How Should I Trust You?

"Are you hiding something from me?" Sherly bluntly uttered him question after those up and down between them. Mandala was straightly into silent after hearing it. 

"Why do possessively keeping me in the house? I want to involve in our business too!" she kept on whining the same thing for the last 30 minutes. Mandala then embraced Sherly to make her calm.

"Darling, I really don't want to stress you with the works. It is really stressful and hard. I just don't want you to get so tired because of it!" he persuaded her to stay away from his business. Sherly pushed him aside, pouting her lips.

She grimaced and walked away from the room as if Mandala was the one who she  must blame too. 

"Darling, Baby!" Mandala has no choice but to follow her everywhere to speak. He has to make sure that Sherly would not be finding out about his works; otherwise he had to handle another problem.
