The Biggest Scare

"Why do you say that I'm your son? What's your proof?" Artemis asked curtly to Gabriel. Gabriel took his deep sigh and nodded.

"We can do the DNA test!" Artemis scoffed in annoyance to turn his head.

"I will not let someone else to touch my blood. If you are my family, you must have a proof!" Artemis half growled to him. Gabriel nodded then his eyes turned to Lavender.

"Baby… tell our son the truth!" Gabriel told Lavender to speak. Artemis glanced to his mother to say to her through his eyes that she could tell the truth.

Lavender commenced breathing unevenly. She was gasping for air and tried to console herself.

"It's okay. Just tell him the truth. I will protect you." Gabriel put more of his persuasion to her. Ajax should handle himself not to interrupt the situation yet. But he anticipated that Gabriel might do something harmful to his family.

"Your father is not Ajax!" Lavender uttered it generally. Gabriel demanded her to say for more.