Chapters 8

I'm Mr Micheal Rogers the father of Gabriel and Gabrielle Rogers, he said stretching out his hands for a handshake

Hi, and I'm.... my phone rang stopping me mid sentence.

Excuse me, I said picking up my phone

I will be done in ten minutes and I'll be there in about twenty minutes I said quickly so as to finish the conversation and not to appear rude

Gabriel fainted we are at the hospital Tony said over the phone

What happened I said calmly, I was used to this scenario one kid in a hospital almost every week

We were sunbathing by the pool when suddenly his skin became irritated and he just fainted. Tony explained

Did he use sunscreen?

No he didn't he said he was allergic

Is he awake yet?

No, but the doctors said he'll be fine. We are all here

Good, I'll be there ASAP. But in the main time tell the doctor to give you a diagnosis and I swear if anyone of your eyes are swollen or red from tears you are going to be grounded. I said cutting the call

Excuse me I'd have to leave early I have an emergency I said

Ma'am may I suggest I go with you? he asked

Sure but I can't promise that you won't be beaten I said nonchalantly

Is everything okay? Jessica asked

Allergies emergency

Oh, no wonder you look calm she said jokingly

Even if you were shut dead I'd still be calm, you know I'd like to steal your man I said winking at her

You, be careful on your way I don't have money to host a funeral.

Sure thing honey, I'll see you tonight.


The journey to the hospital was quiet and she acted as though she was alone and kept sighing. I didn't know how to start a conversation so I didn't bother.

She was really different she joked about death with her lawyer and wasn't even panicking when she had that her child was in the hospital. She looked quite young and I don't think I knew who she was but my family and I owed her a great deal.

When we got to the hospital, she asked the lady at the front desk a few questions and we headed to the floor they were. When we got there a swam of people hugged her and they started talking almost at once.

Do you know that your sun is allergic to sunlight? she asked me

Allergic, my son is not allergic to anything I replied

She stared at me as though I had lost it. Ignoring me she walked towards Gabriel who laid on the bed

You have three minutes to wake up if you don't, trust me I'll donate all your organs to those who need it, she said keeping a stern face

Why would she say that, he was unconscious and who did she think she was.