Nan Chen Vs Yun Taek (Earyl Entry to sect)

"Get ready to face your defeat ..." said the prince Yun Taek

Nan Chen could only remain silent because he didn't want to find too much trouble with the prince of the Yun kingdom.

The match began and Prince Yun Taek immediately gave his attack

"Face this, village boy ... 'Blades of wind' hiaaaaa" said Prince Yun Taek while releasing a wind attack in the form of sharp blades at Nan Chen.

Nan Chen, who had trained very hard and also for a long time in the mountains, was used to facing wind attacks like this there. Nan Chen also avoided the wind blades like he was dancing.

"You damn village kid, you can only avoid my attack hahahaha" said Prince Yun Taek with a loud laugh.

"Huh, this is going to be troublesome" said Nan Chen as he exhaled his breath

"I will attack you with my full strength, so be ready village children" said Prince Yun Taek

"Yes, hurry and attack me" said Nan Chen

"The wind tornado attacked him," said Prince Yun Taek

Nan Chen also avoided the enormous and terrifying tornado again

"Hehehe it is not an ordinary tornado because it can chase you continuously and I will add the strength of my beast" said Prince Yun Taek.

"Vampire spider listen to my command, attack the village boy with your poison," said Prince Yun Taek to his beast, pointing at Nan Chen.

The vampire spider attacked Nan Chen with its poison

"Hahaha feel it, village boy, don't try to avoid my attack," said Prince Yun Taek

"Whoooooo so great prince" shouted the audience from the stage

"Prince Yun is enthusiastic," said one of the audience

"Defeat the village boy, the prince," said another audience

Nan Chen, who was focused on dodging the wind tornado, was finally hit by the poison attack from the vampire spider.

"Ahh shit" said Nan Chen who immediately grabbed his arm after he was poisoned by the vampire spider

"It's over your history, O hahaha," said Prince Yun Taek

"Hehe you think poison like this can stop me?" said Nan Chen with a grin

"Shit what did you do to the poison?" said Prince Yun Taek, who was surprised to see Nan Chen holding the poison from spreading to his body by flowing Qi towards the poison.

"Heh, it turns out you have a brain too, O village boy" said Prince Yun Taek who also grinned because of Prince Nan Chen's intelligence.

"But it seems you don't know the characteristics of my vampire spider poison," said Prince Yun Taek

"Arghhh" said Nan Chen whose strength was continuously decreasing

"Shit what happened to me?" Said Nan Chen who was holding his injured hand very tightly

"The poison from my vampire spider can absorb Qi in the victim's body, once you are exposed to the poison, the Qi in your body will be drained and absorbed by my vampire spider," Prince Yun Taek said arrogantly.

Nan Chen kept thinking about how to stop the poison from absorbing the Qi in his body

"I have to attack the vampire spider first" said Nan Chen targeting the vampire spider

"I'll look at the weak point first" said Nan Chen

Nan Chen flowed his divine Qi into his eyes and he used one of the top class techniques belonging to the gods, namely the vision of the god.

The god's vision is one of the top-level skills that can see the weakness of the enemy, the flow of Qi in the enemy's body and many more uses depending on the level of the user.

Nan Chen also saw the vampire spider's body with the divine sight technique and finally Nan Chen found out the reason why his Qi was continuously being absorbed.

It turned out that the poison that was sprayed by the vampire spider had a thin thread that could not be seen by the naked eye, and the thread connected from the poison that was on Nan Chen's arm and also the mouth of the poison spider.

Without thinking, Nan Chen broke the thin thread so that the Qi in his body was not continuously absorbed

"Turns out just like this to decide the ability of that stupid beast" said Nan Chen

"Huh, how come your Qi is not completely absorbed? How come?" said Prince Yun Taek, who was shocked to see Nan Chen escaping the vampire spider's ability

"Looks like you are a stupid prince who can only raise beasts without knowing his abilities" said Prince Nan Chen

"Hey Nan Chen looks like you are stupid too, do you know my abilities?" said the scaly black lizard Nulla beast behind Nan Chen's back

"Hehe, don't bring up our problem Nulla, I just want to scare her" said Nan Chen

"Hah well I wish you luck" said Nulla

"Do you want to help me beat him?" said Nan Chen to Nulla

"Huh, you yourself were able to beat him earlier, but why are you still playing?" Said Nulla

"Ahh I just don't want to spoil the atmosphere of the audience who seem to be fans and supporters of this Yun royal prince," said Nan Chen

"They are just fake fans," said Nulla

"Well at least I make the match fun right?" said Nan Chen

"Hurry up and finish this match, after that buy me some food," said Nulla

"Very well" said Nan Chen

"The vampire spider attacks the village boy," said Prince Yun Taek

The vampire spider moved from its place and immediately attacked Nan Chen

Nan Chen, who already knew the true power of the vampire spider, avoided his mouth and immediately hit hard on the back of the vampire spider.

Prince Yun's vampire spider is lying on the ground

"Arghhh no ... What did you do to my beast? You village boy" said Prince Yun Taek

"Ah, it looks like the game is over .. O honorable Prince Yun," said Nan Chen

Nan Chen immediately moved and charged towards Prince Yun. Prince Yun who was staying was shocked by Nan Chen's sudden attack

"Huh, with your moves that are not how much? You dare to attack me?" Prince Yun said arrogantly

"Fist of lightning," said Nan Chen, who immediately let out a bolt of lightning from his fist

Nan Chen immediately hit Prince Yun Taek in the face with his lightning fist.

"Arghhh, you're a damn village kid," said Prince Yun Taek, who immediately fell after receiving Prince Nan Chen's beating.

all the spectators as well as the referee were shocked, there was a sudden silence.

Like everyone was shocked by what had just happened, because Prince Yun Taek, who was known to be strong, was able to be finished off by Nan Chen, a country boy.

"Ba ... Ba ... Well the winner is Nan Chen" said the referee who was still surprised by the incident in front of him