Flames Of War

It was already 7p.m. when Priscilla arrived at the location that K9 had sent to her. The car stopped by the side of the road and she had to walk over to the house. The guards asked her for the day's code before letting her in.

She was directed into a small hall with a long table in the inner rooms. In there she saw several high ranking members of K9. Even Ralph was here and he sat at the head of the table.

"Killer 7, you're finally here. We can continue." K2 turned to their leader, K9 and he nodded to indicate that he agreed for the 'meeting' to continue.

Priscilla took her seat and cleared her throat. "What's the situation like?"

The other man at the farther end shook his head. "Not very promising as it stands."

"We might be looking at a war outbreak here," this time a lady spoke up. Her uniform had a badge with 'K4' written on it. She glanced at K9 who nodded in agreement.

"With the military secretly building a weapon then it is likely we will have another war."

"Isn't that a good thing?" Priscilla asked with raised eyebrow. "I thought you hated the military and wanted to 'overthrow' them?"

K9 shot her a look then scoffed. "It might be to our advantage but with the nuclear powered military suit then the military might gain the upper hand."

"So, we must take the suit?" Priscilla asked.

"Yes," K8 replied solemnly. "We will put the military in utter chaos and reveal to them that we're one step ahead of them."

Priscilla nodded.

"That isn't the only thing we've come to understand." K9 added and pressed a remote and a projection appeared.

Priscilla squinted her eyes as she saw the chemical compounds that floated around messily. She recognised the pattern.

"We think that the military are keeping the Monitor in Base 52." K6 pointed at the projection.

Priscilla tapped the table pensively as she looked at the chemical formula. "The Monitor, huh? Where did you get the blueprint?"

"We don't have the blueprint to reverse engineer this but we do have half the formula."

"You now understand why we need to double cross the military? Having a military suit with a nuclear core and the Monitor at the same location can't be a coincidence."

Priscilla frowned. "You don't think they plan to use the Monitor do you?"

K9 shook his head with a smile and pointed at the projection. "A biochemical substance with Nano explosives embedded in it and tiny locators. This thing was used to kill a lot of soldiers whom the country deemed as 'deserters'!"

Priscilla nodded. The Monitor was created as a safety measure after the war broke out between the three countries over Gavdos. Most of the Crevanian soldiers had been ambushed and captured and made to spill state secrets while the others had defected and became 'deserters'.

The military produced the Nano explosives with a location system that could track the soldiers on dangerous missions. In the event that they were captured, they had to press only one button and the bio-explosives would kill all the captured soldiers or traitors.

"When do we strike?" Priscilla asked seeming a little too eager to start the mission.

"Not yet," K5 raised a finger at her. "We still need to lay low for now. Your little stunt at the military HQ might have raised flags. I bet the military are suspicious."

K9 nodded. "That's right. In fact, we need to be careful next time and not be impulsive. We will gather more information on Base 52 to aid our chances of success. K7, when the time comes you'll be very vital to the plan."

K15 nodded seriously. "We'll need an inside man to break the military defences so we can break in."

Priscilla nodded. "I understand. Is there something else?"

"We shall discuss further details in the next meeting. We have to prepare and make everything work in sync." K9 informed. His gaze was on Priscilla and it made her tense up a bit. Somehow she recalled how he had held a gun to her temple about 15 years ago.

She shook her head as she wiped off the images that came to her mind. She clenched her fist under the table as she listened to K9 give more instructions to the team members.

After a short discussion among the other members, K9 clapped his hand loudly to get everyone's attention. "That's it for now people. Go home, eat, sleep, rest and relax. Prepare for the biggest military heist so far in Crevania!"

It cheered the team members on.

Priscilla was shown out. Somehow she had a weird feeling that things might not go smoothly for the team this time around. They were planning on stealing a military exoskeleton suit from a military base of operations that was used to do secret experiments and testing!

That base was bound to have tons of soldiers guarding it.

She heaved a sigh. It was necessary to steal that suit. That thing had the potential to become a tipping point in the already tensed situation. It could lead to another war outbreak.

If that exoskeleton suit was, however, in K9's hands then it would ensure a smooth journey to over throwing the military though she wasn't particularly interested in that aspect. All she wanted was revenge….

She returned to Donald's condo and surprisingly though, he was reading a book seriously. She didn't have company today. She walked in and sat on the opposite chair.

Donald raised an eyebrow. "K9 again?"

She nodded. "He contacted me but it's nothing serious."

"I hope it isn't."

"Everything will be fine." She assured.

Donald nodded but added, "I wish you'd stay away from them."

She smiled bitterly and said, "have you ever heard the saying 'once you're in you can't get out'?" she sighed. "It was I who brought myself to them in the first place and I intend to see it to the end."