The life of a soldier is always filled with obstacles and loses. Whether while one is at home or in the war front, he will always have his guards up. To many, being a soldier is a very great thing and the honour of serving one's country is something to be proud of.
It is only when you've experienced the war front, like Richard has, and witnessed the brutality of it that one would understand that it wasn't always something to jump on.
This was the first time he had visited the military Headquarters in eight months after coming out from a coma. He had been in a coma for three months before he had been made to undergo trial by the military heads.
The situation was indeed tense and they wanted to prove how he was able to escape the ambush alive while his whole team had been wiped out. He did have enough evidence to show that he had spent three weeks of hell at the hands of his captors before he was able to escape but he still had to be on trial.
It was only now, after two months, that he was acquitted and re-instated in the force with his rank given back to him. He was still Colonel Richard Brad but he knew, deep within, that after that life and death experience, he wasn't the same Colonel Richard Brad he used to be.
He shook his head to get the memories of the mine fields off his mind. Back then he had been so helpless and had even thought of committing suicide just to avoid being captured by the enemies but in the end….
He drove by at top speed through the now empty road. It was night time and the rain was pouring down in all its might as it threatened to beat the roof of his car to scrap. The loud sound of rainfall made it difficult to hear what was going on outside and it helped too.
He tapped his finger on the steering wheel as he sped past the road. It was awfully lonely on this road and it was understandable given that it was almost midnight. He sighed and imagined what it would be like to return to the army and to his daily training routine.
He reckoned that it would be different. He hadn't seen the others in eight months and today while he was there, he only talked to a few higher officers. He didn't bother about blending in with anyone since as a soldier, he was taught to make his presence accepted at all times.
The water splashed as the tires moved over it. He was completely oblivious to his surroundings and hence, completely missed the small figure that was running out of the other end of the road where there was an interception.
He only noticed a bit too late when the headlights shone brightly and he realised that it was a woman who was attempting to cross the road and she too was oblivious of the car that was heading towards her at a neck break speed.
Richard's eyes widened in shock. If he hit the brakes now, the car would still hit the lady at the speed at which it was going so he swerved the car a bit and almost ended in the sidewalk. He noticed, however, that despite the fact that he had missed the lady by just a fraction, she was now on the ground.
He looked back at her as she lay there motionless on the floor, thinking of what to do next. He opened the door and shivered a bit as the rain poured down on him, drenching him mercilessly. How was she able to run under this rain like that? What was she running away from?
He did a small run and arrived beside her then he glanced around the area but failed to notice anything out of place. He looked down at the lady's face and it was pale. Her hair clung to her face and her clothes were wet that they became semi-transparent.
She was still in her night wear and he was a bit concerned about why she would leave her house, almost at midnight, in her night wear and run out in the rain. Something was not right.
Despite these thoughts, he couldn't leave her behind. She had fainted from almost being run over and he figured that it was his responsibility to take care of her. His house was a bit far away but it would be better if she rested for the night then in the morning she could go to the hospital.There was no way she wouldn't catch a cold after this. He carried her up and brought her to his car and turned up the heater to warm her up a bit.
He quickly entered the car so as to avoid the rain and started the car and drove away as fast as he got in. He shook his head a little to get rid of the water droplets that was running down his face. He glanced back at the lady who was still unconscious.
Now that he had a closer look, she didn't look unconscious at all. She looked more like she was sleeping. He turned his attention to the road; he was getting near his home.
Just at the interception, the tall lanky guy came out of the bush and cursed, "Damn that son of a bitch! We almost had her!"
Another lady dressed in black top and military trouser sighed deeply. "K9 is going to be pissed again, why didn't you let me take him down?"
"Take him down? Are you crazy? He's Colonel Brad, don't you use your head?" the lanky man asked animatedly.
The other person in the shadows nodded and turned around. "Our priority is K7 and now we know where to find her."
"Are we seriously going to…?"
"No, we'll wait till she gets back. Let's go." They turned around and walked under the rain back towards the direction the lady had just run out from.