He Won't Take Mine

"That is not my business. Their marriage is not my thing to take care of. She asked my help as an old acquittance. That's it!" Ajax stated and turned his eyes to Lavender, who stared at him.

"Yeah, you are right! That's not our deal!" Ariel supported Ajax's statements. Ajax nodded understandingly. He was thinking for a moment before seeing Ariel again.

"Ariel, I think you can move here now. There's plenty of rooms you could choose to be your room. I don't think it will be a problem!" Ariel widened his eyes. They didn't even solve the problem instead of living under one roof. That would be awkward. 

The same well as Artemis, who found it excited on the way of thinking on his father, Ajax. He knew Ajax as one of the first haters of Ariel Reiden. Now he was offering the same man he hated to move into his house. It sounded that hilarious.