Chapter 27 - Father's Blood

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"A few days ago, someone with Suicide Bombing Quirk tried to break into the police station and blow them up. Unlucky guy, so many top heroes were there," Pop Step lay on the sofa, tired, "And then we get to face these Instant Villains one after the other. Especially that Junkie guy."

"Yeah…if not for Master, then we wouldn't have made it."

"You need more training, but it had been a while since I had such a good fight," Knuckleduster smiled.

Pop Step curiously blinked, realizing that Ai had been super quiet, "Ai?"

"Mm?" Ai looked away from her phone, "Oh, I heard you. Tough villain?"

Pop Step narrowed her eyes, "What have you been so busy with? You never look away from your phone nowadays?"

"I…just the news," Ai chuckled, looking at All Might's news. Now that the guy had a bit of life force to spare, he was being as reckless as he could be, 'It wouldn't last long at these hours, but that's fine. I'll come up with something else. There must be a Quirk out there that could heal him. I have to find it.'

She was lost in her world, and then it was time to call a night, so Koichi and Kazuho went home, and Knuckleduster was about to leave when Ai remembered something.

"Right, that girl, the one that Bee Quirk controls? She's your daughter, right?"

"What?" Knuckleduster turned with a scowl that he used to try to hide his shock.

"I saw her, but she slipped away in the chaos, and I was distracted, but I felt a sense of familiarity about her. Her blood…you are the father, right?"

Knuckleduster narrowed his eyes, "I never asked you…since I knew you were good of heart…but who are you?"

Ai sat on the couch, thinking, "Wait a moment."

She went into her bedroom and opened her wardrobe. She opened the drawer before taking out a suitcase without a lock. She placed her hand on it and used her Quirk to reorganize the atoms, opening it. She lifted the case, and her eyes fell on the mask inside, "Been a while…since I last used it. Maybe I should start keeping it closer to me…."

She took the black mask and walked outside her dark room. She closed the gate, standing face to face with Knuckleduster, and put the mask on. With a flourish, her golden blonde hair turned scarlet, and so did her green eye, "I (Ai) am the Demon King."

She grinned, raising her finger, "See what I did there? Since Ai and I sound the same…it's like telling who I am."

Knuckleduster watched her, stunned, and then he burst out in roaring laughter, "Hahahahahahahahhahahahaha!!!!!!"

Ai felt self-conscious, scratching her cheek, "You are laughing at my pun, right?"

Knuckleduster laughed, walking towards the couch rather than the door, sitting down, spreading his hands, "So that's it…the Almighty Demon King is here."

"Almighty? I can't say that I am."

"Now," Knuckleduster narrowed his eyes, "Because from what I know…you became popular six months ago. And my sources say…that the Leader of that Organization…his Quirk was so strong, that the Heroes that could singlehandedly defeat him could be counted on fingers."

"But when you count the fact that there were hundreds of Quirkless people with guns and more Quirk users. That cuts down that number even further…to very few. Maybe two or three."

"Now, you are giving me too much credit," Ai removed the mask and sat down on the lounge chair, keeping her legs on the table.

"Why is the Demon King here?"

"Well, they got scared and didn't want to leave me running amock anymore…and so I had to escape."

"I call bullshit," Knuckleduster narrowed his eyes, "In all the places in the world…why here?"

Ai curled her lips, "You are more perceptive than I thought…fine. Your sources didn't tell you? Those guys used Triggers. Other than the leader…every one of them."

"How did they…?"

"If I had to guess…the Trigger is in its trial phase…but Humarise was spreading at that time, and their Quirk users loathed themselves, some at least. So…I think they would have agreed to exchange experimental data," Ai thoughtfully looked in the distance, remembering the time she had between the forces coming, "I saw some mirrors and shields? It was advanced equipment they were making to make their leader stronger. They also had laser tech everywhere. Humarise spread fast then, and they had hands everywhere."

"The main research I found was a way to make Quirk users go out of control in a way that their Quirks kill them. I think they had been loading up on this Trigger to make a bomb that could destroy the cities and its Quirk population."

She sighed, "Messy business, I tell you. They even had their people in I-Island, probably hoping to kidnap a few scientists to do their dirty work."

"So you came here chasing the Trigger…because it's dangerous," Knuckleduster narrowed his eyes, "But then…there were…."

"Only a few incidents, one or two. It took a lot of effort," Ai pressed her lips, shrugging. She had to use a lot of energy to allow the System to go through the internet to look for clues. This wasn't the first place she came, but one where she settled.

"What is your Quirk?"

"It's the perfect Quirk to help that girl get out of that Bee's control. So…don't act alone? Ok? Keep me looped in."

Knuckleduster ruffled his hair, "I know it's none of my business, but…with the power you hold…you could become legit, become a Pro Hero, second only to All Might? Why hide in the shadows?"

Ai folded her legs, sitting on the lounger, "Why? I want to say that there was some grand reason behind it…but at first, I didn't want to be a Hero…reminded me too much of people I didn't want to remember…or should I say I couldn't forget. Not that I have forgotten them. It's complicated."

"At first?"

"Yeah. That fight against Humarise…life and death make you sort out your everyday problems," Ai softly smiled, "I sorted out mine and then gave it some thought. What should I be…? And then with Trigger…and these Underground organizations. I remember I was asked to go because the Pro Heroes couldn't. Because Police wanted to keep tabs. Those guys…they wouldn't have been able to act till one of those Bombs Humarise was creating didn't go off."

She took a deep breath, "There are Pro Heroes to handle the Villains if one comes up. I am much better suited to care for these monsters hiding in the shadows."

"Can't say I disagree with that," Knuckleduster stood up, "I'll bring over what I know about them and this organization. But I will need you to make clear…what your Quirk is. It's my daughter's life."

Ai watched him walk towards the door, wondering, "Iwao…would you like to have a Quirk again?"

Knuckleduster gripped the door handle, gritting his teeth, "Whose?"

"No one. I don't need to take from others…just a bit of their blood is fine. I am a Doctor and Scientist, you know," Ai smiled, "Do you not have to worry about it being someone else."

Iwao narrowed his eyes, and a grin appeared on his lips, "Worthy of the one named Demon King."

"I can do the procedure tomorrow. Though…I am not sure what kind of Quirk will come out of it. It's all random. But I can decide what kind will it be…in most cases."

"Don't need it."

"It will help save your daughter…I still can't control my strength so that I might kill her."

Knuckleduster shot a look at her, opening the door, "Make it speed type."

"Ok," Ai whispered, watching him leave through the closing gap.

She pressed her lips, 'So, System. Are there Speed Quirks in the ones we created?'


'Show me the one most compatible with Iwao Oguro.'

[Analyzing Iwao Oguro's personality, determination, and fighting style.]

[Analyzing Speed Based Quirks stored by the User.]

[Match Found.]

[Last Laugh.]

'That's a…Speed Type Quirk?' Ai confusedly asked in her head. It was her habit since she didn't want anyone to hear her talking like that and think she was mentally sick.


'Show me details.'

Ai watched the screen in front of her, tilting her head, "Heh, guess that does suit his personality and fighting style. Maybe."

The next day came sooner than she had thought, and she had already gone to her storage to get the Quirk. Since System didn't have any storage, it only stored information about Quirks.

'You should get System Space.'

[User can sacrifice Space-related Quirk to get System Space.]

'Interesting…but why would I sacrifice Space Related Quirk? That would be far too precious,' Ai rolled her eyes, hopping out of her storage under the building. It was a massive floor, filled with drops of blood, in bottles, of course.

She took the Quirk DNA she had already formed by mixing a few of them and went to her operation room clinic to find Knuckleduster.

"Are you satisfied with the Quirk?"

"Heh, any would do, but this is good," Knuckleduster lay down on the operation table, "Do it."

"Don't worry…it won't hurt much…almost like your heart being ribbed apart and shoved back inside. You won't feel a thing," Ai grinned.

Ai took her time, even though it could have been done in a moment, but she took her time to make sure that it was alright since this was her first time bonding the Quirk with anyone, and this case was more complicated since this one used to have a Quirk.

That day, Koichi and Kazuho were asking about Knuckleduster a lot, and she told them he would be busy for a few days. Knuckleduster was the leading force in the team, while Kazuho and Koichi were supporters.

With a Speed Villian on the tun, Heroes from a Speed-based Agency were called, and the Vigilantes wanted to take him on, but without Knuckleduster, it wasn't safe.

"I am starting to wonder if I should become a Vigilante too."


Ai blinked, sitting on her balcony, one with a great view and a table for dining. But she wasn't dining alone; she had company, the man who was the Symbol of Peace, "You are cleaning that."

"Yes, yes," Toshinori stood up, a bit flustered, looking for what to clean with. He was going to use his t-shirt, which made Ai laugh a little, and the food disappeared, turning to separate into atoms.

"Next time, I will keep a cleaning cloth nearby," Ai rolled her eyes at him, and Toshinori was about to sit down when he remembered.

"Ah! Why are you talking about becoming a Vigilante?!" He finally came to his senses, remembering what shocked him in the first place.

"I…I mean…I could defeat that guy running around in the morning, but I can't act," Ai pressed her lips, "So I am thinking maybe I should become a Vigilante?"

She couldn't tell him she was the Vigilante called the Demon King. But that Persona, Quirk, and her fighting style were well known. There were more than a few security cameras that had captured her in Humarise's Hideout. And footage that had been leaked.

"Then become a Hero!"

"Huh?" Ai confusedly looked up, seeing Toshinori's keen eyes, "No way. Too much work…I don't want to save everyone…that's far too much responsibility. I'd be fine if I could save the ones I can see. Just like the runner guy today. Like a backup hero of a kind?"

"Then do that! People get Hero Licenses for many things! Hero Licenses aren't only for Hero things; once you become a Hero, you can use your Quirk and be a reverse force. You can go about your everyday schedule, and if there is an incident near you, you can deal with it!"

"Naw," Ai leaned on the table, "I know it…once I have that thing in my hand…there would be this sense of responsibility. One that would urge me to help more people because I can do so. Vigilantism, however, would allow me to act and ensure that I don't act too much."

"Become a Hero!"

"Listen…I just said…."

"Become a Hero!" Toshinori held her palms with a look in his eyes that she couldn't put into words.

She watched the shine in his eyes, standing in front of him and stroking his upper arm. She could tell he was flustered with such closeness, "Cute…but…you are about forever too early to force me into something I don't want to do."

"No…no…that wasn't my plan…but it was better than being a Vigilante," Toshinori looked away, scratching his head.

"Mm," Ai stroked his arm, "You have finally gained some muscles, and your cheeks aren't so sunken. It's good. It won't be long before you look like a human."


Toshinori stopped talking when he heard his phone ring. He picked up the call, "Yes, yes….yes, I will do so."

He cut the call, "I have a job."

"You don't have to tell me," She chuckled, "Go."

Toshinori buffed up, turning into All Might, jumping off her roof.

Ai sat back down, gazing as he turned into a star, "Hm. A Hero…won't do. I'd need a New Quirk."

It would be easy to use the Bonds Quirk that she already has, but then again, there would come a time when she would be in costume and against a tricky villain that might make her use a Quirk.

'Too risky,' She closed her eyes, 'System.'


'Quirks that would be drastically opposite to my fighting style. How many are there?'


'What? Don't tell me you can't calculate it?'

[It is becoming increasingly tough to calculate for a Quirk that the User might not be able to bend to her will.]

'Aww…flattering me?'

[No. Be is Electricity Generation. Explosion Inducement or Energy Transduction. The user has already bent Matter Manipulation through the Bonds Quirk to her will to heighten her Skills.]

For the first time, the System continued without making her ask for anything.

[Currently, Gravity Manipulation, Cheery Blossom, Jet Propulsion, Cyclops Transformation, Water Infusion, Parasol Generation, Waveform Generation, Life Energy Beam, Concrete Bomb Generation, Metamorphic Arms. Everyone would end up being bent by the user to match her fighting Style.]

[Since the User wishes for a Quirk that allows her to hide her Fighting Style. It's not possible with the existing Quirks that the User holds.]

'Eeps, sorry about that. How about the Forbidden Quirks? The Singular Quirks?'

[Currently, User Possesses Three Singular Quirks. Bonds (Current Sub Quirk). Reflect. Masks.]

'Reflect is a no…it's always active. How about Masks? What does it do?'

[Allows the user to create Masks.]

'Useless,' Ai sighed, pouting, 'Mmm…what should I do?'


Ai raised her eyebrows, 'What? You have an idea?'

[User can try combining two Singular Quirks.]

'No way, that's stupid. It would lead to the destruction of both the Quirks. We have tried that before a few times. Wasted quite a few Singular Quirks.'

Singular Quirks didn't mean they were strong; they could sometimes be weak, like creating masks. The only reason why it was Singular was that it could only create or destroy Masks.

Quite the opposite, being able to Destroy or Break Bonds led to considerable powers, one more powerful than the other.

She managed to create other weaker Singular Quirks, but they were all destroyed because she tried to combine them. Reflect was good, so she left it, and Masks was a leftover until she had another to mix it.


'What is it?'

[Users Blood. Using the Unknown Factor of the Blood as a Catalyst is possible.]

"Hm? Hmm," Ai puffed her cheeks, "I don't know…feels kinda useless…not being able to without Papa's blood. I might not have been able to awaken the Quirk and died. And now this?"

[Is that a no?]

Ai groaned, sighing, 'Nah…I'll do it. I do need a Quirk…and a strong one at that. I never asked how Toshinori got that injured.'


'Fine, fine, let's start.'

Ai made her way to her underground storage to pick up the Reflect Quirk from Flect Turn's Blood and the Quirk Mask's Blood. Once she had her hands on that, she picked up a syringe, "I hope it's a good Quirk."