
She said her goodbye at the HQ's gate and waited for Richard to drive past her and out of sight before she started walking along the street with her hand fiddling for her phone.

She made a call; it was Donald who had left her one of the few missed calls. He answered on the third ring. "Hey babe, are you busy?"

"No, why'd you call?" she asked.

"I wanted to inform you that I'll run late tonight so don't wait up for me okay?"

Priscilla scoffed in a disgusted tone. "I would never wait up for you nor worry for you besides; I have something to do and might run late as well."

"Thanks for the care," he replied sarcastically. "What are you doing?"

"I need to go meet K9."

"What?" she could tell the worry in the doctor's tone. "Are you crazy or what?"

"I'll be fine remember, I'm a member of K9."

"Fine, just have your phone on standby in case you need rescuing. Your stupid soldier friend might not be there this time."

"Are you jealous? You should be because he has the most awesome body!" she spat back to spite him.

"You suck. I have to go, this surgery is giving me major vibes." He disconnected the call without saying anything else.

Priscilla sighed and dialled another number. The person on the end had a cheery voice. "Long time no see, love."

She scowled, "keep your f*****g greetings up your asshole you son of a b***c! We need to meet right now."

The person on the other end chuckled. "It's good you still remember me after all these months."

"Tell me where to meet you and send a car you…" she didn't know which curse word that would fit this particular situation so she let her words trail off.

"Fine, I'll send a car. We'll talk in forty." He ended the call. She only waited for a few minutes before a black car pulled over and a muscular man with a stoic face peeked out and asked, "Confirmation passcode of the day, miss?"

"F**K your grandma!" she pulled the door open and got in. the driver and the muscular man shook their heads, she still had the temper tantrums didn't she?


They soon arrived at the house where she was supposed to meet with K9. K9 had many hideouts which served as their headquarters and this was the reason she would need to request an appointment anytime she had to pay a visit.

She only knew a few of those places and there was no guarantee that K9 would be here in a given time so it was just a gamble if you tried to find them without an invitation or appointment.

She knocked on the door and someone opened up and she went over to the wall escorted by the two who came to pick her up. They had ear pieces on and could communicate with each other at any given time.

She wasn't surprised by such high security despite the fact that it was just her visiting. She pushed a spot on the wall and a brick protruded and she pulled it out and pressed a combination of the green keys that was embedded inside.

The wall on the opposite side opened up revealing a sealed elevator and she entered. It brought her directly underground though it felt like she was in a highly advanced Secret Service HQ.

The moment her eyes caught the man she was looking for, she lashed out and punched him hard on the face, "you son of a b***h! Your men almost killed me last Friday!"

The man massaged his aching jaw with one hand and smirked. "Their orders weren't to harm you but to bring you here but you made things quite difficult for them."

"Really? Shooting at me the moment they saw me isn't something to be worried about?"

"Look, you disappeared for a long time and we never heard from you. Don't you think I have the right to be worried about my asset?"

"I am nobody's asset!" she held back the urge to strike his ridiculous face again.

"Noted but I want to know why you went radio silent." He proceeded to pour two glass of wine.

"This," she slammed a paper on the table and toppled the glasses but the man didn't mind. He, instead, took the paper and looked at it curiously.

It was her recruitment letter from the army that she received the previous week. "You went missing for eight months because of this?"

"Yes, Ralph, and you should know that's a bigger priority than you seeing my face every few days!" she was pissed that he wouldn't trust her and had to send his men to hunt her like a criminal.

"Good job Killer 7, you've done well. Now the next phase is to get all the information we need on the military and strike when they are at their weakest."

His smile reached to his eyes making him resemble a hungry wolf. This made Priscilla have a rethink on the meaning of the name of the group, K9. It meant Canine but it was shortened as such. Her code name was Killer 7.

"I have already infiltrated the military and will begin the main objective but I need to know the rest of the detail."

Ralph shook his head. "Don't worry, you've done enough. Just get us the information we need timely then Killer 4 will handle the rest."

She nodded and turned to leave seeing that the reason she came here had been resolved. She stopped and added, "another thing, tell your men to stay away from my house!"

"Noted again, Killer 7. However, you should not go back there in the meantime. Some uniformed brats were seen patrolling the premises."

She whiplashed at him but feigned ignorance. Was it Richard? Was that why he insisted to go early so he could check her house? She was grateful. She nodded and left the building.

The moment she was outside, she pressed her ear piece and said over the communication channel, "Filler 5 to command, K9 is plotting something against the military. You need to act fast." She ended the communication with a smile on her face as she got a taxi and headed for Donald's place.