
Over the next two weeks things went back to normal. Priscilla was no longer gloomy and she had returned to her habit of going for the team training every day.

The training was doing her good. She was now more agile and stronger. Richard made it a necessity to train her after the normal trainings. It was fun and she anticipated it every day.

She walked into the hospital with a very big smile on her face. She said 'hi' to Mercy—the matron—and moved to take a look at her patient. The one with haemophilia.

The surgery had been pushed back a bit due to her mood but it wasn't a problem. She had taken part in the process and it took a team of ten doctors to treat him successfully. It was hard but they managed his situation and even managed his postoperative shock. He, however, had to stay in the hospital for further monitoring. She looked at his condition and then made her way to Donald's office and discussed a few matters with him before leaving the hospital and heading to the military HQ.

Her house had mostly been cleared out but she didn't think much of going back there. She seemed to like Donald's condo more and more. That and the pleasure of always being around to foil Donald's little nights of pleasure was enough fun for her. She always made the women he brought home run away with their face shielded. It was somewhat hilarious.

She arrived at the military HQ anticipating a great day.


It would have been a great day if she didn't receive a call from K9. She gritted her teeth and answered the call. "What?"

"Flowers blossom in the rain, miss?" K9 asked.

Priscilla rolled her eyes but tactfully responded. "The metals shall fall in heat. What is it this time?"

"What's your status K7?"

"I'm at the military HQ, why?"

K9 paused for a while then said, "K2 and I have discovered something unnerving about the military."

Priscilla raised her eyebrow and exhaled. "Is it serious?"

"Very," K9 replied. "According to the report the military have something—a new variant of the military exoskeleton—and we have deemed this new development a danger to future plans."

"A new variant? Why?"

"What reasons would the military want to secretly develop a weapon of such calibre if not war?"

"What should I do?"

"Nothing," K9 said with a tensed voice. "So far we aren't sure where the exoskeleton suit is but we suspect it's at the HQ."

Priscilla's mouth fell open. This was too sudden. "I'm sorry but it can't be done."

K9 paused as if annoyed. He, however, continued in a soft voice, "You have already infiltrated the military ranks, K7. You need to find out where they are housing that weapon."

"It's not that easy. They have something here," Priscilla paused and looked around for a while then lowered her voice. "They call it 'Neo-Impulse' and it keeps track of everyone that enters and leaves any particular room. It's too risky."

"Killer 7, are you compromised?"

Priscilla scoffed again and exhaled. "Stars fall on hard rock, K9. I'm not compromised."

"Good. Tell me what you find out."

"I'll get back to you before the end of the day."

"Wait," K9 said abruptly but didn't say anything immediately. It was only after a few seconds that he exhaled and grunted. "Be careful, Killer 7."

Priscilla nodded though coming from him it was a cold comfort. "Copy that, Killer 9."


It took Priscilla a bit of effort and planning to be able to sneak into the corridor that led to the main office. She knew that most files that were marked confidential were kept there. If there was a place the information she was looking for would be kept then it was there.

She crept along the wall. She would call out to Maya after every few metres to test if the A.I. was watching her. Indeed the A.I. would respond the next second to show that she was omnipresent.

Priscilla stood defeated. She had to think of something else but what? The A.I. couldn't be distracted and any attempt to enter the office would be captured by it. She didn't want to be called out for being a spy especially with the tensed war situation in the country.

Only one of two punishments would suffice. Death on the spot or being sent to the military jail. That place was dreadful and most people claim it was worse than death.

Soon someone walked along the corridor as well and was heading her way. She looked around and found the nearest door and waited beside it. She pulled out a small circular disc and pinned it to the wall.

A flash of inspiration came to her. She crouched down for a bit knowing fully well that the A.I. was watching her every move. She pretended to pick something up from the floor while making sure to not get up till the person came close enough. She then stood up and walked away back the way she came. She passed by the man and nodded at him and he nodded back. They walked past each other but Priscilla kept eyeing him subtly. She pressed a button on the small remote that she held and the small disc she had attached to the wall produced thick white fumes.

The fumes were so thick and they spread along the corridor. It was enough to blind even the A.I. She smiled and when the white fumes swallowed her up she dashed towards the man she had passed and immediately knocked him out.

He pulled him along to the office door which was also blocked by the thick fumes. She placed his ID and the door clicked open. Fortunately, Maya didn't enforce a lock down on the floor.

She sighed in relief. Her plan was to use the smoke to blind Maya then make it believe that it was the man who had entered the office since it was his ID that was registered. This way, she would be at least 70% out of the picture.

She dashed into the room. Maya was probably looking to see what was happening and might alert the other soldiers.

She looked around the office and saw the computer on the table. It probably needed a password. She stood there for a few seconds before reaching out to the computer. It indeed asked for a password!