God Of Seduction

After the tour ended, General Gordon gave them permission to leave. Priscilla exhaled deeply and it caught Richard's attention.

"Hungry?" he asked.

"We just ate not too long ago and that was supposed to be lunch." She looked at the wall and asked, "Maya, what's the time?"

The screen lit up, "it's currently 2:45p.m."

"You really love the A.I. don't you?"

Priscilla shrugged nonchalantly. "It's… I mean she's already here so why not get used to using her?" she had noticed how the A.I. disliked being called 'it'.

"It's time for your medical then?"

"Exactly," she said brightly. "We'll be doing that at the training centre while the rest will be carried out by me in the medical lab."

They walked on till they reached the front door and Maya confirmed their identities before opening the door for them to leave. The sun was still high up in the sky but it was less hot than it was a few hours ago.

Priscilla's phone rang and she excused herself from Richard and answered, "Yes, Donald."

"Please don't hang up!"

"I wouldn't have answered the call if I intended to hang up."

Donald breathed a sigh on the other end. "Will you have dinner with me tonight?"

Priscilla glanced at the sky for a short while.

"I want to take you out tonight."

"Sure." She replied.

"Awesome. I'll text you the address."

Priscilla ended the call and continued walking towards Richard who was now far away almost at the training centre.

She had to jog a bit to catch up and by the time she arrived she was slightly damp and breathing irregularly.

"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting." She apologised but received groans as a response. She rolled her eyes and took a clip board from her bag. "Let's begin. I'll be testing your fitness, mental state and health so we will know how well we will use your talents."


The medical lasted for three hours straight. It turned out to be not so boring for the soldiers. It was no different from their regular exercises except for the rounds of questionings.

They took their bags and left the training centre. Soon it was only she and Richard left. She put her things away and prepared to leave.

"Do you need a ride?" Richard asked.

She shook her head. "I'm meeting up with someone later."

"Okay. Be safe." He adjusted his bag and hesitated a bit. He didn't know why he was hesitating but somehow he felt like he didn't want to leave or that he hadn't done something.

"You too, it could get dangerous at times."

"I'm more than able to defend myself."

"Don't let the A.I. think you're all capable and exclude you from her safety programme. Right Maya?"

The lights in the training centre buzzed a portion of the wall lit up with words, "absolutely Dr Harris."

"Impressive, she can even project herself where there's no screen." She looked at the fading words with deep thoughts. She was indeed trying to test the limit of the A.I.

Richard left together with her and they separated outside. She took a cab and headed to 'Falling Petals'. The restaurant was excellent and top class. She arrived there and was led by someone to their reserved table.

Donald was already waiting for her. The moment he saw her he got up and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "You're just in time."

Priscilla smiled and sat down opposite him. She took the menu and scanned through it. After a moment of silence, she said, "I'm sorry for last night."

"Don't be," Donald cut her. "I should be the one apologising to you. I know that the situation with K9 is very delicate and it's important to you yet I still flipped."

"It's okay but let's not talk about K9 tonight."

"Agreed. How was your first official day at the military HQ?"

This time she sighed heavily as if she had met with a mountain of problems. Donald had known her since the fourth year in high school and he knew very well that she would often sigh like that before a very nasty test.

"It was all good. New tech, the soldiers are very nice and Richard too. They have good bodies and during the medical I was all eyes on them."

"And I'm the pervert?" Donald asked with a deflated expression.

"Don't start; everyone knows you're an actual walking, talking womanizer." She held up the menu to his face threateningly.

"And what's with this Richard guy? His name has popped up from your mouth more than anyone's in two days!"

"That's because he's cute and strong and handsome." She replied simply.

"Then you should like me too since I'm all those things you mentioned."

"You're not muscular." She added.

Donald threw his hands up in annoyance. "What will it take me to succeed in seducing you?"

"You want to know?"

"By all means!" he said and waited to for her to tell him. An answer that wasn't forthcoming.

They ordered food but just as they were eating, Donald froze in place. Priscilla traced his line of sight to a lady at the opposite side of the restaurant. She wore a black dress with shiny crystals hanging on them. The dress was short and with her seating posture it revealed her peerless thighs for Donald to feed on.

She didn't have the best facial features but she had a certain level of allure to her. She was talking with the man beside her and his hand was now touching her back seductively.

"Hello?" Priscilla snapped her fingers pulling him out of his fantasies. Only God knew what dirty thoughts filled his head right now.

"Can you forgive me and give me ten minutes? I want to have a quickie with that gorgeous goddess over there."

Priscilla narrowed her eyes and said, "You invited me for dinner and you're leaving me hanging?"

"Only ten minutes and don't entertain any other man while I'm gone."

Priscilla wondered how he was going to seduce a lady he just met today and sleep with her under ten minutes but she decided that it was fun to watch. She sat back and watched.

Donald approached their table and smiled at the lady. He said something and squatted down beside her while removing the man's hand from the lady's back slowly. The lady giggled a bit. He then said a few more things.

It took only two minutes for the lady to stand up and leave her man and follow Donald out—towards the toilets….

Priscilla sighed and said, "He's truly worthy of being called the god of seduction."