A Kiss As A Bet

Priscilla followed his lead and they did push ups till she was again exhausted. She slumped to the floor and took deep, heavy breaths to regain her strength. "How are you able to go on?"

Richard smirked. He kept pushing himself up. He didn't seem tired or close to being tired. "I'm stronger than I look and I have years of experience."

"Oh really, can you carry something on your back while doing that?" she asked sitting up.

"What do you have in mind?" Richard asked hesitantly. He was aware that she could suggest to put the balls on his back while he did the push ups.

Priscilla smiled. "I was thinking you could carry me on your back while you did that."

Richard stopped for a while then grinned. "I can carry ten of you."

"We'll see." She got up and sat on his back. He didn't flinch or seem tense. He was as strong as ever.

"Are you ready?" he asked. When he was sure that she was ready he continued with his push ups with the usual strength and speed he did at first. It was almost as if she wasn't on his back.

"It seems like it will take too long to wear you out. I might as well sleep on your back." With that she rested her body on his back.

Richard felt her soft body press into his own and two soft bumps pressed into his back. He felt load of electricity shoot through his body, heating him up. His body tensed up and his arm shook and he lost control and fell on his face on the floor.

He feigned heavy breaths. "I take it back. You're really heavy!"

Priscilla got off his back unaware of the feelings she had just triggered in him. She smiled, "should I be happy that I wore you out or pissed that you called me heavy?"

"Think whatever you want as long as you don't say that you made me tired." He sat up and rubbed his arm. His hand was still trembling a bit. Due to the fall, his shirt had lifted a bit but it took only a few seconds before he pulled his shirt down.

"We should continue on the Punch Thrower." He suggested.

"Let's do it!" she was very enthusiastic about the Punch Thrower. She jogged towards one of the hanging punching bags that were connected into a large pillar. The pillar had a screen at the top with a pointer which measured the force of the punch that hit the bag.

Priscilla paused and turned to face Richard with a smile on her face. "Let's make this more interesting by placing bets."

Richard thought about it deeply and felt like there was nothing he could lose if he did as she suggested and if he disagreed then he'd lose nothing either. He simply shrugged, "if I win against you then I'll treat you to dinner tonight."

Priscilla found Richard's train of thought very amusing. He wasn't betting on her but on himself and the prize of winning was indirectly an evening with him. She clicked her tongue and considered the offer calmly and then she settled on her own bet.

"Accepted," she said. "But if I win against you then you'll give me a kiss."

She figured that using his method was a very fun thing to do. She said that with two things in mind. Today, probably due to training together, she found this Colonel irresistible. She felt that using the punching exercise as an excuse to get a kiss from him wasn't a bad idea.

On the other hand she felt that there was no way she'd win against the Colonel who's had years of practice with the pillar.

However, despite her thoughts, Richard had frozen in place again with his arm quivering a bit. 'Did she just use a kiss as a wager?' he thought not sure he heard her well.

It took him a minute to get a hold of himself and ask, "Agreed. Who's going first?"

"I'll go first." Priscilla said and stepped forward. She pulled her hand back and threw a fist at the punching bag. She watched as her fist connected and the pointer moved fast then slow till it landed on 45 Newton!

"45. Not bad." Richard praised. He stepped forward and aimed a punch at the bag. He swung his fist and it connected. The pointer flew all the way and landed on 44.8 Newton!

"I won?" Priscilla was stunned as first but when she realised that she had indeed won she was ecstatic. She pumped her fist. "I won, I won!"

Richard stared at the Punch Thrower again in a daze before turning to Priscilla with a stoic face. "I was really looking forward to asking you out on a dinner."

Priscilla felt her stomach tighten a bit. She won which meant she had to kiss him. For some unknown reasons she felt tiny hands grab her stomach. This had never happened before. Not even in front of K9 or Donald had she felt so nervous.

"Maybe a kiss will suffice?" she asked stepping closer. A bet was a bet. She had to go through with it. That plus the fact that she had wanted it earlier.

Richard didn't object. Their face moved closer and closer till their lips touch. They kissed slowly at first then heatedly, then more intense. It was passionate and warm. It made Richard's arm move involuntarily towards her back and hers towards his neck.

The kiss grew more intense and passionate till it was suffocating. Priscilla pulled away with slight gasps. She became even more nervous. "I should probably get going."

"Yeah, I can drop you off."

"Okay." She accepted with a smile. It wasn't bad. It was good yet she was thinking twice about her impulsiveness. It was so easy for her to feel comfortable around this soldier when she had lived all her life hating every single person that carried a gun.

She wiped her face a bit. If only things were normal. If only she was not working with K9 then maybe she would have given in to this new found feeling. She sighed and followed him out.