Insane To Be Sane

Ajax straightly stood up after listening to Ariel's story about Gabriel. He would never think that he came to his house, and Lavender met him secretly behind him. Ajax anxiously thought something bad about it until he recognized one thing.

It was that night when he found her in his bedroom and hid her cellphone. Lavender looked suspicious that night. And when Ajax after her, Lavender was not in her room as she told him before. 

Ajax immediately felt pain in his chest as something poking there. He stroked it as if his caressed could ease the pain.

"Dad, are you okay?" Artemis was standing beside Ajax after seeing him acting weird. Ariel also had similar worries to him. Somehow, he felt guilty to tell him about the previous situation he had.

Ajax looked like gasping air to breathe hardly. He shut his eyes few times tried to think wisely and calmly.