Episode 1/Chapter 2: Immortal Warrior (2)

Original TL: Tsubak

Original ED: Raigeh


'What is this.'

Tae Ho blinked. However, the words in front of him didn't disappear. No, more words appeared instead.

[ Saga: Immortal Warrior ] [ Synchro rate: 1% ]

[ - ]

[ - ]

'Synchro rate?'

He could somewhat grasp something. The reason was simple.

Immortal warrior.

It was the nickname of the Dragon Knight Kalsted. And at the same time the nickname he got when he made an ace by killing all 7 enemy characters at the 6th world's championship.

Synchro rate.

Didn't this mean that Tae Ho was becoming one with Kalsted?

It was an absurd thing to say, but in the first place coming to Valhalla after death was an absurd thing by itself.

"Oh, so you do have a saga."

Tae Ho raised his head. The man put on a nice to see smile and looked down at Tae Ho. Tae Ho rolled his eyes to look at the empty slots below the synchronization.

"Um, I do. But the places below are empty."

"That's obvious. A saga is a song and at the same time a story! Big stories are made up of many small stories!"

'So, it is still an empty slot?'

Then he could just think of it as being fillable contents. Just like a subtitle below the main title.

"The saga is the strength of magic. Just like it is for rune magic, there's always an order and a system of a mystery."

The man laughed and explained again. His body was the same as the other warriors, but it seemed like his knowledge was completely different.

As Tae Ho started to look at the man with admiring eyes, the man smiled once again.

"Ha, I know what those eyes mean. I am a druid. I know how to use rune magic and elemental magic besides the saga."

It seemed like there were other types of magic aside from saga.


First, he would have to learn how to use this saga. Tae Ho stood up and was about to ask a more thorough question when.

"I can see the battlefield!"

"Get ready to fight!"

As the Valkyrie that was at the bow of the ship blew the horn trumpet, the warriors started to yell one by one.

"The time has come. You should also grab your weapon."

"Wa, wait!"

"Survive. Let's keep talking at the night banquet!"

The man smirked and then went off to where the warriors were gathered.

Tae Ho, who was looking at the man's back with perplexed eyes, slapped himself. It was time to get a hold of himself.

"I can do it."

Tae Ho looked at the sword that was by his feet. It was something he received after getting pushed to the ship almost forcefully.

"You can do it Lee Tae Ho."

Tae Ho took in a deep breath and then slowly raised his sword. He didn't know if it was his feeling, but it felt lighter than when he first received it.

Immortal Warrior.

Tae Breathed out. It felt like his palm stuck to the hilt of the sword. He felt himself getting more comfortable, just like when he grabbed his mouse.

Kalsted was a knight that had the blood of a dragon. He was a real superhuman that could beat hundreds, thousands of enemies by himself.

If this synchronization was what Tae Ho was thinking about.

It was enough to even if it was 1%. He could do it.


He would survive. And then participate in that night banquet or however it was called and listen to the story!

It was when he determined himself.


The ship trembled with a banging sound. Tae Ho, that almost fell into the water turned his head to the direction of the sound. The warriors were jumping off the ship as soon as it hit the rocks.

"The reinforcements have arrived!"

"Protect the port!"

A loud voice was heard from beyond the ship. Not only that but the sound of weapons clashing, yells and cries of the beasts rang on the battlefield.

"Hurry up! The magic maintaining the ship will disappear!"

Someone pushed Tae Ho's back. Tae Ho also jumped off the ship instead of looking back to see who it was. It wasn't because he wanted to fight, but because the floor of the ship was becoming more transparent by the time.

After a few moments of Tae Ho Having jumped, the ship disappeared completely. Tae Ho gripped his sword and looked at his surroundings. The battle had already started. In addition, this place wasn't a place for ships but was a complete battlefield. He wondered why there wasn't any strategy, but it was a situation that didn't need any. It was really a dogfight.

'Stay calm. Calm yourself.'

His breathing became rough. There was nowhere to hide at the wide battlefield. The warriors he came together from Valhalla were fighting humanoid monsters that had heads of dogs. Even at first glance, their number easily passed the hundreds.

Tae Ho forced himself to breathe normally.

It wasn't that different to a game. And it was also similar by some means.

You just had to use your basic skills and normal skills to beat the opponent.


'Similar my ass!'

One dog-headed monster cried loudly as if threatening Tae Ho and charged towards him.

At that moment, Tae Ho's body reacted. It wasn't an action he did consciously. He tilted his body to dodge the blade and then he swung his sword. Regardless of it being his first time swinging a sword, the arc was really sharp.


The dog-headed monster that had its neck beheaded let out its breathtaking cry. Tae Ho got a hold of himself from that cry and then gritted his teeth and swung his sword to slash at the side of the monster. Rather than slashing, it was more thrashing, but it had its effect. The condition of the monster worsened.


Tae Ho yelled unconsciously and then struck the back of the monster with the tip of his sword. The monster flinched for a moment and then fell.

"Pant! Pan...."

Tae Ho plucked his sword. And then became certain. That the pro gamer Lee Tae Ho would never be able to do this. But it was different for the Legendary Dragon Knight Kalsted.


The effects of the Immortal Warrior.

'You can do it. You can do it Lee Tae Ho!'

A bit calmer. A bit more cool-headed.

Tae Ho kept reminding himself. Actually, this was something he always did. What can he do to win? How could he get the best results?

Tae Ho looked at the front. He made eye contact with another monster. And then it came running towards him while making a strange cry. Tae Ho glared at it and thought.

The slots below the saga.

There were two.

Then could he make two more little stories?

Or if for now, only two were possible.

The monster was approaching. It opened its mouth wider and then, Tae Ho put his arms back to be able to swing his sword more widely.

It felt like time became slower, but Tae Ho got a hunch at that weird sensation. He breathed out roughly and then pulled his sword. And then made another saga instinctively.

'Ah! Player Lee Tae Ho! He's fast! He's three times faster than normal players! He's a storm! A storm!'

The voice of the yelling relators was still fresh in his ears.

A saga is a story and also a transmission.

The more people relate the story and the more belief in it, the stronger it becomes.

Everyone went crazy when they watch at Tae Ho charging with an amazing speed at the qualifications round.

Everyone cheered at Kalsted's rush.

[ Saga: The charge of a warrior is like a storm. ]

Tae Ho charged forward. He closed in on the monster faster than it could swing its blade.


Tae Ho became surprised at his own speed. Although it was only a few meters, it was because he really crossed that distance like a light.

The breath of the monster reached his cheek. And the sword pierced the stomach of the monster.

He felt something at the tip of his fingers. Tae Ho twisted sword before he started to feel bad. The monster struggled to break free while roaring.

The claws of the monster scratched his shoulder. Rather than hurting, it was hot. Just like being burnt with fire.


Tae Ho yelled once again and then twisted his sword. He didn't stop there and then plucked the sword back violently.


The monster fell on the ground. Tae Ho stabbed at the neck of the monster to make sure and then barely started to breathe again.

"Kuhuk. Pant."

He felt dizzy. He felt like his nose was paralyzed at the stinking smell of blood. But instead, his eyes were clear. He could also hear well.

'A buff.'

It was different to the Immortal Warrior. The 'the charge of a warrior is just like a storm' was closer to being an active skill.

'Do I become faster when I use it?'

It was important to understand a skill. You had to know how much power it had, how to use it exactly to be able to use it well.

And Tae Ho knew instinctively. That his saga wasn't finished yet.

When the origin of his saga became an anecdote. The best highlight of the world's championship being Kalsted's charge.

It wasn't only that. At that time Kalsted's charge wasn't merely fast. It was a storm that swept over the battlefield.

He was certain that it had room to grow, just like the Immortal Warrior.

Tae Ho gritted his teeth and looked at his surroundings again. It was still a dogfight, but there were many warriors of Valhalla, so there was no monster that charged over to Tae Ho immediately. He felt like they were pushing them back.

The warriors of Valhalla were strong. They all seemed to be using their own sagas that some had light shining in their bodies and some made flames arise from their weapons.


But there was something that caught Tae Ho's attention. One warrior was placing his hands on top of the corpse of a monster he just killed.

And it was then. Something like red smoke started to rise from the corpse of the monster and then got sucked by the palm.

The warrior that finished the process smiled in satisfaction and then started to charge to another monster.

Tae Ho looked back at the monster he killed. And then hurriedly extended his hand and placed it on the monster's back.

Red smoke started to soar up from the monster along with a clicking feeling.


It appeared naturally in his head. It was hard to explain what exactly it was, but he felt like he had gotten stronger.

'Fight with your saga to beat the monsters and grow your strength.'

He thought of the general outline. It had the same method of a game.

Tae Ho also approached the first monster he killed and placed his hand on it. This time also, he felt something being transmitted to him.

He unconsciously clenched his fists. Tae Ho tried to calm his breathing and then gulped dry saliva.

You can do it. You can do it.

Just like in games, there are also rules here.



Suddenly, yells exploded from the soldiers. Tae Ho quickly stood up while grabbing his sword and turned to look at the direction the warriors were yelling at. And then he understood why the soldiers were calling the name of a God.

"The God of thunder has descended!"

He really did. There was someone standing in the sky of the battlefield. It was a huge man that had blue lightning flowing in his body. When he raised his big golden hammer, the warriors started to cheer and as to respond to them he flipped his red cape and started to fly in the sky.


"The God of thunder!"


A big thunder was made in the sky. No, it started in the golden hammer. The big thunder swept over the monsters.




The warriors went wild. And Tae Ho also felt his heartbeat. The thunder that came from above turned tens of monsters to ashes. But it didn't stop there and made a huge explosion. The ground shook just like an earthquake.

"Go! Warriors of Valhalla!"

The one holding the hammer yelled. The Valkyries that were by his side charged to the front of the battlefield, and the warriors also charged through the place the thunder swept.

Tae Ho could only acknowledge it.

It was a God. It really was Thor.

And then he realized once again.

Where he was.

He turned to look at the sky. He could see monsters. And also saw the warriors fighting against them.

[ Saga: Immortal Warrior ]

Tae Ho breathed in. And then gripped his sword with more strength after cursing at himself saying that he was crazy.

It wasn't his style to fight with his body. And fighting against monsters was dangerous. But he couldn't just watch back here. Now that they had the momentum, he had to kill one more monster to get stronger so that his survival for the next battle would increase.

It was an instinctive calculation.

"Let, let's survive first."

Tae Ho, that said contradicting words to his action, smiled bitterly. He let out a battle cry just like Kalsted did at the game and charged forward.




[Synchro rate: 2%]

< Immortal Warrior #2 > End