Minshuku would spend most of his days playing with his friend obtone. Obtone was way better with magic than minshuku, but minshuku wasn't so far behind. magic was something that he was average at. he knew the basics of water magic, as well as some nature spells. whereas obtone only knew Creation. He knew how to create small monsters from dirt and rubble. his parents considered it a blessing, even though Obtone wanted to learn more advanced spells. the two would often clash, but obtone would always win. it seemed that no matter what, Minshuku could not beat obtone. to the point where he would question his magic capabilities.
Minshuku: Why can't I beat Obtone! I know more spells than him, yet he wins? this isn't fair, dammit. I gotta find some way to beat him...
Minshuku focuses more on learning offensive spells. spells that can allow him to beat Obtone. he tries to learn fire magic, even though his parents tell him it's a bad idea. Fire magic is the most destructive, being banned in most places, with teleport being banned everywhere. of course, seeing as minshuku didn't know about these rules, he thought learning how to teleport would give him a big advantage against obtone. he talked it over with his father, but his father turned it down. telling him it's a bad idea to learn that spell, and how it's dangerous.
Minshuku: Father, why won't you help me learn how to use teleport? I don't see the problem.
Ryan (minshuku's father.): Minshuku... the dangers of learning such a spell can have you killed.
MInshuku: Father, I think it's an overreaction. besides, I'm only doing this to beat obtone. I don't see the issue!
Ryan: Your innocence is almost freighting. I wish I could tell you more, but at the same time, I don't want to deny you anything... dammit, why must things be like this?
Ryan: Minshuku... I will help. learning magic like teleport can be useful for you. so let's start from the basics.
MInshuku spent the next 3 weeks with his father, learning how to use teleport. the basics of teleportation, as well as how to use it effectively. after three weeks. minshuku could teleport anywhere as long as he wanted to. the spell was mildly easy to learn, which surprised minshuku, seeing as it's a spell that is considered dangerous.
Minshuku: Father... why is teleportation considered to be a dangerous spell?
Ryan: Because you can go anywhere with the ability to teleport.
Minshuku: Like the girl's hot springs?
Ryan: Like a girls Hotspring, correct.
Minshuku: well, I'm not a pervert, so don't worry! I won't try to peep on anybody!
Ryan: Haha, good for you, shuku. now then, when do you plan on fighting obtone?
MInshuku: As soon as i can!
Ryan: Well then, i hope you win!
Ryan: I have to make sure nobody knows about this. as long as nobody outside our village knows, we should be fine. lets just pray...
Minshuku went to go fight obtone. when he challenged obtone, he accepted, and there fight began.
Obtone went first. Creating little monsters from the dirt was easy, but they were easy to deal with. one water attack, and most of them were gone. Obtone laughed, commented on his strength, and created three more monsters, this time, huge. the monsters went to attack minshuku, and he tried to use water to beat it. the water did nothing, so minshuku teleported. teleportation surprised Obtone, causing him to loose focus. before he could recover, minshuku blasted him with water. otbone fell, but quickly got back on his feet to create more monsters. once he did, he thought to himself.
Obtone: Did Shuku just...
Minshuku didnt give obtone any time to think. he teleported behind him and used another blast of water, causing him again to lose focus. this time, his recovery was slower. then, minshuku teleported above him, and blasted him with more water. Obtone was practily on the ground. no, he was. minshuku then blasted him with more water. Obtone got back up, but not before being blasted with more water.
Minshuku: This is what its like to win? this feels... amazing!
Obtone tried to get up, only to be blasted down. this time obtone was put in place with earth magic, and blasted with huge amounts of water. Obtone was powerless in this situation. Minshuku then stops, and obtone uses this to create a giant monster. minshuku then uses teleportation to teleport behind obtone, who couldn't react in time. he was then blasted with huge amounts of water. this time, obtone could not recover. he fell to the ground knocked out. as minshuku celebrates, Obtone's parents came out. they looked scared.
Obtones mom: Minshuku... you went to far...
Obtones father: Ill beat you down. you could of killed him...
Minshuku: Did i go to far?
Obtones father: No duh! you almost killed our baby!
Obtone's mother and father begin to shame him. minshuku, not standing for it, fights back.
Minshuku: MY Fault? Hes beaten me unconscious and you have done nothing about it! don't tell me i went to far! punish your son! you could of killed me multiple times! so shut up!
Obtones Mother: Are you telling me I'm wrong?
Minshuku: Yea i am, because you are! your shaming me when I'm not in the wrong! you both don't realize, Obtone is smiling! he got washed, and he's happy! he now has motivation to get stronger!
Obtone's mother grabs on Obtones father's shirt. he looks at her, then looks at obtone. like minshuku said, he is smiling. he then starts to tear up. they both enter the house. Minshuku, now mad, goes back home.
Minshuku: Im home, dad.
Wolfkami, Minshuku's dog, comes of the kitchen and jumps on his head, sleeping. Ryan comes out of the kitchen, to see minshuku mad. he then tries to calm him down.
Ryan: What happened, my son.
Minshuku: I beat obtone, but his parents yelled at me. and i did nothing!
Ryan: There probably all scared for there son.
Minshuku: So then when he does that to me, how come you don't yell at obtone? do you not care like they do?
Ryan: Minshuku, its not like that.
Minshuku: Of course... but i did nothing wrong.
Ryan: I know... but...
Minshuku: Why arent you fully agreeing?
Ryan: Minshuku...
Minshuku: Of course. I'm going to my room. bye...
Minshuku goes into his room. Ryan goes back into the kitchen, with wolfkami going into minshuku's room, to lay with him. minshuku, not knowing what he did, sits there, thinking about what to do. he then gets flashbacks. flashbacks of somebody he never knew. the person was named Soka.