Episode 42/Chapter 2 – Great Counter Attack (2)

The night before Tae Ho headed to Asgard, Odin gathered Tae Ho, the warriors and the Valkyries and started to speak to them.

"Asgard is currently taken over by the giants."

It was a fact that everyone knew but the one that was speaking was the king of Gods Odin. They could feel once again how despairful this situation was.

Odin explain the situation through the hologram he was showing to Tae Ho.

There were many big red circles on top of the mold of Valhalla. They were the giants.

"As you can see, the forces the giant have are two. One is the army of Jotunheim that's being led by the magician king and the other is the Harmarti's elite army that's been confronting Asgard in the front lines."

Odin had gathered information through the crows in these days. They lacked detail as they didn't have much time but it was possible to draw the general outline.

"The main force of the giants is in front of Valhalla and Thor's army."

The two sides were isolated due to the giants and the evil spirits. In addition, there was quite a distance between them. Valhalla was at the center of Asgard and Thor's army was at the outskirts of Asgard, that was closer to Jotunheim.

"There are currently two things we can do with our current forces."

The warriors gathered from Midgard, the reinforcements from Niflheim, the black dragon Nidhogg and the king of birds Hraesvelg.

They were few in number but were a strong force that no one would be able to overlook.

"First, support Thor."

They would lend their strength to Thor and defeat Harmarti and his army. They would defeat the magician king after that and take back Valhalla.

It seemed like it would be a good method at first glance but that wasn't the case if you looked at all the conditions.

The first problem was that it took too long.

"There's also the possibility that Valhalla won't be able to endure it."

Harmarti's army wasn't weak at all. It was certain they wouldn't be able to defeat his army easily even after joining with Thor's army.

Valhalla became the most important place of Asgard after the Great war. Most of the Gods of Asgard were currently gathered in Valhalla.

"The other one is to assist Valhalla."

They would attack the magician king and his army that is surrounding Valhalla or at least lend them strength to strike back.

This wasn't easy either. They couldn't be certain how much of a force the magician king was holding in standby. It may be impossible to defeat him with their current forces.

"Whatever we choose, it's possible to inflict a significant damage. But we can't decide rashly on it."

They needed more information.

ANd also more time.

"Asgard is wide and the giants and the evil spirits weren't able to take over all of it. There is an opening."

What Odin thought of was a guerrilla attack.

They would first attack the giants of the outer areas while hiding Nidhogg and Hraesvelg.

Just like said previously, even if Asgard was smaller than Midgard it was still plentily big.

Because of that, the giants were also scattered. There were many places the survivors could hide at.

There was a high probability they would think that the guerrilla attack was executed sporadically by the warriors that had survived.

They would cut in from the outside. They would diminish the force of the giants little by little and gather information.

But it also had its flaws.

It was a method that unavoidably took time. They were in a situation that they had to create a change before Valhalla fell so consuming time was by no means a good thing.

"They may also realize Nidhogg's existence with what they heard from Niflheim."

Nidhogg flinched at Odin's remark and put a frightened expression. Adenmaha, that was next to her, embraced her telling her not to worry so she calmed down almost instantly but the ones that were looking at them could only put expressions filled with warmth and worry.

Odin also smiled bitterly. He turned to look at another place and said.

"But we still have Hraesvelg. In addition, Nidhogg's existence itself can be a means to oppress them."

Hraesvelg snorted while crossing his arms. Vedrfolnir nodded next to him as if it was really obvious but Nidhogg tilted her head as she didn't understand well.

'The giants won't know of Nidhogg's nature...no, true color? Whatever, they won't know what kind of kid she is.'

The black dragon Nidhogg.

A strong existence that could bring the end to the world.

Just like Cuchulainn had said, knowing that Nidhogg had become their enemy could serve as an overwhelming oppression.

"Idun's warrior."

Tae Ho expressed etiquette at Odin's call. Odin approached him and placed his hand on Tae Ho's shoulder.

"I will leave the commanding of the warriors to you. Rescue Valhalla and Asgard as the commander of Idun."

There were many superior ranked warriors that had more experience than Tae Ho among the ones gathered. But Tae Ho was the only commander and everyone knew what merits he had raised.

The warriors of Valhalla didn't get childishly jealous. The great warriors knew how to honestly respect and love.

Everyone consented to Odin's decision. Tae Ho also expressed etiquette and received his order.

"For Asgard and the nine realms."

"For Asgard and the nine realms."

The next morning, Tae Ho headed to Asgard with the elites he had picked.


Half a day after Tae Ho arrived on Asgard.

Kaldea, the Valkyrie of Hermod's legion, slowly opened her eyes. The first thing she saw from her blurry sight was a beautiful woman that gave off a wild vibe.

"Are you awake?"

Kaldea blinked once. She woke up a bit more and remembered who was the beauty in front of her. That's why she cracked a joke instead of answering.

"It would have been better if it was a handsome man waiting for me instead of a beauty."

"You are fine indeed."

Siri shook her head unavoidably and said but her face was really bright. It was because she got really happy at the fact that Kaldea had recovered to the point she could crack a joke.

Kaldea looked at Siri's face and then rolled her eyes. She was at a cozy room that had a wall and a ceiling. It was an unfamiliar scene but she didn't feel fear as Siri was next to her.

"The handsome man is here."

A husky voice was heard. Kaldea moved her eyes reflexively and said with an exhausted voice after she looked at Bracky that was smirking.

"It seems that my ears didn't heal properly....and my eyes are blurry. Just where is a handsome man here? Ah, did I mishear?"

"Sob sob. They really liked my face in Midgard. Right Siri? Huh?"

Bracky pretended to cry at Kaldea's counterattack and then asked while pouting his head to Siri. She answered while pulling back.

"I don't want to answer right now."

Kaldea's eyes shone at the word 'right now'. She hurriedly opened her mouth and butted in.

"It's a joke, a joke. I'm greatly satisfied with Bracky. He's manly, reliable, has muscles. Right, Siri? Huh? People have their own tastes."

"Why are you being like that to me?"

Kaldea giggled as Siri looked at her with resentful eyes. She then grabbed her stomach as if her injury hurt.

"It hurts. A lot."

"Don't over do it as you have just woken up."

It was another voice. They couldn't see the owner of the voice yet because the big Bracky was covering her but the voice was enough for Kaldea.

"It's our ice princess. Can you hug me once? I barely survived. I want to hug someone. Hug me."

Rasgrid let out a sigh but fulfilled Kaldea's request. It was because she would be able to do anything as Kaldea barely managed to survive, just like she had said.

The hug wasn't a warm one as Rasgrid was wearing her armor, compared to the light clothes Kaldea. But Rasgrid didn't miss that Kaldea trembled from her embrace. It seemed like she was hiding several emotions while pretending to be strong.


Kaldea smirked at Rasgrid's low call. She pushed her away as if she was really fine and then spoke while leaning back on the bed.

"A real handsome man has come."


Tae Ho approached the bed when Bracky mumbled with a low voice. Kaldea asked with a still bright expression.

"Where are we?"

"It's a... private house that was nearby."

They had taken back the small fortress that was taken over by the evil spirits but the group had left it as it was in poor conditions and wasn't proper to defend or hide themselves.

The reason Tae Ho paused when he spoke was because he was doubtful if the expression 'private house' was correct.

It was because this house was the property of a citizen of Asgard- a God.

'Erin was also like this. Precisely speaking, the town where the Tuatha De Danann lived was like this.'

The Tuatha De Danann was a clan composed entirely by Gods.

Cuchulainn wasn't the only one that didn't see where Tae Ho got bewildered at. There was a saying that said that the thread followed where needle was at, and Adenmaha that stood next to Tae Ho pinched his side with her elbow and said.

"Why are you being that awkward? It seems like you keep forgetting this but I'm also a God."

She was a Goddess of the Tuatha De Danann and also a Valkyrie.

'Rasgrid and Kaldea are also Gods. Goddesses. Heda too. Why are you acting like this? Did you forget where this is?'

The land of Gods Asgard. It was obvious that it was filled with Gods.

In the other hand, Kaldea that enjoyed looking at the awkward Tae Ho, took a deep breath and nodded.

"You were alive anyways. Right, I thought that you wouldn't die that easily. I'm glad. Heda was right."

There was a rumor that Tae Ho had died with Odin. Idun and Heda denied but all of Valhalla, including Kaldea, had accepted the rumors to be true.

Tae Ho bit his lips the moment Kaldea mentioned Heda. He wanted to ask several things but there were other things to prioritize right now.

Rasgrid turned to look at Tae Ho for a moment and then said while looking at Kaldea once again.

"Kaldea, I will tell you the situation. Hear it while you recover."

A healing light appeared on Rasgrid's hands. Kaldea received Rasgrid's hands but she shook her head about the situation.

"No, it's fine. There's the possibility I may leak the information when I get caught."


To say when she got caught.

Kaldea just smiled bitterly at Siri's question and then asked to Rasgrid and Tae Ho.

"Just tell me one thing. Is Odin fine?"

"He is."

Kaldea got satisfied at Tae Ho's answer. She let out a sigh as she didn't have any regrets and put a relaxed expression.

"Good. It's enough with that. I will be able to go more relieved.'

It was a thin voice but you could feel her resolution in it. Rasgrid grabbed Kaldea's hand and asked.

"Kaldea, where do you say you are going? Is it related to the letter you had?"

"Yes, that's right. I have to go to the Temple and request for reinforcements. Just like we did in the Great war."

The current situation was the same than a hundred years ago. The Valkyries of Hermod's legion shouldered the danger and headed to Olympus and the Temple to notify of Asgard's urgency.

"The path going to the temple is filled with giants and evil spirits."

"I know. But I still have to go as it's something this important, right?"

Already close to thirty of her sisters had been hunted down. Perhaps, Kaldea may be the last Valkyrie holding a letter.

The current situation is despairful even if Odin really is alive. We absolutely need the help of the Temple.

"We don't have time. I will leave now."

"It's impossible alone."

Rasgrid forcefully grabbed Kaldea trying to get up her bed. Tae Ho exchanged glances with Siri and spoke to Kaldea.

"We will go with you. We will create an opening."

In the first place, Tae Ho's group was planning to execute a guerrilla tactic in Asgard. Fighting to transmit a letter to the Temple was enough of a reason.

But Kaldea shook her head.

"The one guarding the path is one of the giant kings, the Beast king Tiachi. He also has a lot of his underlings. I know that you defeated the Tyrant Bress but it's imp..."

She stopped there. Kaldea, that was about to say that it was better if she shouldered all the danger alone rather than putting everyone in danger, stopped speaking unconsciously.

It wasn't because Tae Ho told her about Nidhogg and Hraesvelg. The reason she got surprised was just because of Tae Ho.

"Ah, just what happened while I didn't see you?"

About two months since the battle in Kalliv Ahim.

Kaldea felt the same bewilderment Siri and Bracky felt and nodded while smiling bitterly.

Adenmaha snorted as if she was the one that had heard the compliment and acted to be strong.

Kaldea was still looking at Tae Ho. He spoke briefly after releasing part of his strength.

"Many things have happened."

Quite a lot actually.

Tae Ho grabbed Kaldea's hands. He asked towards her whose blue eyes were shining with hope, surprise and perplexion at the same time.

"Tell me about the Beast king Tiachi."

Kaldea didn't decline anymore. She told him everything she knew about.

Episode 42/Chapter 2 – Great Counter Attack (2) End