
"Hey do you want me to train again on that mountain for years so you can be with me again?" said Grandpa Xiao Lang

"Ahh no no, I don't want to" said Nan Chen

"Well if you don't want to then you have to enter this sect to get better training than me" said Grandpa Xiao Lang.

"Are you going to that mountain again grandpa?" said Nan Chen

"Hmm, it's a possibility like that but it looks like I have some business that I have to do," said Grandpa Xiao Lang

"Huh, what do you want to do, Grandpa?" said Nan Chen

"I just want to meet my old relatives," said Grandpa Xiao Lang

"Alright grandpa" said Nan Chen

"Oh yes, I will give it to you," said Grandpa Xiao Lang giving a gold token

"Is this Grandpa? Is it for me to sell it later?" said Nan Chen innocently

"Stupid kid!!" said Grandpa Xiao Lang while hitting Nan Chen's head

"Aww it hurts grandpa, then what is the use of this gold token?" said Nan Chen as he rubbed his head in pain

"Hmm, just keep it for now and if you meet the head of the Tamara sect, you can show him the token," said Grandpa Xiao Lang.

"Hah okay grandpa" said Nan Chen

"Oh yeah, there is another farewell gift from me," said Grandpa Xiao Lang

"What, grandpa?" said Nan Chen so excitedly

"This is the sword that I used during the struggle and reached the peak of cultivation and this sword has a secret that you will know someday" said Grandpa Xiao Lang while giving a bright blue sword on the blade of the blade and its black handle with a motif. dragon and Phoenix

"Yes, I will guard this sword," said Nan Chen as he received the sword from Grandpa Xiao Lang

"It is not an ordinary sword and its strength you may not be able to handle at this time," said Grandpa Xiao Lang

"So it's better for now you practice with an ordinary sword first to practice your sword movements first" said Grandpa Xiao Lang

"Okay, I'll remember" said Nan Chen

"Hmm, I thought that the sword would be seized by someone else so you should tie the possession of the weapon with your darling" said Grandpa Xiao Lang.

"Alright grandpa" said Nan Chen

"I have released the ownership of the sword, so you try to do the bond of ownership of the weapon right away," said Grandpa Xiao Lang

Nan Chen immediately dripped his blood on the sword and the sword shone brightly

"Huh, I thought you were the next most suitable owner," said Grandpa Xiao Lang

"Huh, did it work Grandpa?" said Nan Chen

"Yes, I have" said Grandpa Xiao Lang

"For now, don't ever take out the sword until you can really train your Qi and strengthen every muscle in your body," said Grandpa Xiao Lang.

"Fine grandpa I will remember" said Nan Chen

"Well this is another small gift from me" said Grandpa Xiao Lang giving some pills to help cultivation

"Thank you grandfather," said Nan Chen

"Yes, it's the same, accept my gift," said Grandpa Xiao Lang

"Yes, Grandpa," said Nan Chen

"Well, it looks like you have to register immediately," said Grandpa Xiao Lang

"Yes grandpa I will follow the line," said Nan Chen

"If you have a chance, visit me in that cave," said Grandpa Xiao Lang

"Yes grandpa I'll visit you" said Nan Chen

"Okay, I'll go first" said Grandpa Xiao Lang

"Be careful, Grandpa," said Nan Chen

"Yes, I wish you luck in this sect" said Grandpa Xiao Lang

The two of them finally parted ways, Grandpa Xiao Lang went to his relatives and Nan Chen enrolled in the Tamara Sect

Grandpa Xiao Lang was very confident that Nan Chen would be able to pass the selection given by the sect and Nan Chen would be able to get the position of an outer disciple.

Because Grandpa Xiao Lang knew what potential Nan Chen had

Nan Chen was still lining up waiting for his turn to write down his personal data

"Okay, well, write your personal data here," said the officer who took care of the prospective students' personal data

"Hmm, okay, fine," said Nan Chen

Nan Chen immediately wrote down his personal data.

"Try to hold this stone" said the officer, pointing out the white stone

to Nan Chen

"Eh, do I just have to touch it?" said Nan Chen

"Yes, if you can flow a little of your Qi" said the officer

"Oh well," said Nan Chen, who immediately held the white stone and channeled a little of his Qi

"Hmm, it turns out that it is still at the marrow cultivation stage," said the officer

"Eh yeah, I'm still at the marrow cultivation stage," said Nan Chen

"Okay, please take this number" said the officer while giving a number intended for student selection tests

"Yes, thank you" said Nan Chen

"Yes, please come in and wait until your number is called" said the officer

"Very well" said Nan Chen

Nan Chen directly entered the Tamara Sect through the Gate

"Woaahh humans are now very developed and there is a sect this big now" said Nan Chen as he glanced his eyes to and fro.

"Well I will try my best to reach the pinnacle of martial arts" said Nan Chen while clenching his fists

Nan Chen entered the stage reserved for the qualifications of each prospective disciple

The participants were one by one called and given directions to fight each other

People screamed in the capital who watched the qualifications between prospective students of the Tamara sect

"Wow, it's very busy ... I'm a little nervous," said Nan Chen, looking at his hands

"Hey Nulla are you still asleep?" said Nan Chen to Nulla who was still behind her clothes

"Hmm, what's wrong? You're disturbing my sleep" said Nulla

"I'm so bored with no friends to chat with," said Nan Chen

"If you are bored, you can cultivate here," said Nulla

"Ah, you're right," said Nan Chen

"Tch you stupid kid," said Nulla

Nan Chen cultivated while waiting for his turn to come

"Number 126 please go up to the stadium" said the host

"Ahh, it's my turn to perform" said Nan Chen

"Yes, I wish you luck" said Nulla

"This is the next participant number 126 named Nan Chen. Dan who will compete against him is participant number 127 named Yun Taek who is the prince of the Yun royal family," said the host.

"Hahaha, my opponent is just an ordinary village boy," said Prince Yun Taek

"Hahahaha, the spirit of Prince Taek," said one of the audience

"The spirit of the prince" The audience shouts for Prince Taek

"Hahaha, you village kid, prepare to cry in front of me, I am a stage 6 marrow cultivator and have a three star spider vampire beast" Prince Yun Taek said arrogantly.

"All right, everyone get ready" said the host

"The match starts ...." said the host