared disbelieve at him.

'How can he be arrogantly dickhead? What does he think himself, a celebrity?' Miraya questioned on her mind.

"You are not that famous to brag about yourself!" exclaimed Miraya after.

"I am a celebrity, Darling. Where are you living anyway? Under a rock?" mocked him more. Miraya should calm herself down. Consider, she'll have bad luck if keeping him around to dispute. But Miraya indeed ever saw him somewhere recently, too recent actually. She could not process it at the same time. Her tiny brain tried to search under many piles on the memory.

"I gotta go, you'd better lucky by yourself!" said the man while squatting and ready to stand. When he rose, Miraya's hand pulled him under to re squat.

"You can't leave me here!"

"Hey, I helped you already. You should take care of your own now!"

"But I am your bet's prize, don't I?" exclaimed Miraya with her evil expression. The man huffed in annoyance. He had a bet that could not leave around.

"Okay, let's say that I'm a generous man who releases your pain from being the privilege tonight. So you may leave, go!" he pointed at the alley o none of the side.

"Are you crazy? What if the cops wait for me there?"

"Do they see your face?" Miraya tried to think for a second and shrugged her shoulder.

"But I can't be reckless!" she pointed at the statement. The man huffed more and re-think for another plan. He wanted to escape from this weird chick. There's no way that she would stick with him all night.

"Nope ... you should go by yourself, it's not my problem!" he insisted not to help.

'What a coward!' Miraya cursed on her heart.

"Mostly, a gentleman will be responsible for his lady!" said Miraya confidently.

"But you're not my lady!" replied the man curtly with a heavy dominant voice. Miraya was stunned for about five seconds until she realized something.

"Wait ... aren't you, Artemis Brajamohan? You supposed to have a date at the club tonight, right?" exclaimed Miraya in shocking expression. Miraya stood up and pointing her finger at him. The man who almost walked away then stopped and turned around. He raised his eyebrows, having the same acts.

"What ... who are you?" Miraya numbed on that moment. Her hand was still pointing.

"How could you know that I have a date appointment tonight?" the man demanded more responses that he did not get.

Meanwhile, Miraya thought to herself, then yelled, "Then who is the guy that dates with Marcella right now?"