It Should Have Been Me

The gathering was not complete without a piece of music. Therefore, Mandala set up everything perfectly. He put some romantic ballad instrumental that made the dinner went romantically smooth but intense.

After being in discussion with Ajax, Mandala took the lead to ask his wife for a dance. Miraya and Marcella even were clapping to cheer them. Sherly could not resist her sweet happy smile when Mandala came to her taking her hand.

Ajax, who witnessed them, was choosing to take sat and threw his sight to something else. He could not stand to see the romance between them. Sherly was so in love with her husband, while Mandala has nothing to adore than his wife. 

Artemis cleared his throat, then standing up to bow at Marcella.

"Would you care to have a dance with me?" Artemis gave out his right hand to Marcella in front of Ariel and Miraya. Marcella smiled at him and gave him her left hand to take. Ariel witnessed it with his clenched heart.