Bad Hunch

"I slept with Marcella!" Artemis abruptly admitted his secret. With his stern expression, to stare at Ariel. Ariel was stone at his place, thinking towards the meaning of Artemis's confession at him.

"I have sex with her too!" 

"When?" Ariel abruptly asked Artemis. Artemis a bit frown and gulped his saliva.

"Last night. If you don't believe me, I can call her!" Artemis persisted, then grabbed his cellphone to call what he called Marcella. Ariel still froze at his place until he stretched out his hands to stop Artemis from calling Marcella.

"Wait, you said last night you had sex with her?" Ariel tried to make sure. Artemis pierced his gaze upon Ariel before nodding.

"Are you sure it was her?" Artemis was getting more frowned. He did have a bad hunch now. 

"What do you mean?" Artemis perplexedly staring at Ariel. Ariel sighed and straightened his back.