Domino Effect


Artemis took a taxi to get home after driving Miraya back to her home. He was grinning happily that his relationship was getting more than better. At least, Miraya agreed to give him the last second chance to redeem everything. Although, she took back the decision about his wedding proposal. But Artemis would try once more to get her back. One of the ways was proposing formally through her parents.

In the taxi, he was widely grinning to think about how excited Miraya's parents were when he came to propose to their daughter. Therefore, he must admit the roles that he switched up with Ariel.

'I will tell the truth. Once they know that I am the real Artemis, then they will give me the blessings!' Artemis was thoughtful on his mind. He was nodding several times until the car stopped on the side of the closed main gate. Artemis frowned and asked the driver.