I Love You

Artemis was still looking with a sweet smile at Miraya, who had just gotten off his motorbike after the ride. After a slight stiffness hit him, Artemis then cleared his throat to get into the situation. For some reason, he felt that Miraya's gaze made his heartbeat thumped twice as fast as before and made him nervous.

"Uhm … do you want to go somewhere else?" Artemis asked Miraya without attempting to look at her closely. Miraya beamed slightly then shrugged her shoulders without answering. Artemis was still a little shyly staring but then nodded.

"Then let's have lunch, shall we?" Artemis offered again.

"It's still 11 AM, Arte!" Miraya replied casually without glancing at her watch. Artemis' mouth opened slightly, and he nodded again.

"Yeah you're right, I forgot that it's not lunch time yet. Do you want to have some snack then?" Miraya's grin widened even more.

"What are you doing?" Miraya asked with her glistening eyes and adorable smile.