The Deal Belongs To Me

With confidence, Artemis Brajamohan walked into his father's company alone. Ariel only drove him to the lobby, and he left after. 

He has never been there for quite a long time. The last he was visiting the company when he was about 15 years old. And that was more than ten years ago.

Being the owner's son, he could make it inside without any disputes or strain at all. He did not have to inform or even put on the visitor tag as anyone else. He has to get inside the executive elevator, and it would take him up to his father's chamber directly. 

"Mr. Artemis, how are you?" asked Ajax's Secretary named Winda when Artemis was passing her working room. The room has a whole glass wall that brought a clear sight from both inside and outside. So whenever someone passed it, Winda would recognize him.