Chapter 21

I don't pay much attention to that fleeting moment but every now and then, I feel my eyes travel over his handsome face and my heart thumps louder.

"Miracle will be fine with Rina right?" Seb asks as he waits in the car.

Raising my eyebrows, I grin, "You seem more worried about him than I am."

His face tints pink and he scowls, "Who wouldn't be worried about a baby?"

Smiling, I belt myself in and nod, "I am glad he is growing on you." It's been a long while since the time he pestered me to send Miracle to the police.

Arriving at his grandmother's house after a few hours, I smile as I realise that everything is still the same. My mother and Seb's grandmother live next door to each other. That's how we grew up together.

"Nothing has changed." Seb voices my thoughts aloud.

"Even your sunflower pot is there." I point to the worn pot sitting against the wall. "You really used that to pe–"

Seb hurriedly covers my mouth, stopping me from finishing. "Don't remind me of that again!" He says in embarrassment, his face and ears tinting red.

When we were in primary school, our teacher gave us a task to raise sunflowers at home and gave us a plant pot each with some sunflower seeds. I obediently did as she told us, however, the young and mischievous Sebastian Eccles had other ideas. He gave me the seeds he had received and instead used the plant pot to hide things.

One day, his gran wasn't home when we returned from school and my mother was out too so both of us were locked out of our houses for a few hours. Seb needed the loo and in desperation, he had to go in the plant pot whilst I turned away.

When his gran returned, she was furious at Seb for using his school project as a toilet. Since then, Seb has avoided any plant pots.

"Come on, it wasn't that bad." I say, trying not to laugh as he removes his hand from my mouth, "I understand that you were desperate."

"Stop Eva." He groans and opens his door.

I grin and step out of the car. "Fine, fine. You're ready right?" I ask, glancing at him as I entwine my arm through his.

He nods, "Let's do this."


As expected, my mother is also there. Seb's parents passed away in a car accident when he was a toddler so his grandmother has always treated my mum and I like close family.

"Let me help you Aunt." Seb says, walking over to open the lid of the jar which Mum is currently trying to pry open.

She narrows her eyes at him, "Don't think that you will earn brownie points from helping me." She says.

I can't help but smile. My mother really is a stubborn woman.

Seb grins, "I knew you would say that. Come on, how long have we known each other Aunt? Of course, I know I won't earn anything by helping you. Can't I just help out of goodwill?"

My mum looks defeated as she sighs, "Sure."

"Where did you leave the baby?" Gran suddenly asks as we sit down around the dining table.

Mum looks at her in confusion, "What baby?"

I bite my lip. Of course my mother doesn't know about Miracle. What has Gran told her? I groan as I remember that Seb told her Miracle was his.

"Miracle is with a babysitter." Seb answers confidently with a smile, squeezing my hand comfortingly under the table.

I glance at him and my chest warms up. What a strange feeling. I don't hate it.

"How can you leave your son with a random stranger? You should have brought him with you." Gran scolds.

"He isn't with a strange person. We told our friend to look after him." Seb says, "She's taken care of him before."

Gran seems a little angry as she glares at us, "You should take responsibility for your own child. Don't leave him with anyone else. The poor child needs his parents' love."

I force a smile and nod along with Seb. This is a huge misunderstanding. "Don't worry Gran, we won't leave him next time." I say quickly before she can get even angrier.

"Can someone tell me exactly what is going on? Who is this baby you are talking about?" My mum asks from next to Gran.

Seb and I exchange a glance. Did Gran not tell her?

"I must have completely forgotten to tell you all about their son Mary. He is a cute baby who looks exactly like Eva." Gran explains in excitement. How fast did she change her expression?

However, to say that he "looks exactly like Eva" is a super huge exaggeration. How can someone else's baby look like me? We only have similar eye colours and she concluded that we are related? It's like claiming a chick is the baby of a swan because they both have wings and feathers.

My mother's eyes turn to stare at me questioningly. "Since when did you get pregnant Eva? Did you keep it a secret? Is that why you always wanted me to leave early when I visited?"

I roll my eyes. Uh, oh, here we go again.

"That's right." My eyes widen as Seb answers. "We were scared and uncertain how to tell you about our relationship after we made a small mistake." Seb says.

This isn't something we rehearsed. When did he think of this answer?

"So you're now taking responsibility for getting my daughter pregnant?" My mum raises her eyebrows before turning to me, "Why didn't you tell me this at the beginning? I wouldn't have wasted my energy arranging the blind dates for you."

Excitedly, I clap my hands together, "Really Mum? So from now on, I don't have to go?"

"You have Seb already so there isn't a point. You two will get married won't you?"

I bite my lip nervously, "We–"

"Of course we will Aunt. I will take responsibility for Eva with my life." Seb grabs my hand and brings it up to the table and places his over mine.

My heart is beating faster for some reason as he confidently smiles at Mum and Gran.

"You're not mad?" I ask quietly, glancing at my mother, "You're fine about Miracle?"

I thought she would get angry and scold us for having a baby but she seems calm.

"Why should I be mad? I am so happy that you are doing things normal people your age would do. Even a baby! I can't wait to meet your baby and tell everyone about my grandchild." Mum says with a smile.

"I'm happy that you accept me Aunt." Seb says.

Mum narrows her eyes at him, "Don't think I have accepted you just yet. I will be observing you until the wedding day is fixed."

I want to laugh at her false sternness. She is obviously chuffed and happy that I have found someone after all her nagging about marriage but she still wants to play tough in front of Seb.

"Of course not Aunt. If you want, I can give you another grandchild if it will help me get into your good graces." Seb grins cheekily.

My eyes widen and I use my other hand to pinch his thigh under the table. What nonsense is he spouting now?!