Chapter 31 - Misunderstanding

"Finally…this is done too," Ai put her pen down, sitting in a library, leaning back on the chair. She stretched her body, trying not to yawn before falling forward on the table, "So tired…. So want to go out…what time is it…?"

She turned her head to the side, looking at the clock, blinking as she saw the time, "Why do I feel like I am forgetting something?"

[Captain Creeps Farewell Party.]

"Oh, shit!!" Ai jumped to her feet, remembering, "Where is my cell!"

She used Transparent World to look under, over, and between the books, raising one to keep out her cell phone. She raised her eyebrows, seeing the missed calls, "Damn it."

Since her surrender, she had been studying and waiting for her Hero Exam. Sadly, one of them had barely ended when she surrendered, so she had to wait months. To the point that autumn had passed, and winters were ending.

And in these months, Captain Celebrity racked up achievements, and his lawsuits in the US were starting to get settled, so he was leaving, and today was going to be the farewell party. A few villains went on a rampage, and all she could do was watch and pray that they deal with them. This was why she started training Koichi, using the System to analyze the possibilities of his Quirk before drilling them into him.

Anyway, now that she had revealed who she was, she wore her yellow kimono and left the room. She teleported using the reflections, moving towards the Sky Egg in the distance.

"I can wait to see who else has come," She grinned, thinking about all the Heroes that would be there. She had met a few of them like Fat Gun, Eraser Head, and Midnight, and among them, Midnight and she had become great friends. Though, she still wondered if the young men working at her agency were a part of her harem.

Even Captain Creep had learned to be a lot less Creepy, so he was okay too now, "I'll miss him…but I'll miss Makoto more."

Makoto was managing him, and while Makoto was also managing her but since Yagi had already got her the job and promised an internship in All Might's agency, Makoto wasn't much worried. She was going to settle things in America and start expanding in Japan.

Well, it was her idea to tell Makoto to make Captain Creep the priority since she wasn't even sure she would stay over this world for four years. It'd be a problem if Makoto's carrier were centered around her.


Ai stopped at the window blankly, looking at the Sky Egg, the bombed tower.


She looked in the direction where she felt something moving, seeing bio-engineered bat-like villains, but her eyes widened when she saw them through her transparent world. She felt her heart heavy as if it was being crushed. Her lips trembled, and she bit down, 'Did someone…turn them into a suicide bomber?'

She had a little time to think since the Transparent World allowed her to hasten her thought process, taking in what was going on. The top of the Sky Egg was falling, and Captain Celebrity was holding it up, and he was injured, unable to defend himself since he was holding up the Sky Egg.

'Stop them? If I go as Ai/Phantom, I could stop them but not save them. If there is a remote detonation, then there is a chance it might go off the moment I bring it out of the mask. This needs....'

She teleported to a hiding spot, watching the bomber nearer, and it was halfway there. She looked at her eyes in the reflection, taking out the Demon King mask and placing it on her face.

Her armor started to appear on her body, but before it did, she used Bonds, "Charge Up!"

She used the electricity, collecting it on her feet, using the repulsive force she created to launch her upwards. Her hair had turned scarlet, and she had taken out her swords and chakrams.

'System, Analyze.'

[Analyzed the moment you stepped into the situation.]

Ai grinned, and Captain Celebrity and Koichi saw a lightning flash, and the bomber turned into a human, falling to the ground. She created footholds in the air, pushing herself towards him, carrying him, and landing on the ground.

She increased the electricity in her hands and legs, blasting herself upward, turning in the midair, and landing on the underside of the Sky Egg.

"It's you! It's you!" Captain Celebrity widened his eyes, holding the Sky Egg with both hands, which were trembling right now. His whole body was trembling, "The scarlet hair…and two swords on your waist…you are the Demon King."

"Yeah," Ai looked towards the Sky Egg, using Transparent World to analyze the molecular structure, and she was about to transmute the molecules to stick them back together when an Eight Armed Bomber appeared in front of her.


Koichi appeared in front of her, raising his palm forward, blasting a repulsive force, and blasting the arm of the bomber.

Ai narrowed her eyes, with her feet on the Sky egg, hanging upside down, "Transmute!"

The Sky Egg lifted, settling, and the tower reattached from the broken parts, and before Captain Celebrity even knew it, he didn't have to keep holding it up anymore while she settled.

He regained his confidence and stopped the trembling, shaking his head, "Leave this to me!"

He flew forward, punching towards the Bomber, and felt a lightning flash beside him. He felt a palm on his waist, and his body got hurled to the side, to his and Koichi's surprise.

"Captain!" Koichi shouted, pointing his palm towards her; while he saw, he placed her palm on the bomber, and its body came apart until there was a human in its place.

She took his hand, throwing him up and the metal of the Sky Egg transformed into hands, catching it, holding him in place.

Captain Celebrity came back up, holding his waist, "So that's what being punched by me feels like."

He only saw a few flashes in front of him, and the bomber, even the massive one, disappeared, revealing the people used to make it and were all kept to the ground.

"Is that?"

"Yes. You must have heard the rumors about her, but I saw the video. That is the Demon King, but this is the first time I saw her using her Quirk."

"Is that who is attacking the Sky Egg?" Best Jeanist stood on a wire before creating more string and jumped from one to another, moving down.

"No! Wait!" Captain Celebrity said when he saw someone else come into a form from a thread and trying to pierce towards the Demon King.

But what shocked him came next was what shocked him. The Demon King's finger traced the red thread that Edgeshot had turned himself into and reached his face, and he was blasted back, rolling, hitting his head on the ground.

He hastily flew to come in between her and Best Jeanist, "Don't fight! We can't win this fight!"

Best Jeanist dodged him, surrounding Ai from the threads, "We don't fight to win!! We fight to protect people, Captain!"

"No! Stop!" Captain Celebrity shouted, and the threads came apart; the sword moved towards Best Jeanist, but the blade turned, not cutting him, but it did throw his body to the building nearby. Though the next instant, she turned, swiping her hand backward, and a chakram flew, cutting Edgeshot on the chest when he wasn't expecting an attack.

"Don't get in my way," Ai narrowed her eyes, spreading out her senses; she could feel the danger. She was so sure there were more of these bombers.

"Who are you," Edgeshot got on his feet and turned into thin paper, spiraling, flying away before circling and coming back towards her.

"Stop it!!!"

She raised her sword, and the tip touched against the blade while she bent her elbow, clicking her tongue, 'I hate it, using my Quirk to fight.'

She took in the force, but she'd have to throw it back, but she wouldn't be able to put him down, stop him. She bonded consecutive force to make sure she didn't prematurely send it back, and he kept spinning, trying to attack, but the force stayed in her sword until he stopped. She threw the force back, causing Edgeshot to spin uncontrollably before slamming back into Beast Jeanist, who was trying to get up.

"I SAID STOP IT!!!" Captain Celebrity appeared in front of her, slamming his clasped hands down.

Ai narrowed her eyes, effortlessly moving forward, placing her palm on her solar plexus, and the moment he stopped his attack since she had moved. He froze. All that force was in his body, his shields came off, and she redirected it inside him.

"Ughh!!" He coughed, bending forward, falling on his knees until falling to the ground.

"Now then…where are you hiding," She looked around, trying to find the Mastermind, but he was probably watching the show.

She didn't find him, but she didn't find Koichi, "Shooty-Go-Blam!!"

She rolled her eyes at that name and turned, seeing the repulsive blasts coming towards her, and she pivoted; the blasts landed on her blade but didn't go off until she flicked them back, and all the blasts hit Koichi, who dodged a few but one hit him.

"Oh!! Yeah!! The backup is here!!!"

Ai raised her eyebrows, watching the tanned woman with rabbit ears slam down her leg like an ax, 'Damn, that is some power and speed too. Most likely, she will be flexible. Attacking won't do.'

She dodged the attack, raising her palm, which brushed against Mirko's thigh and backed away. The Pro Hero's leg broke the road around her, forming a crater.

Mirko stood up at the center of the crater, grinning, "Haha! Is that all you got!"

She took a step forward and blanked out, realizing that she was falling forward, and a sharp pain attacked her thighs.

She grits her teeth, looking up to meet with scarlet eyes that warned her.

"Better stay down."

"Like hell!" Mirko ferociously grinned, throwing her body towards Ai, but Mirko only saw her step past her, and this time, her hands and legs, even her stomach and spine, lost all their strength.

Her chest heaved, feeling her whole body give out, trembling with pain, and she dragged her chin to the ground, crawling forward, "Not over yet!!"

Demon King stepped in front of her, raising her leg, about to stomp down when Captain Celebrity rushed to her, "NOR AM I!!!"

'This is getting out of hand,' Ai took out his forcefield, placing cuts on his thighs, waist, and arms, and pivoting. A bullet hit the blade and got shot back in its direction.

"Stop her!!"

Ryuku, the Dragon Hero, swooped down the sky, slamming her claw down, while Ingenium came from the front, running as fast as he could.

Ai took the other sword floating on her waist with a smile on her lips, which turned into a grin, "Come!"

The first to reach her was Ingenium, and she held the grip of her sword with both hands. She bent down, the blade touched his stomach, and she pulled back, cutting the air his body pulled.

"Whoa!!" He wanted to stop, but she effortlessly changed the direction in which his body was going, and before he knew it, he hit Ryuku in the face, causing her to crash to the ground.

"Is that all the Pro Heroes have to offer?" Ai thought they'd be stronger, considering how strong All Might was.

"Don't underestimate Pro Heroes!!" Aizawa appeared in front of her, with a reddish glow in his eyes, "NOWW!!!!"


Present Mic screamed, and sound waves came towards her, making her furrow her brows, 'Did he figure out that I need to use Quirk to deflect these types of attacks? Or just a coincidence? Oh, well, it doesn't matter."

She held the sword with both hands, taking a stance after such a long time, and cut the air down, causing a tiny vacuum that cut the sound waves from her apart, spreading them out in two directions, missing her.

Midnight who was about to attack, stopped in her place, "Shota…didn't you erase her attack?"

Aizawa felt his heart thump uncontrollably, "I did."

He was about to say what he thought when they heard the voice, "HERE!!!!!"

He swooped towards Ai, punching, to take out his enemies since most of them were taken care of in one punch, but All Might hadn't realized what happened or the fighting style of the Quirk. He only felt his body go out of control and thrown alongside the road, gorging it. He was nearly a mile away before coming to a stop, blankly looking at the sky, "Did I get thrown?"

All Might jumped to his feet, "No! Time to think! They are in trouble!"

He jumped forward, covering that mile in a single jump, landing in front of Ai, "Villain! Stop right there!!"

"All Might, be careful," Aizawa warned, but All Might patted his chest.

"Don't worry! Because I am HERE!!!"

"Yeah, that's why we are worried," Aizawa narrowed his eyes, "Right now when she flung you? Well, she didn't use the Quirk. I made sure of that."

All Might's mouth twitched, "You are kidding, right?"

"No. My Quirk erases the Quirks of others, and I have kept my eyes on her. She hasn't used it for a whole…maybe from the beginning."

All Might hastily darted his eyes around; from what he could see, every Hero in sight had been defeated and injured, and many of them were top Heroes.

"Hmph! There is no need for you here, All Might! I will take care of this!"

"Endeavor, be careful!" All Might barely be managed to warn when Endeavor rushed in, his fist covered in flames as he punched forward.

"This is no place for you villains!!!"

'What is going on with this one,' Ai took a step back, feeling the heat on her cheeks, 'Doesn't matter. I am still not good with the elemental attacks.'

She used the little defense her armor granted her and jumped on top of his hand. Her eyes focused on his chin, and she jumped back, adjusting the distance between them according to the length of her leg and lashing forward.

His face turned to one side, and his body followed before he shook, falling on one knee, holding his chin, "You…how…?"

She covered the distance between them, grabbed his hair, and smashed her knee in his face to keep him down.

She cracked her fingers, leisurely stretching her body from side to side, "Now. That was a good warm-up. That leaves. You and me."

"I am here too!" Aizawa wore his goggles, ready to jump in as well.

"Oh, yeah. You see, flames make a good distraction," Ai lightly said, and All Might's eyes went wide, and he could already tell it was on his right.

He caught the chakram, and though it took a bit of force to stop it, he did manage to, "Hah! I am here!"

Ai softly smiled, "Everyone believes in you, All Might, even your enemies."

Aizawa froze; he knew an attack was coming, but, All Might be on the right, and so was the attack. He turned to his left and came face to face with the chakram, coming for his eyes. But All-Might curved over him to catch it, "All is fine, my friend!!"

Aizawa let out a breath of relief, 'No…something feels wrong.'

He had a suspicion which was answered when he heard the voice of lightning, "No! Move!!!"

He couldn't see because All Might was in his way, and it took a moment for All Might to understand, and he moved away, but it was too late.

Ai had already dropped the sword and changed her leg with electricity, and she kicked the hilt, with the sword tip pointing at All Might, grinning, "Take this!"

She fired the sword, which moved at speed three times of sound, with blinding light, but since it was already charged and worked like a natural phenomenon, he couldn't erase it. However, he did manage to reduce the power.

"Shit!!" All Might punched forward consecutively to create shockwaves that tore apart the force of the railgun, and the sword tore apart the shockwave.


He gave one last punch, smashing the melting sword away, pointing forward to make a statement, but that instant caught him off guard. He was only left watching, seeing Aizawa's face covered with a palm as he got smacked down to the ground, and the scarlet eyes met with his. The devilish grin appeared on her lips, "Now that he's out of the equation. Let's take it a notch further!"
