
The night passed so quickly and finally morning arrived.

"Grandpa, are we leaving today?" said Nan Chen

"Yes, we will go after filling the stomach," said Grandpa Xiao Lang

"Eat this bread that belongs to me, Grandpa," said Nan Chen, giving him a piece of bread that he had bought before the trip

Grandpa Xiao Lang and also Nan Chen fill their stomachs with bread and after they finish the bread, they are ready to go to find the existence of a beast with divine Qi.

"Try to refocus your divine Qi and look for a beast with a little power of that divine Qi," said Grandpa Xiao Lang

"I feel it is still in the same place as last night" said Nan Chen

"In which direction?" said Grandpa Xiao Lang

"1 mile to the North Grandpa," said Nan Chen

"Let's hurry before he goes any further" said Grandpa Xiao Lang

They also ran with their own techniques.

"Heh, apparently your technique is able to catch up with me" said Grandpa Xiao Lang while giving Nan Chen a lopsided smile

"Because this is a technique that belongs to a god, so obviously I can keep up with you," said Nan Chen

"Wait a minute," said Grandpa Xiao Lang, suddenly stopping

"What's the matter, Grandpa?" said Nan Chen in shock

"No wonder the beast with divine Qi doesn't move from its place," said Grandpa Xiao Lang

"What happened to him?" said Nan Chen

"He is incubating his eggs," said Grandpa Xiao Lang

"Then what should we do?" said Nan Chen

"Looks like we have to find another beast" said Grandpa Xiao Lang

"Because a beast that is guarding his child has a high maternal nature and he will bring out all his strength if there is danger and I doubt if I fight him whether I can win or not," said Grandpa Xiao Lang.

"Yes, I'm sorry if I kill a mother who is incubating her eggs," said Nan Chen

"Okay, try to find another beast," said Grandpa Xiao Lang

"Yes, Grandpa," said Nan Chen

Nan Chen immediately focused his divine Qi

"Grandpa I found it but ..." said Nan Chen doubtfully

"But what?" said Grandpa Xiao Lang curiously

"Looks like he's fighting another beast" said Nan Chen

"We should watch the battle," said Grandpa Xiao Lang

Nan Chen and Xiao Lang's grandfather rushed towards the beast with a little divine Qi next.

When they arrived, they saw that the beast was fighting another beast.

"The battle between 5 star beasts is amazing" said Grandpa Xiao Lang

"Who do you think won Grandpa?" said Nan Chen

"Most likely a beast that has divine Qi but whoever wins we will still benefit from this battle" said Grandpa Xiao Lang

Grandpa Xiao Lang and also Nan Chen waited for the two beasts to finish their fight. And unexpectedly, a beast with divine Qi would lose to a beast with natural Qi

"Gosh, I never thought that a beast with divine Qi could lose to a beast with natural Qi," said Grandpa Xiao Lang

Beasts with natural Qi also showed signs of progression from 5 stars to 6 stars.

"Look at Nan Chen, he wants to develop into a 6 star" said Grandpa Xiao Lang

"What should we do?" said Nan Chen

"We should kill him when he has just reached the 6 star" said Grandpa Xiao Lang

"Why does it have to be so grandpa?" said Nan Chen

"Because at that time he was still very weak," said Grandpa Xiao Lang

"Alright grandpa" said Nan Chen

"Now is the time for us to kill Nan Chen" said Grandpa Xiao Lang who immediately ran towards the 6 star beast that had just evolved.

Grandpa Xiao Lang immediately took out some of the strongest techniques to instantly kill the beast.

"Hiyaa ..." shouted Grandpa Nan Chen who immediately took out the 'Mountain splitting' technique.

But the beast could still survive Xiao Lang's grandfather's attack.

"Grandpa he's still alive" said Nan Chen in a panic

"Yes, I know that," said Grandpa Xiao Lang

"Hey kid please give some attacks" said Grandpa Xiao Lang to Nan Chen

"Yes, Grandpa," said Nan Chen

Nan Chen gave several hits but Nan Chen's attacks could only have a slight impact on the beast

"Ah looks like I need to teach this stupid beast some lessons !!" said Grandpa Xiao Lang so annoyed

"You die, you stupid beast 'Fire palm'" said Grandpa Xiao Lang, taking out his fire technique

"Huh ... Hah ... Finally he died" said Grandpa Xiao Lang with a gasping breath

"Grandpa are you okay?" said Nan Chen so worriedly

"I'm fine ... you better check the two beast corpses" said Grandpa Xiao Lang, who sat down immediately exhausted

"Fine grandpa" said Nan Chen who immediately ran towards the two beasts

"Wow is this the beast core of a beast that has a little divine Qi?" said Nan Chen while taking out the core of a beast that came from a beast with divine Qi

"Are you surprised?" said Grandpa Xiao Lang from a distance

"Yes grandpa is very surprised ... The difference between the two cores, namely the divine beast core and the demon beast core, is very clear," said Nan Chen

"What difference can you see?" said Grandpa Xiao Lang

"Beasts with divine Qi have a beast core that emits bright light and the divine Qi that is in them is still felt even though I just saw it" said Nan Chen.

"And beasts with demonic qi emit an aura of darkness that is so dense and the demonic qi in them still looks strong," said Nan Chen while taking out the core of the demon qi in his pocket.

"You try to check the core of the 6-star beast," said Grandpa Xiao Lang, pointing at the 6-star beast not far from where Nan Chen was.

Nan Chen immediately examined the core of the beast in the 6-star beast.

"Is this really a 6-star beast core?" said Nan Chen

"Why are you surprised?" said Grandpa Xiao Lang

"Its existence is really strong" said Nan Chen

"Yes, because he's one more step towards the 7 star and of course his beast core is very strong," said Grandpa Xiao Lang

"So while I sit and recover my strength, you better absorb the two beast cores with the divine Qi and the demonic Qi," said Grandpa Xiao Lang.

"Fine grandpa" said Nan Chen who immediately took the God Qi beast core and the demon Qi beast core.

Nan Chen cultivated immediately and began to absorb the two beast cores