Chased and Captured



"Don't open fire recklessly, idiot! Do you want to waste precious bullets?" The Chief roared loudly.

"Sorry, Chief!"

After the destruction of some cities along with the hoard of Xermo coming, the number of resources were very scarce. One of those was obviously the bullets. The number of bullets that they have was very limited and certainly, not everyone could possibly shoot freely with such limited number of bullet.

They have to make use of their resources to the best of their ability.


As the soldiers passed by another intersection, they were stopped as the trash can came rolling and collided with one of them. They were all stunned as they watched their friends fell over one by one due to the trash can. Only some of them managed to react in time and evaded the sudden fall of the trashes.

"Help! Ah!"

"Gah, don't step on me!"
