
Sky Fortune Martial House only has eighty years of history. The Seven Profound Martial House on the other hand was founded by the Grade Three Clan, Seven Profound Valley. They had an inheritance worth six hundred years and many Inherited skills!

Those who practice the Legacy skills of the Sky Fortune Martial House have little hope of reaching the Pulse Condensation Stage. However, the same could not be said about the Seven Profound Martial House's Inheritance skill. As long as one had a Grade Four Martial Talent, breaking through to the Pulse Condensation Stage using the Seven Profound Martial House manual wasn't difficult at all!

As for Lin Ming, he didn't even have a proper training manual yet. All he had was the 'Beginner's' Martial Arts' manual. Every day, he trained by punching tree trunks and hitting animals. This was Lin Ming's way of martial arts!

For the past few years, the only thing he could rely on was himself. He explored aspects of the martial arts himself through hard work and carved his way, step by step, until he reached the First Stage of Physical Training!

For him, inheritance is an important existence!

Lin Ming was very excited and he was greedily sorting out the knowledge regarding this Legacy skill. Not long after, this 'Chaotic Virtues Combat Meridian' shocked him again!

'Chaotic Virtues Combat Meridians' was a peak level Physical Training Manual of the Heavenly Domain. However, even though it was the peak level, it was only about Physical Training and thus not that valuable in the Heavenly Domain. The reason Lin Ming became shocked was because he finally understood what Heavenly Domain was.

The Heavenly Domain was a higher realm that had an Inheritance worth hundreds of millions of years. Physical training, martial arts, swordsmanship techniques, technical skills, arrays, have all been developed and honed to the extreme. This is a world reserved for the strongest of the Martial Way! Their abilities and strength were not something that Lin Ming could currently hope for!

So, this 'Chaotic Virtues Combat Meridian' was extremely precious! Additionally, there were even more soul fragments stored within the Magic Cube. Once his strength had reached a sufficient level, he would be able to combine more of them!

Taking all this into account, Lin Ming's heart was ecstatic.

Currently, what Lin Ming feared the most was for the skill manual to be incomplete. After all, the soul fragment he had absorbed was only a small speck. It would be a shame if that was the case. Fortunately, when he continued to enter the 'Chaotic Virtues Combat Meridian', he saw that it was still intact. Everything from Strength Training, Flesh Training, Viscera Training, Muscle Changing, Bone Forging and Pulse Condensation is there.

This fact was quite shocking to Lin Ming. In Sky Spill Continent, the Physical Training Manual was generally only for one stage. For example, the 'Real Converting Muscle Channel' manual was specifically meant for the Muscle Changing Stage, the 'Golden Bone Forging Divine Formula' manual for the Bone Forging Stage, the 'Divine Nine Pulse Skill' manual for the Pulse Condensation Stage and so on. . However, this 'Chaotic Virtues Combat Meridians' was capable of propelling a person from the Strength Training Stage to the Pulse Condensation Stage. But what Lin Ming discovered after this shocked him even more.

Within the Sky Spill Continent, Pulse Condensation marked the end of the Physical Training Stage. After that, one would step into the Primal Assemblage Stage. The Primal Assemblage Stage is divided into Post-Celestial and Pre-Celestial Stage. For most people, Pulse Condensation is an obstacle, which they cannot break. These people will forever be trapped in the Bone Forging Stage.

Pulse condensation is the limit for veins in the human body. It is generally accepted knowledge. However, according to the 'Chaotic Virtues Combat Meridians', there was another stage beyond Pulse Condensation - Tempering Marrow!

Above the Tempering Anger Stage, there were actually others! The Eight Hidden Heavenly Trunk Gates! Using the Eight Trigrams to correspond to the movements of the Nine Heavenly Objects, one could open the eight gates within their body. Nine Dao Palace Variants! With it, one can break through the limits of the body and reach even higher levels of strength! [1]

Regardless of the Tempering Marrow or the Eight Gates, none of them would affect a martial artist when he entered the Post-Celestial or Pre-Celestial Stage. This gave one a much higher level of martial attainment than others. The benefits are clear!

Realizing this, Lin Ming was left speechless in shock. This 'Chaotic Virtues Combat Meridian' is an immortal treasure!

Lin Ming was excited to start practicing. However, before he started, he checked his pocket inside his chest for a Magic Cube. To his surprise, the cube disappeared!

Lin Ming became afraid and cold sweat started to pour out of him. His hand probed and felt something strange against his chest. He took off his clothes and found a strange symbol on the skin of his left chest. The symbol is exactly the same as the mysterious symbol on the surface of the Magic Cube.

Magic Cube entered my body? Lin Ming remembered that the holy woman had summoned the Magic Cube from her palm. No wonder he can do that. However, Lin Ming didn't know how to call him

Lin Ming tried to summon the Magic Cube, but to no avail. Lin Ming felt somewhat disappointed. After all, there were so many soul fragments within the Magic Cube. At that instant, he had only touched the smallest and dim fragment and had a great harvest. If he could incorporate even more of those soul fragments, then the amount of treasures he could unlock was inconceivable.

Thinking about that, Lin Ming suddenly gave a self deprecating smile.He was clueless. If the smallest ownerless soul fragment had nearly swallowed his consciousness, then the bigger one would likely be able to annihilate it right away! Stop dreaming, Lin Ming!

It seemed that the secrets of the Magic Cube and the knowledge in soul fragments had to be abandoned when his cultivation had reached a higher level. What he needed to do now was to practice the 'Chaotic Virtues Combat Meridians' as soon as possible.

Lin Ming stopped trying to summon the Magic Cube and started exploring the Legacy skills of the Heavenly Domain.

The essence of the 'Chaotic Virtues Combat Meridians' was to turn the body into a heavenly weapon with extraordinary strength.

Apart from that, the 'Chaotic Virtues Combat Meridian' also emphasized techniques that made use of strength. The first layer of Strength Training was much different from the norm.

Normally, once a person was able to possess the strength of a thousand jin (604 kg), that person would attain a small grasp and be able to destroy the Iron Tree with a punch. However, the Chaotic Virtues Combat Meridian, not only requires strength training, but also precision training, control over the amount of strength used. Once the ultimate understanding was reached, one would be able to use the palms of their hands to turn the tree trunk into fine fibers!

Reading this passage brought forth great longing within Lin Ming. There was no doubt that this 'Chaotic Virtues Combat Meridian' training would make him much stronger than the average master!