Lunch With The Doctor

Pretending that he didn't recognise her, Richard nodded and said, "It's fine as long as it doesn't happen often."

General Gordon clapped his hands. "I'll leave you to it then. You'll receive a briefing in a day or two but keep in touch." He patted Richards shoulder and left.

Richard got to familiarise himself with his team. One of the soldiers was someone he was familiar with and it was Lieutenant Pauline Jeremy.

After all the things were done and they got to know each other, not that it mattered but he felt that he had to work with them on a familiar basis and he had it in mind to find out their strengths and weaknesses so as to find a way to combine them in actual combat, he turned to Priscilla and said, "so I guess we meet again sooner than later."

She nodded. "It is indeed a small world."

"You never mentioned that you were a doctor." He pointed out.

"You never asked but I had figured that you were related to the military. Somehow, your house décor kind of gave it away." She replied with a soft smile.

"So I assume that when you mentioned that you got a raise at work you meant being recruited into the military ranks." He said with certainty.

She nodded. "I actually got this job just last week."

This made Richard think a little bit more. He didn't know anything about her and she had been chased by a group of potential killers whom she said wanted to 'take' her. What did she mean by 'take?' Did she know those people? It couldn't be that she knew them but how did they know she was joining the army? He was tempted to voice out his questions but he refrained from doing so; he didn't want to probe too much into her personal matters.

They walked outside together while they discussed some trivial things. Richard turned to her and asked, "So, did you meet your friend? Did he allow you to stay in his house?"

She nodded. "Yes, I can stay there as long as I want to. Thanks for helping me back then."

"There's no need though you still owe me several things you 'took' from me." He hinted.

She chuckled lightly. "I only borrowed them and I'll return them in due time."

"Aren't you going back to your house?" he asked.

"I'm not sure but I plan on getting a few soldiers to check out that place and I also plan on getting a few guards as well." She revealed.

They came out of the building they were at and the door opened after the A.I. verified their identities.

"What's next for the team?" he asked.

"Well… Colonel Brad…"

"Call me Richard." He cut her midsentence.

"Richard, I'll run a few fitness tests on all the team members and then recommend appropriate dietary plans for you. This should go a long way in helping out in your physical and mental build."

"Is that necessary?" he asked sceptically, feeling that his former team doctor didn't make them go through such a hassle.

"Don't worry, it's just protocol." She smiled.

Richard and Priscilla walked together till they arrived at where he had parked his car. He stopped and turned to her. "Are you coming?"

She knitted her eyebrows. "Where?"

"I remembered the last time we met you promised to treat me to lunch so we meet again and your promise must stand." He smirked.

She groaned. "I made that promise because I felt we'd never cross paths again. Let's go then." She thanked her lucky stars that she had squeezed a few dollars from Donald otherwise she won't even be able to buy herself lunch. She took one last look at the large army headquarters as far as her eyes could see.

The military trucks that drove around, the soldiers that walked around the yard and those who were doing some warm ups under the hot sun. She nodded to herself as she had finally achieved step one of her plan.


Richard brought her to a restaurant where they ordered their lunch. He didn't have a favourite place and he actually ate at random places or sometimes he would settle for the HQ's free lunch. He, however, rarely ate lunch and he was sure that when he returned home Lilly would've prepared a feast for him so he wasn't always worried about food except during missions.

They sat down and ate their food in silence which was broken when Richard spoke up. "You know this food tastes even better when someone buys it for you! So delicious."

"I'm glad you like it!" she replied with her voice oozing sarcasm.

"How did you get in? I mean the military; it's usually hard to get the role of lead doctor here." He asked noting that she was young.

"A few connections and bribes here and there." She replied lazily not bothering to hide anything.

Richard chuckled a bit finding her a little funny. "You must have dreamt of being in the military for too long to do that."

"You can't imagine it in the slightest." She smiled. He couldn't imagine how long she had dreamt of this day and finally her dreams and hard work were paying off. Her mission was more important and she had to find a way to get round any obstacles.

"What makes the military so attractive? You know it's not all roses here."

"Exactly that," she pointed her spoon at him and smiled. "I need the challenge, the excitement and of course to get to meet soldiers with good abs."

Richard laughed, the first genuine laughter she heard from him for the past two days. "I guarantee that you'll be great friend with Pauline, she shares your vision."

"My turn," she said and cleared her throat. "So, why did you choose to join the army?"