Take My Hand

"Ladies and gentlemen... " A man was presenting semifinal Prix championship at the tribune. The riders were there to grab a ticket to the final at the national racing in the next two weeks. Artemis was standing next to his motorbike that he was going to compete. 

Everything was ready, and he has to ride his bike. Artemis then prepared for his position and the determined stop number. Ariel was also designed and would lead the mechanical team at the pit stop. Ariel's job was also as Artemis guide in the circuit later. 

"Can you hear me?" asked Ariel via their communication channel on headphones.

"Yes, crystal!" replied Artemis later. Ariel then picked up a board containing some notes for him later. He has to measure and keep an eye on everything at the same time.

"Be ready in your places!" Ariel commanded on his mechanic's team through a handy talkie.

"Affirmative, sir!" said one of the mechanical team leaders representing his other colleagues.