You Were My Baby

Ajax arrived at the golf court after half an hour driving from the café. When he arrived, Mandala friendly greeted him like always then took him to other guests. 

"Are you alone? I'm bringing my wife. I thought you'll bring yours!" Mandala blurted casually to Ajax. Ajax was smiling and shaking his head.

"No, I'm just alone."

"Oh, Mr. Brajamohan, unfortunately that you did not bring your wife with you. All of us are having our couple!" Ajax was smirking at one of the guests that talked to him.

"It's fine. My wife needs some rest today. I don't want to make her waiting for me and gets boring afterwards!" Ajax made his reason while smirking.

"Resting? Wow, can we expect some good news, Mr. Brajamohan?" asked the guest and giggling after. At the first time, Ajax did not understand what he meant by that until Mandala whispered to him about pregnancy's chance.