Episode 3/Chapter 4: The Dragon Knight (4)

Original TL: Tsubak

Original ED: Raigeh

Defeated the grand orc warrior Graksha.

Defeated the Ogre Lord Gandoll.

Defeated the three troll brothers, the triple blue flame.

Conquered the Giant Hill.

Rescued the princess of Emelord.

Defeated the black dragon Ankelonia.

Fell down the fortress of Magino.

Suppressed the demon world.

Defeated the army of a dragon.


The achievements that were arranged simply seemed to have no end.

He defeated strong monsters alone and rescued the kidnapped princess. He defeated an army by himself, and even defeated the demon lord and rescued the world.

That was the dragon knight Kalsted.

But of course, that was all in a game.

However, this saga was a 'truth' for Heda.

A saga could certainly become distorted. But manipulating it from start to end was impossible.

So even if these stories were distorted, the man in front of her, Tae Ho, was a legendary existence that could really be called as the hero.

"No, well... um..."

Tae Ho scratched his head and faced Heda. He felt burdened by Heda's eyes, that was filled with embarrassment, respect, perplexion, etc. but at the same time enjoyed it.

As he just stuttered, Heda put on a teary face. She started to twist her body and then lowered her head slightly and spoke.

"I'm sorry for having been insolent until now. I was a..... No, no. Anyways."

Because she had seen the achievements of the legendary knight.

Heda had seen quite a lot of warriors until now but had never seen someone with achievements as amazing as his. If Tae Ho was a human from Midgard, all of Asgard would have paid attention to his entrance.

But that kind of warrior was asking about the basic things of fighting!

"Hm, well. Mm."

Tae Ho shrugged his shoulders as if behaving imprudently. And as he turned to look down at Heda silently, Heda's face that was red because of the embarrassment flinched again.

"Ah, I can't stand it anymore."

Maybe it was because of the gap there was from her usual self and now that she seemed cuter, but everything had its limit.

If these kinds of misunderstandings became deeper, it was harder to clear it up. It may be different if you wanted to trick her, but if you wanted to state the facts just as they were, it was better to clear it up.

"Heda, isn't something strange? The truth that I'm the legendary knight?"


Heda blinked while looking at Tae Ho as if implying what he was saying. Tae Ho smirked once again and then whispered in Heda's ear.

"I'm telling you just because it's you."

Heda flinched once more at the unnecessary close distance and Tae Ho started to tell his story.

"So....It was a game?"

"Yes, Dark Age was the biggest MMORPG game in the world. All of the achievements you saw were quests accomplished by my character Kalsted."

Tae Ho didn't hide anything. The reason was simple, but it was because that would be of more help.

Heda was the teacher that taught Tae Ho how to use his saga. He wouldn't be able to learn to use the saga properly with Heda having misunderstood like this. Because the saga was no different to Tae Ho's lifeline, it was absurd to learn it sloppily.


What would happen if they sent him to a big-scaled battlefield with the misunderstanding that he was the legendary warrior? In addition, the synchro rate was merely at 5%. Right now, being at the lowest ranked class was the most suitable for him.

Of course, Tae Ho had also calculated his part. He could trust Heda. Although it had merely been a bit more than a day since they had met, he could be certain. It was good to say that it was his senses telling him that.

'Of course, I may be backstabbed like this.'

And will Heda understand what Tae Ho had said properly?

Tae Ho waited for Heda's reaction while hiding his anxiousness.

Heda frowned and groaned as if she was thinking hard and then laughed sloppily.

"Mm, I don't know well but that does seem true. If it's like you said, the achievements you have accomplished were quite famous in your world. And anyway, all of that did actually happen."

Heda's explanation was like this.

Although she didn't know well about games, the battles themselves did occur.

Although they were existences created by a program composed of 0 and 1, Kalsted and the monsters did exist. And their battles weren't a setup act, but a real one.

And Kalsted was famous. The dragon knight Kalsted, that was Tae Ho's character, had a really high recognition be it in the game and in the real world. To speak in Valhalla's term, countless people knew of Kalsted achievements and legends.

And Tae Ho also got convinced. If it was as she said, everything made sense.

"But Heda, you seem relieved."

"Shut up."

Heda pouted but her eyes were smiling. And after that, she actually smiled brightly and then shrugged her shoulders.

"Well, whatever. This is a really amazing case. I have never heard of a case like this while working as a Valkyrie."

It wasn't simply about the thing related to the game.

Was there a warrior that had a saga as great as this? One that achieved all of this all alone?

"If you can materialize all of the stories in your saga...."

Heda gulped dry saliva unconsciously. And that was also the same for Tae Ho. The two of them looked at each other as if they had made a promise, and the one that moved first was Heda.

"You really were a lump of luck!"

Heda hugged Tae Ho. A beauty hugging you was always a happy thing, but Tae Ho unconsciously made a painful groan. Because of the armor, Heda was wearing, instead of feeling the softness he was expecting, he only felt a hard and shapeless thing.

However, Heda didn't seem to know about Tae Ho's pain and embraced him even stronger.

'I like it but at the same time I don't.'

It was a bit weird, but Heda's scent was really nice.

After Heda finished with her short and thick embrace, she patted at Tae Ho's shoulders and then put on a harsh face.

"Anyways, you should take care of your body. Don't overdo it. Because heroes with amazing sagas can lose their lives with merely one mistake on the battlefield."

The scariest thing about a battlefield was an arrow coming from a long distance. Because it was something that made your awareness useless.

"Don't worry about that. I was planning to even if you didn't tell me."

He answered with a playful tone, but Heda smiled as if she was satisfied.

"But Tae Ho, then are there more people like you in your world?"

If it were like this, it was highly probable that the pro gamers would have really amazing sagas. But Tae Ho shook his head.

"There are.... but I don't think there are more to me."


"Well, because I was the best in the world."

He said naturally. Because it was just as he had said.

"Ugh, I don't like you."

Heda frowned, but it only lasted a moment. And rather, nodded as if she got convinced.

"I think that you are right. Because you seem special in various ways. How should I put it.... this is just my feeling, but I don't think that even if another person that did the same thing from your world came, they wouldn't be able to manifest the same saga as yours."


Most of Tae Ho's achievements were 'the first in the server', or 'the first in the world', or 'solo'. Compared to clearing a quest normally, people could only recognize it.

"Um, can you also show me your other sagas?"

"Of course."

Tae Ho closed his eyes at Heda's eyes that were shining with curiosity and thought of his sagas.

[Saga: The charge of a warrior is just like a storm]

[Saga: The sword of the warrior]

After examining the two sagas, Heda let out a sigh.

"The two of them seem useful. Especially the sword of the warrior seems like a cheat."

The number of weapons recorded in the sword of the warrior wasn't one or two. Most of all, each of them were magic weapons capable of growth. And to be able to summon those weapons with his saga. On top of that, the strong point of the sword of the warrior wasn't simply 'summoning a weapon'.

'A weapon I need for each situation.'

He would take out a weapon based on the opponent he faced. For the ones that were weak towards fire attribute attacks, he would take out the heat sword Ifrit. For opponents that were strong against weapons that had blades, he would take out the thunder hammer.

He didn't need to carry the countless weapons he could use in each situation. If this wasn't a cheat, then what was it?

"I will have to develop it well."

Tae Ho dismissed the conception he had in his head and smirked.

Heda also smiled and continued saying.

"Hm, the higher your synchro rate becomes, the more saga are you able to use? This is quite stable."

"Heda, how many sagas can you originally use?"

"There's no particular limit to sagas. High ranked and superior ranked warriors each possess more than 10 sagas. It will be easy to think of it as the stronger you become the more sagas you will be able to use. In the first place, if you don't get strong it's hard to make the anecdote that will become the root of your saga."

It was a rather convincing explanation. To make a saga, you had to accomplish feats. Strong people would accomplish feats and make sagas, and use that saga to become stronger again.

"There's not much time left that so let's go to a resting place."

Heda linked arms with Tae Ho and said.

"You still have one empty slot in your saga. It's good to make a saga that's suitable to the battle you are at, but that's not too certain. A coarse one might appear because you made it hastily. Actually, making a saga in the middle of a battle is an abnormal thing."

"So, let's make a thoroughly thought saga?"

"That's right."

Heda smiled brightly and lifted up three fingers.

"Tae Ho, you already have three sagas. There's a high probability that you won't be able to make a new saga after making this one. So, think well. A saga to protect you and as useful as the other two should be good, right? And of course, it should be a saga you are capable of making with your current level."

All of the things she had said was right. And because of that, Tae Ho asked like a diligent student.

"So, what about teacher Heda's answer sheet?"

Heda was more of an expert in saga than Tae Ho.

But Heda shook her head.

"That won't do. The saga is your story. The best thing is for you to think it yourself. And I will just listen to you."

After she told him to think by himself, Tae Ho nodded and looked up the sky.

If Tae Ho had to classify the sagas he possessed right now, it would be like this.

One general buff.

One movement saga.

One saga that provides you with equipment.

'Looking at it normally, I would want an attack skill.'

Because if he had an attack skill, he would then have an all-around saga.

However, Tae Ho thought of another thing.

What would be the thing he needed on the battlefield immediately? What could be of more help to an inexperienced warrior like him?

There was something he thought of as if it was a flash. And right as if it connected, he thought of a saga that seemed to be the most suitable.

[Saga: The eyes of a dragon sees through all things]

Tae Ho looked at Heda. He took a step back and looked at her and then said with a flushed face.

"I can see it."

< Episode 3 - The Dragon Knight (4) > End

Original TL note: Thanks for reading~