The First And Forever

Artemis was holding Miraya closed to him during their way to a hotel room near the club. He kept on plastering her by pecking her so many times. Meanwhile, Miraya also lingered her arms on his waist. When Artemis acted like a husband to her, she would not mind at all. 

"Are you sure do you want to do this?" asked Artemis whispered on her ear then pecked her earlobe. Miraya slightly smiled and kissed him. They were inside the elevator on the way to their reserved room. 

"I believe in you. I know that you love me so much!" Miraya muttered on his lips, and Artemis kissed her right away. It slidingly opened such passionate kisses to Miraya, and the door afterward, Miraya pulled Artemis with her as he also lingered with her. 

With the rush, Artemis put his room's card scanner to open the door. He pushed her then glued her to the wall beside the door. The intense full of passionate kisses happened right on the moment when the door automatically shut then locked.