Old Promise

Mandala Katto could not let Ajax Brajamohan take control of his family. After Marcella's confession, it was time for him to take action seriously. 

Mandala was quietly raged to the reality that Marcella got pregnant by Ariel. The fact that Brajamohan fooled him about their identity had raged Mandala more. 

He walked to approach Marcella's bedroom. At first, Mandala wanted to clarify with Marcella about the baby in her womb. He could not take the risk to have Brajamohan's bloodline on his plan right now.

But once he overheard his daughters was sobbing inside, Mandala started to feel unease.

Mandala scoffed in annoyance and leaned his back on the side of Marcella's bedroom door. He could not let this happen to his daughter. 

Mandala was thinking of something like abortion. He could not bear to make a marriage between his daughter and his enemy.