
"Grandpa ... I'm not strong enough" complained Nan Chen

"Hey hold on to your pain, you stupid kid !!" said Grandpa Xiao Lang

"Yes grandpa I'm trying to hold it in, but the water here is very cold Grandpa," said Nan Chen complaining

"If you want to be stronger, hold onto the water," said Grandpa Xiao Lang, who was waiting on a rock near the waterfall

"Okay grandpa ..." said Nan Chen

The days passed and Nan Chen's training was getting more and more visible

2 years passed so quickly and finally Nan Chen touched the age of 7

"Hey Nan Chen, now you are seven years old, right?" said Grandpa Xiao Lang

"Yes, Grandma," said Nan Chen excitedly

"Well, because you are old enough to register to become an outer sect disciple ... Then I will accompany you to enroll in a sect in the central capital" said Grandpa Xiao Lang.

"Yes, Grandpa," said Nan Chen

Grandpa Xiao Lang was silent for a moment and looked at Nan Chen very deeply. Tears slowly flowed out from between Grandpa Xiao Lang's eyes

"Grandpa why are you crying?" said Nan Chen in astonishment

"Ahh, it's okay ... I was just thinking about something earlier" said Grandpa Xiao Lang as he wiped his tears

"Ah well then Grandpa" said Nan Chen

"I never thought I would release my students to study in a sect ... It's hard ... I will live my life alone once again ... And maybe I will meet my end in loneliness" thought grandfather Nan Chen who the tears still came out

"Grandpa, thank you for your guidance during these two years," said Nan Chen as he bowed respectfully to Xiao Lang's grandfather

"You're welcome, son," said Grandpa Xiao Lang, rubbing Nan Chen's head

"I will never forget grandfather's merits and will never forget the teachings that grandfather gave me the slightest bit," said Nan Chen

"When you are out there later ... Don't act like the heavens, son ... Continue to be humble and that way you can be well received in society" said Grandpa Xiao Lang.

"Yes grandpa I will guard and remember your words" said Nan Chen

"Fine, I also seem to be looking for a place to live not far from the sect that you are going to enter," said Grandpa Xiao Lang.

"Is it true grandpa?" said Nan Chen

"Yes, I've also lived on this mountain for too long ... It's time for me to mingle with other humans," said Grandpa Xiao Lang.

"Alright grandpa then let's quickly get ready" said Nan Chen excitedly

"Come on," said Grandpa Xiao Lang

The two of them also prepared to walk to the capital city and register Nan Chen in one of the sects in the central capital

"Hey Nan Chen," said Grandpa Xiao Lang

"What's the matter, Grandpa?" said Nan Chen

"Do you want to find a beast partner who can accompany you?" said Grandpa Xiao Lang

"Ahh yes grandpa I want me to" said Nan Chen with a face that was so happy

"Then let's find a beast who can accompany you and become your partner" said Grandpa Xiao Lang

"Come on grandpa I'm very excited" said Nan Chen

"Yes, I will try to find you the best Beast so that I can help you and replace my role to protect you in the sect later" said Grandpa Xiao Lang.

"Yes, Grandpa," said Nan Chen

"Yes, we should look for it while walking towards the center of the capital," said Grandpa Xiao Lang

"Yes, Grandma," said Nan Chen

"Hey Nan Chen, what kind of beast do you want to partner with while in the Sect?" said Grandpa Xiao Lang

"Hmm, I want a strong beast tail" said Nan Chen

"Ah everyone also wants that" said Grandpa Xiao Lang

"Hmm, it looks like I want a beast that can train with me" said Nan Chen

"Good thinking," said Grandpa Xiao Lang

"This time I mostly train the divine Qi that is in my body ... So I want to have a beast that has divine Qi" said Nan Chen.

"Well then let's look for the beast that has the divine Qi" said Grandpa Xiao Lang

"I'll look for it in a moment," said Nan Chen

Nan Chen, who was used to the divine Qi and the demonic Qi in his body, immediately focused his divine Qi and looked for a beast that had divine Qi.

"Grandpa, I found some beasts that have divine Qi" said Nan Chen

"Where is the closest?" said Grandpa Xiao Lang

"It is nearly two hundred meters away and the direction is also towards the center of the capital," said Nan Chen

"Alright, let's approach the beast," said Grandpa Xiao Lang

"Come on, Grandpa," said Nan Chen

"Wait a minute ..." said Nan Chen

"What is wrong?" said Grandpa Xiao Lang in shock

"I don't have the beast contract scroll" said Nan Chen

"Huh ... I guess what turned out to be just a scroll of contracts" said Grandpa Xiao Lang exhaling a long sigh while holding his forehead.

"Hehe how can I contract that beast if I don't have the contract scroll grandpa," said Nan Chen

"Take it easy ... This old grandpa has two scrolls of contract," said Grandpa Xiao Lang

"Huh, then why didn't you tell me from the first," said Nan Chen

"Huh, what if I don't tell you?" said Grandpa Xiao Lang

"I've always wanted a beast," said Nan Chen

"You were still an ordinary, blessed boy and your strength was still not enough to tie a low star beast" said Grandpa Xiao Lang.

"Ah, there is something in your words too, Grandpa," said Nan Chen

"I always think about everything carefully," said Grandpa Xiao Lang

"Okay, let's go after the beast," said Nan Chen excitedly

"Yes, let's chase it" said Grandpa Xiao Lang

The two of them immediately ran towards the targeted beasts

And it didn't take long for them to encounter a beast that had divine Qi in its body

"Is this the being that you said has divine Qi in its body?" said Grandpa Xiao Lang in astonishment

"Yes, I feel the divine Qi in his body and that is more than the beast with the divine Qi that we have previously encountered," said Nan Chen.

"I don't believe a beast like this has divine Qi and the number of it can exceed the beasts we encountered before ..." said Grandpa Xiao Lang who still looked confused by the beasts they saw.

What beast did they find and what did it look like ?? ...