Do Not Against Me

Sometimes bad things could happened just like lightning struck. When it happened, no one could resist it. And Artemis has it now. He was perplexed and dumbfounded when Miraya asked him to meet but not for something fun. It was something horrible that could ruin everything. She wanted to end up all plans they made before. 

"I think we must terminate the deal!" Artemis frowned at Miraya when she said that he kept his body away from the table between them.

"Excuse me?"

"I will confess everything to my dad and if I must to … then I'll talk to your dad too. I'll responsible for this!" Miraya added without a single doubt at all.

Artemis was getting more confused. How could Miraya think of all that suddenly?

"Wait … I don't understand …" Artemis tried to take the information. He was trying to breath but instead he has such a big stone on the chest which cause him in trouble.