
"Then what happened next was that he was chased by demon superiors ... He was chased by one of the 10 strongest demons, Azazel" said the old grandfather.

"Can he survive Grandpa?" said Nan Chen

"He was completely attacked and his cultivation was ruined," said the old man

"Then where is he now?" said Nan Chen

"Not many know where he is now but it's clear since that incident ... Many cultivators have been hunted and killed by gods and demons" said the old man.

"But why were they 10 years ago looking for a successor to their power?" said Nan Chen

"They are tired of the long and uncertain war and also they must realize the potential of humans and they expect help from humans to help the war between gods and demons" said the old man.

"How sneaky!" said Nan Chen in an annoyed tone

"But I see you have both the Qi of gods and demons" said the old man while looking at Nan Chen's body

"Ehmm ehh no grandpa," said Nan Chen nervously and didn't know what to say

"What do you mean no?" said the old man

"Oh, forget it, Grandpa," said Nan Chen

"Story ... I already know that the Qi in your body is a mixture of divine Qi and demon Qi" said the old man

"But I wonder why a 5 year old child can have both Qi." The old man continued with his curiosity

"Would you kill me if you knew the facts?" said Nan Chen doubtfully

"It won't because I'm sure you can become a big diamond in the future," said the old man

"Well, actually I participated in two competitions held by gods and demons 10 years ago," said Nan Chen

"Hahh ?? !! You participated in both competitions?" said the old man in shock

"Yes, Grandma," said Nan Chen

"The competition was held 10 years ago and currently you are only 5 years old ... don't you try to lie to me" said the old man.

"I didn't lie to you Grandpa" said Nan Chen

"Then what happened to your body?" said the old man curiously

"When I get the cultivation methods of gods and demons and also I get techniques from gods and demons ... They know that I am participating in both competitions" said Nan Chen.

"Then what happen?" said the old man

"Because I was considered a traitor by both parties ... I was hunted down and killed by them" said Nan Chen

"Then why are you still alive?" said the old man

"Have you ever heard of the eternal spring?" said Nan Chen

"Ah yes, it's just a rumor ..." said the old man

"Uh, wait a minute ... Did you fall in the eternal spring?" said the old man in a voice raised in shock at the miracle

"Yes, like that" said Nan Chen

"I heard that this spring can heal various diseases and injuries ... But who would have thought that even death could be prevented by an eternal spring," said the old man.

"Yes grandpa ... I was in the eternal spring pool for 10 years and the eternal spring healed wounds and made me young again" said Nan Chen.

"This time I know why you have two Qi when you are still a child," said the old man

"Where is the eternal spring pool located?" said the old man

"To the north there is a village and not far from the village there is a cave that has an eternal spring," said Nan Chen

"Huh, it turns out to be very close from here ... But it's a shame according to the rumors that the immortal spring can only be used once and after the person who uses it has finished the spring will recede and not be left a bit" said the old man

"Then when will the eternal spring appear again?" said Nan Chen

"Maybe 200 years from now" said the old man

"No wonder the properties are so felt ... Even waiting for the water takes 200 years," said Nan Chen

"Even though I hope to heal my wounds and repay the devil's actions," said the old man

"What do you mean grandfather?" said Nan Chen

"The person who has broken through to the first stage of heavenly cultivation is me," said the old man

"I never thought that you were still alive, Grandpa," said Nan Chen in awe

"Likewise with you" said the old grandfather

"Yes, I'm still alive, but my body can't adapt to the techniques I've learned," said Nan Chen

"No effort to force these techniques ... You better stabilize your two Qi which are still opposing until now" said the old man.

"How do you do grandpa?" said Nan Chen

"What was your name before, Grandpa?" said Nan Chen

"Xiao Lang and from now on I will help you to become stronger with both of your Qi" said Xiao Lang's grandfather

"Yes, Grandpa, ask for guidance," said Nan Chen

"And what's your name?" said Grandpa Xiao Lang

"Introduce your disciple's name is Nan Chen" said Nan Chen as he lowered his head

"It's no longer necessary to be so formal," said Xiao Lang's grandfather

"Then what can I do to stabilize the two Qi?" said Nan Chen

"First, you have to find two materials related to gods and demons," said Xiao Lang's grandfather

"What's that, Grandpa?" said Nan Chen

"In the past, because of the impact of the gods and demons wars ... The animals also started to evolve and receive Qi from nature and turned into Beasts ... But there are also many animals that get power from gods and demons accidentally like the Phoenix which gains power. from the hellfire where the demons are and the celestial dragon which has the power of the sky from the heaven where the gods are, "said Xiao Lang's grandfather.

"Then do I have to go to hell and heaven to find these two animals?" said Nan Chen

"There is no need because these two animals also have descendants on this mountain ... although not as strong as the Phoenix and the first heavenly dragon, the descendants here have reached the 7-star Beast," said Xiao Lang's grandfather.

"Is a 7 star beast that strong?" said Nan Chen

"Yes, every beast has 9 levels and 1 star is the weakest and 9 stars are the strongest" said the old man

"Then do we have to fight the two level 7 beasts?" said Nan Chen

"Looks like it's still impossible with our current strength," said Grandpa Xiao Lang

"Then how do you do grandpa?" said Nan Chen resignedly

"I'm trying to think about it," said Xiao Lang's grandfather