Chapter 2

Desperately calling his number, I wait impatiently for him to answer. This jerk! How can he give me away so easily?!

"What is it Eva?" I hear his voice on the other side.

"You still have the balls to ask?! How could you tell my mum about my job? Do you know how scary she was?! You're supposed to be my friend!"

I hear a loud yawn, "You ruined my time with Carol so we're even. And this baby keeps crying. Can't you come and sort him out? I've fed him and tried playing with him but he hasn't stopped. I couldn't even sleep properly last night."

I feel a little guilty for leaving Miracle with him. "Fine. I'll come over. Let me think of a good excuse to tell my mum first."

Walking out of my room, I peek my head into the kitchen and glance to see what Mum is doing. She's cooking some food.

"Mum, I need to go and see a coworker and give them a document which I forgot to give yesterday." I say.

She turns around, "Can't you do that thing? What do they call it again? E-email?"

I shake my head, "It's urgent Mum. I can't email it."

"Alright, but come home before seven, I'm cooking some rice for you."

"Thanks Mum." I kiss her cheek before leaving. I feel bad for lying when she's making me food but I can't tell her the truth.


"Hey, open up you bastard!" I shout loudly, kicking his front door.

The door opens and he stares at me with raised eyebrows, "Calm down Eva, you're going to get the whole neighbourhood out to watch us."

"Good! I can't believe you told my Mum."

"You're still mad?"

"Of course I am! I can't believe you did it as revenge." I say, huffing angrily as I walk inside his house.

My anger dissipates as soon as I see the cute crying baby on the sofa. Seb must have put the cushion there to stop him falling.

"Miracle! Mummy is here." I gently lift him up and he immediately stops crying. I grin and bounce him with my hip. "You like this don't you?" I say as he giggles, his huge doe eyes staring up at me.

The stench hits me full force as I realise the source. He must have been crying because he was uncomfortable with a dirty nappy.

"Mummy will clean you up." I say and take him to the bathroom. I take his dirty nappy off and wash him with lukewarm water. Taking him into the bedroom, I lie him on the bed.

"Seb, can you get me a nappy?" I call, powdering Miracle's bottom. It's a good thing, I bought a book on parenting on my way here and did some more shopping for the baby.

"What? Hold on." He says and I wait, tickling Miracle's chubby tummy and listening to his delighted giggles. How could someone abandon such a cute baby?

Seb walks in with a clean nappy and his eyes widen as he sees us. "Hey, are you sure he isn't yours?"

I reach up and twist Seb's ear, "Of course not."

"Ow, stop it Eva. Here."

"Thanks." I take the nappy and put it on Miracle. "Miracle will be more comfortable now."

"What's with the weird name?" He asks, his dark eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"I just think he deserves a name which is precious and overrides his abandonment." I admit honestly. "If he finds out he was thrown away by his parents, won't he get hurt? I don't want to see my baby sad."

Seb pats my shoulder, "You're an amazing person Eva. Not many people would take care of a stranger's baby. Usually, they bring them in to the police station."

"By the way, you're forbidden to tell my mum anything about work. I've told her that I am just on a break and I will return tomorrow so you had better not say anything else or you will meet with a nice dent on your handsome face." I say sternly.

He stares at me and backs away in fear, "You're frightening Eva."

I laugh, "That's what you deserve after spilling the beans to my mother. You know how she is. She won't let it go easily if she knows the truth. I can't even tell her about Miracle."

"How long is she staying?"

"She was planning to stay until tomorrow but I've told her that I have work so she's heading back tonight."

"I guess I will be taking care of Miracle until then?"

I grin and punch his arm, "You're such a dependable friend." I glance at the clock, "Damn it, it's time to leave. If you need anything, call me." I say before walking out of the front door.


|Sebastian Eccles|

Watching her waste no time in leaving, I sit back on the bed and carefully lift up the baby. He has big brown eyes and soft black hair on his head.

"Just you and me buddy." I say with a sigh. How did Eva manage to calm him down so quickly? "Do you not like me or something?" I ask, lifting him higher.

He suddenly giggles, making my eyes widen. He really is cute. No matter how I look at him, anyone would mistaken him as Eva's real baby. His eyes are even similar to hers.

"Will I have to give up on my girls now? I'm still single but they'll all think I'm married." I say, thinking about Carol. I took a day off from work today but I know she must have already told everyone about my "secret wife and baby".

I wonder how Eva will keep him hidden from her mother. Ever since we were younger, Aunt has always been the type of person who strictly follows the rules to a T. Once when we were in primary school, she even made sure Eva was eating her home made healthy packed lunches instead of the junk food they served at school. Of course, I would have to secretly share my school lunch with her.

My mobile phone suddenly rings and I try to quieten a crying Miracle whilst picking it up. "Hello?"

"Sebastian? Is it true? You never told me you were married! How dare you..."

"Wait listen to me Fiona, it isn't like that–"

"Is that your baby crying?! You still want to lie to me?" She shouts angrily down the line.

I facepalm. Eva! If it wasn't for her, I would still be popular with the women. I need to get rid of this baby as soon as possible. Once Miracle returns to Eva, I can explain the truth to them.